Page 57 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 57

Summary.                                   xli

                     Katnro of document*             8urmnary.               Raxia**.
     ■'•S.’ilW”        or paper*.

    O.»mbroon Factory,   Francis Wood, to the Agent   Insolent treatment of Wood by Mccr Mobana and hia soldiers.
     Diary No. 7 of   and Couno'l at Gombroon,   Expulsion of Wood from Bunder-Rig. Wood proposes build­
                                     ing a defensible house at this pmt for fear of tlio Dutch
     1765-67, page 82.  18th Novomber 1766 (Baud-
                 orik Roadj.         ongrosfing the whole trado. Wood’s objection to an expedi­
                                     tion against Cungoon.
    Gombroon Factory,   Alexander Douglas, to Francis   Enquiring by what way a-houso could be built at Bunder-Rig.
     Diary No. 7 of   Wood, 6th Docembcr 1766.  Wood to follow the orders of the Presidency abovo quoted
     1766-67.                        os to settling at Banda Rig.
   Gombroon Factory,   Francis Wood, to Alexander   Bandar-Rig is a eligible place for a factory, which the Dutch
     Diary No. 7 of   Douglas (Gombroon), Oth   will soenre if the English do not. In the present unsettled
     1766-67, page 87.  Docomber 1766.  state of tlio country, however, nothing could be done with
   Poblio Department.  Agent and Council at Gom-   Abandonment of the projected expeditions against Bandar-Rig
     Diary No. 30 of   troon, to the Presidency, 7th   «nd Congun. Difference of accounts bctw.en Shaw and
     1767, page 6.  December 1756.   Wood.

                                    THIRTEENTH PERIOD 1037-1762. STRUG­
                                     GLE BETWEEN KARIM KHAN AND HIS
                                     RIVALS ENDING IN HIS FAVOUR. DIS­
                                     TURBANCES AT GOMBROON. OPPRESSION
                                     OF JAFFAR KHAN OF LARS, BROTHER OF
                                     THE CHIEFTAIN.     BENT-MAIN ARABS-
                                     MULLA ALI SHAH. BRITISH FACTORY AT
                                     GOMBROON DESTROYED BY THE FRENCH.
                                     DECISION TO ABANDON THE FACTORY.
   Public Department,  Agent and Council at Gom­  Mulla All Shah and several Arabs proceed to Ormuz and other
    Diiry No. 30 of   broon, to the Presidency, 2 3rd   islands. Indiguation of Nasir Khan at this step.
    1767, page 450.  November 1767.
                LXXXVIII. LXXXIX &
   Public Department,  The Court of Directors, to the  Shi ipping arrangements. Consignments. Sales. Miscarriage
    letters from the   Agent and Council at Gom­  or despatches in Turkey. War in Europe between
    Court of Directors,  broon, 11th Fobruary 1750,   France and England. Threatened despatch of a French
    Volume 3 of 1742-   25 th Maroh 1757, 29th to the East. Precautions to be taken in the Gulf.
    1F00, pages 49,   March 1768.    Instructions as to sales and trade.
    67 and 65.
   Publio Department.  Agent and C»unoil at Gom­ Civil wars in Ispahan. Mulla Ali Shaw still at Ormuz.
    Diary No. 31 of   broon, to the Presidency,
    1768, ptgs 62.  11th January 1768.
   Poblio Department,  Agent and Council at Gom­ Appearance of a Frenob warship in the Gulf, anchoring off
    Diary No. 31 of   broon, to the Presidency,   Larak island.
    1768, psgs 160.  lbth January 1768

   Publio Department,  Agent ond Council at Gom­ Movement of the French warship. The Company’s ships sent
    Diary No. 31 A. of   broon, to the Prosidenoy,   to watoh. Wars between Karim Khan and Hossan
    1758, page 386.  23rd June 1758.  Khan, on whose side is Sheikh Nasir Koan. Fort of Hamid,
                                     held by Sheikh Nasir’s men, captured by Meor Mutually an<*
                                     Assecn Fort commanded by Reis Abdul for Sheikh Nasir
                                     attacked by Mullah Ali Shaw, an enemy of Sheikh Nasir.
                                     Mullah Ali Shaw's conduot viewed with surprise. He brings
                                     Porrian ships from Ormuz with the alleged ohjeot of assisting
                                     hia son-in law, Sheikh Rama, against Imaum of Maskut.
                                     Conduot of the Commander of an English sketch in letting it
                                     out to the Imaum regarded as again»t the principle of non-
  Publio Department,   Agent and Counoil at Gom-
    Diary No. 31 A. of   broon, to the Presidency,   Mahommed Velly Khan sent by Karim Khan towards Gom»
    1769, page 60.                   broon. Ho plundore the country. Detention of tho Vipmr
                 10th December 1758.  ut Gombroon.
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