Page 66 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 66

1                                 SUMMARY.

                 Kim of Iht book or   N stars of dooamonl*
                   folroi of tbo   or psptrt.                 Bammsij.                BSmsSKS.

                Basrah Factory   Agent and Council st Biirah  Despatch of Mr. Skipp to 8hirax. Parses granted to country
                                                vends by the agont whioh would protect them from Mcor
                 Diary No     to the Court of Directors, 6th
                              Fobiuary 1706.    Mohana. Quortion as to levy of diatoms at liushiro by
  I              1807*1808, p. 895.             tbo Companion country vessels "trading under our colours
                                                and passes.”
                Basrah Factory   Letter from the Proiidenoy to  Despatch of floot and Marino force for tho redaction of Karrak—
                                                intention to ocoapy tho island aftor taking it: tho Dutoh
                 Diary No.-~ of   Basrab, dated 16th January   olaims to it based on a lease to bo superseded by grant fiotn
                 1709, p.621.                   Karim Khan lo tho English. Moor Mohana’s and Karim
                                                Khan's character compared. Guard vowel for tho Gulf.
                                                Appointments in plaoo of Lystor and Bawyear. liaji Yusuf's
                                                do sot.
  !             Basrah Faetory   Letter from Mr. Skipp, dated  Agreement with Karim Khan and grant of the island of
                              Shiraz, 10th April 1708, lo
                                                 Aarrak to (he English on its reduction. Compensation to
                 Diary No.-y^- of
                              the agency.        the East India Company for its expenses. Rooorory of com*
                 1768, p. 02.                   pensatiou from the Kaab.
 ;                                CLXXYI.
                Basrah Faetory   Translate of the Yakil'e grants.
                 Diary No.-jJj- of
                 1768, p.620.
                Basrah   Factory  Letter from Commanders of  Failure of the attack on Karrak.
                 Diary    of  the fleot, dated 21st May 1768,
                             to the agency.
                 1768, p. 718.
                Basrah Factory  Letter from Commanders of the  Ambuscade on the island of Corgo, where a party of tbs
                 Diary No.-jJf of   fleet, dated 26th May 1768.  Company’s officers and sepoys bad landed from the Cruisers;
                                                neatly all of them cot to pieces by Meer Mohana's people.
                 1768, p. 766.
                Baarah Faetory   Despatch from Court of I’ireo*  Observations on the proceedings in the Gulf—operations against
                 Diary No. ~-of   tors to the agency, dated 2od   Ormuz and Meor Mohana not approved. Rosidenoy ought
                             Maroh 1768.        to bare been removed from Bushire.
                 1768, p. 839.

                Basrah Faetory   Agent and Counoil at Basrah  Failure of Mr. 8kipp's sooond mission, and his return to
                 Diary No.-^j-of   to the Preaidenoj, dated SOih   Bushire. His alleged frauds. Allegations against Karim
                              October 1768.     Khan. Despatoh of his troops to Genowa. The English
                 1768-1769, p. 106.             fleet keeps aloof. Piracy of the 8peedwell by Moer Mohana’s
                Secretariat Inward   Letter from Mr. Jarnea Morley,  Revolt of the Arabs at Karrak against Meer Mohana. He
                 Litter Book No.   Resident at Bnsbiie, dated   escaped from the island with a fow followers.—At the invi­
                 23 of 1769-70, p.  4tb February 1769.  tation of the conspirators Zakey Khan sent men to taka pos­
                 62.                            session of the property of tbe Meer, which with the island
                                                w&s to be delivered to Karim Khan. The Resident proposed
                                                to take possession of the effects himself as an indemnity for
                                                the loss inflicted by the Meor on the English by his depreda­
                                                tions. The Resident for this purpose intended t > leave J7y-
                                                shire on the plea of the order given by the Agent and Coun­
                                                cil. The 8heikh of Bushire wished howevor to await the
                                                orders of Karim Khan, and if thev did not arrivo by a certain
                                                date to let the Resident leave. The Utter was preparing.
                Public Department,   Letter to the Resident at Bn-  Expressing surprising of tbe Governor in Counoil at tbe extra­
                 DUry No. 63 of   •birr, datsd 22u<l March 1769.  ordinary proceedings of tbe Resident, whioh would lead to a
                 1769. p. 392.                  rupture with Karim Khan, whioh would bo totally Inconsis­
                                                tent with the Company's interests. The Company could
                                                have no right whatever to offsets of Meer Mohana, as tho
                                                Island was voluntarily surrendered to Karim Kbau.

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