Page 62 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 62

                                   Natan ct doronuoU             Summary.
                                      or pi pan.                                         Kitfixx*.
                  Basrah Factory,   Government of Bombay to  Order* on tho affair* of 8haw and Garden. Government
                    Diary No. yjg of   Audrev Price and Dymoka   satisfied that thoy wero not guilty of dishonesty toward* t bo
                                                   Company' but thoy aro held blameablo for breach of ordors
                    1764, psgs 4.  LyaUr, daiod 2Ub Jauuary   Haji Yuiaf hold indobted to tho Company for tho
                                                   amount in quoation. 8haw and Garden held r«*spon-
                                                   aiblo for its payment. Shaw ordered to tho Prosidono.y and
                                                   Gordon reinstated in tho sorvioo until tho Court's ordors aro
                                                   known. Detention of oraisera at Biurah for a long period
                                                   and a source of .serious inoouvcnlenco at tho Presidenor.
                                                   Crosiers not to be dotuinod more than ono month. Mr.
                                                   Jorvis's request for latty at Bushiro doclinod. Sixth articlo
                                                   of tho grant obtained from 8i\dduk Khm and confirmed by
                                                   Kaiim Khan (whereby all moichant* prohibited from
                                                   purchasing goods, but with tho Consent of tho Chief;
                                                   disapproved, as such restrictions undesirable. Tho fiiut
                                                   attic Die about exacting specie uuncoessary.
                  Basrah Factory,   Court of Directors to tho Bom­  Ordering dismissal of Shaw and tho transfer of Gardon to the
                    Diary No. 2 of   bay Government, dated 8tb   Presidency.
                    1364—1766.  November 1761.
                  FsUie Depaitment,   Letter to the Resident, dated  Sending romarks of tbo Accounts Commit too, and intimating
                    Diary No. 42 of   24th January 176*.  appointment of an acoouutant for the Residency at Bushire.
                    1764, page 62.

                  Poblio Department   Order of the Bombay Govern­ In order to pnt the customs and consulAga at Bu-Jiiro upon
                    Diary ho. 42 of   ment, dated 2nd April 176*.  the same footing a< at the ngenoy, one per cent. cousuUge
                    1764, page 121.                should be collected at Bushiro for tho President.
                  Poblio Department,   Lett r to the Resident at Bus-  Iniimatin  ig appointment of Mr. Wrench, Agent of the East
                    Diary No. 42 of   hire, date! 16th April 1764.  India •Company in Pertia, to whom tho Resident at
                    1764, page 257.                JBushire should, in future, send all necessary information,
                                                   and whom he should obey in future according to established
                                                  rules of the service.
                  Poblio Department,   Letter from Mr. Jervis, Re*i-_  Intimating the large sale of tin at Bmhiro. A good assortment   I
                    Diary No. 42 of   dent, Bnshire, dated 31st   of scarlet «r aurora porpets required for sale witk coarse
                    1764, page 285.  March 1764.  doth. A Tabriz maund equal to 7 38 of the English pound.
                  Poblio Department,   Consultation dated 16th May Tabriz maunds overrated. Never known they wero reckoned
                    Diary No. 42 of   1764.        more than 6} maunds. To avoid imposition, resolved that
                    1764, page 29A                all sabs and purobasee should bo made by tho English
                  Poblie Department,   Consultation dated 26th J one  Ordering payment of a bill of the broker at Maskat for provi­
                    Diary No. 42 of   1764.       sions supplied to Gombroon sepoys.
                    1764, paga 381.

                   Poblio Department,   Letter from Bnshire, dated 27th  Great demand for tsarlet perpets. No sale of them separata from
                    Diary No. 43 of   August 1764.  cloth being allowed; demand declined. Karim Khan con­
                    1764, page 671.               firmed 8addu Kban'e grants and asked assistance ogainst
                                                  Meor Mohans, the Arab Pirate of Chief of Bunderik. He
                                                  offered to auign Hi0,000 for two cruisers to bo stationed
                                                  in the Gulf or 1120,000 for one for protoction of trade,
                                                  and offered also the town and government of Bunderik.
                   Basrah F ao t o r y.   Proceedings of the Agent and  Protest of the Dutch Chief at KarraU (W. Baiohman) against
                    Diary No. 2-124   Council, Basrah, dated 8th   the reoent alleged breaking open and plundering tho Dntoh
                    of 1764-66, paga  8«ptember 1764.  factory at Gombroon by the East India Company'■
                                                  servsuts and the agent’s reply.
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