Page 63 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 63
Summary. xlvii
Katuro of documents
"SSWSS* or papers. Summary. BatfiSKs.
Bight _ Ilonry Consullory Birat obtained after considerable difficulty for
Honourable ,
Grenville. British Ambrs-ador the agency at Basrah. Instructions at lo its use, etc.
of 1764 65, p»yo Mt the Portr, to Peter E
Wrenoh, dalod 6th September
Public Department. Consultation doted 0th October Tho Resident directed strictly to conform to the orders not to
Di«»y No. 4< of 1764. sell perpots Foporoto from cloth, as the profits ou the cloth
17W, page 672. were for superior to those on the perpets.
Public Department, Letter to the Resident at Advising despatch of certain g-'ods. Directing that though
Diary No. 43 of Bushiroi dated 4th December '* we could not at present accept Carom Cain's proposals for
1784, page 72U. 1764. stationing a vrssel or two constantly in the Golf, yet if he
(tho Resident) at any time thought it material for our
honourable master's interest to assist him with one occasion
ally, wo permitted, thereof, provided It did not interfere
with auy service the Company might have for them." As
Bushire was an established Residency, the table not to be
kept at tho Company's expense, but Resident allowed R130
per monst-m as diet money and R30 for servants' wages,
and to k«-ep two horses and an assistant. The Resident to
adviso Agent and Counoil at Basrah of all afluira under his
management, and send him copies of all letters to tho Bombay
Government, with all accompanying papers and aooouuts.
Basrah Factory, Basrah Agenoy Consultation, Murder of Captain Sutherland, commanding the Islamabad,
Diary No. 2-194 dated 26th March 1766. and its officeis by Arabs near Magoo, and the plunder of the
of 1764-65, page ship. Tho Arabs reported to have landed on the island of
149. Khist, whose Sheikh, however, seized them and deprived them
of the plund«r, derpatohing them to the Persian coast.
B»«r«b F a o t o r y, Agent and Council at Basrah, Dospatoh of Mr. Garden with presents to the Pasha for settle
Dia< y No. 2-194 to tho Court of Directors, ment of the debt due bv Hadji Yusuf. Difficulties raised by
of 1764-65. dated 25th Alarch 1766. the Paxha about complying with the Imperial Birat. The
Islamabad affair. Assistance asked for by Karim Khan
aeainst Meer Alohana. Relief of the detachments at Bushire
und Basrah.
Basrah Factory, Agent and Council at Basrah, Question of assisting Karim Khan against Meer Mohana.
Diary ho. 2-194 to Benjamin Jorvis, dated
of 1764-66, page 26th March 1765.
Bairah Factory, Extracts from the Diary 1— Measures to be taken against the Kaab by the Tnrki and the
Diary No. of 11, May 1765. English in co-operation with Karim Kl-an. The English
Commanders to be inderanifi-d against loss, and Captain Par
1804-1865, p<ge kinson under'akes to assist with his ship. Movements of
181. Karim Khan's forces into Kaab territory. His sudden
v n to Persia.
Psirah Faetory, Agent and Council at Basrah, Hadji Yusuf's affair*. Capture of the Sally and the Fort
Diary No ^ of to the Government of Bom William by the Kaab. Release of their officers. Captains
bay, 14th August 1765. Philips aud Holland.
1764-66, page 11.
Basrah F actory. Entry let September 1766 The Kaab’s reaions for seizing the Sally and Fort William
Diary No. ± 0f founded on the alleged misappropriation of Maaghil and
othor lands by Air. Shaw.
1765—67, page 1.
B-.srah Factory, Letter from the Presidency to Effective moaaurea to be taken to reduce the Kaab and obtain
Diary No. of Ra<rah, dated 6lh January redress from them. Despatch of the following ships—the
1766. Bombay Grab, Success Fetch,Dolphin and Tyqer (sohoonsr-a
1765-67, page 105. Wolf (gullivat) and Fame etoreship, with 60 European'
infantry, 16 artillery moo, 160 aopoye and 25 laacare under
the command of Captain Leslie Brewer. Restitution also to
bo o-aoted for the treaaure and effects taken from the Islam