Page 68 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 68

lii                            SUMMARY.

                      Ninnef ihs book or   Ntlart cl dotutnsols
                        VoUms *1 «bi   or pspsr*.                Sutrotrj.            Hivtau
                         B*«o< it.
                     Publio Department   Orders of tho Gorornor and   The advicoi of event* in Turkish Arabia confirm the justness
                      Diary No. 04 of   Council, dated 10th Novem-   of the Committee's viowr, on which tho Gorornor and Cuuocil
                       1769, p. 708.  bor 1709.    oooour.

                                                  THE FUTKENTH PERIOD 1770-1770. NEGOTIATIONS
                                                   WITH KAltIM KHAN. PLAGUE AT BASRAH.
                                                   BASRAH TAKEN BY THE PERSIANS. RE-ESTAB­
                                                   LISHMENT OK FACTORY AT BUSH IRE. BU8HIRE
  I                                    cxc.        RESILIENCY l-EPARATED FROM THAT OP BASUAll.
                     Publio Department   Orders nf tho Governor and   It appeared to the Govornor and Counoil that tho establish-
                      Diary No. 15 of   Council, dated 6th February   mant of « factory in Persia would bo necessary in the interests
                      1770. p. 110.  1770.         of tho Company. No direot request should bo made by tho
                                                   agency to Karim Khan, but they could secure an invitation
                                                   fmiu him through Sheikh Nasir, who had recently written
                                                   pres«ing the English to resettle at Uushire. Mr. James Morley
                                                   recently appoiuied as an assistant should in that o«so be sent
  !                                                to Karin) Khau to negotiate tho terms. In the opinion of the
                                                   Governor and Council tho loss tho Company sufFoiod by the
                                                   recent expedition against Karrak was duo mainly to the
                                                   agency having prccmitodly returned tho fleet to Bombay
                                                   without wailiug for Kaiim Khan’s forces. Karim had be­
                                                   haved in a ft loudly manner towards the Eoglish in sevoral
  '                                                instances.
                     Publio Department   Letter from the Couit of  The Court entirely disapprove of any measurt towards re­
                      letters from the   Directors, dated 24th August   establishing the factory at Uvshire or elsewhere in Persia
                      Court of Director*,   1770.  for tbrse reasons : (1) it would be open to dangers os recent-
                      No. 2 of 1742—               lj, (2) the rale at Bssrah would doorcase as from tho
                      1800, p. 137.                Committee's report it appeared that one-third of the woollens
                                                   sold at Basrah found their way to Persia, whilo thoro was not
                                                   a very good prospect of large sales at dushiro, and (3) there
                                                   wonid not an increase in prices at Bushira in proportion lo
                                                   the expenses attending a settlement tbeie, (4) a fortified
                                                   settlement was a most extravagant notion.
 I                   Seereteriat Inward  Letter from the Agent and  The  egenoy had been nndor tho necessity of deferring any
                      Letter I'nok No.   Council at Basrah, Gated Slat   measure for entoriug in to negotiation w th Karim Khan as
                      23 of 1769—70,   August 1770.  ordered. by the Presidency for want of suitablo presents
                      p. 2C8.                      which it was ueoessary to send him in tho first instauoe.
                                                   Fur the same reasons the application recommended to be made
                                                   to Bbeikh Nasir had been put off.
                     Seereteriat Inward   Loiter from Agency at Basrah,  The Eagle and Dolphin ware sufficient in the present situation
                      Letter Book No.   dated 15th October 1770.  of the Gulf. The expedition was therefore sent to the Presi­
 :                    23 of 1769-70.               dency, but i*s ear'y return was required to relieve the
                      p. 245.                      Eagle. A guardship was necessary at Basrah. Karim wsa
                                                   engaged in making large warlike preparations probably
                                                   against AUmedsh&b, King of the Afghans.
 !                                     CXCIV.
                     Basrah Futory   Despatch from Basrah to Court  Culture of an English vessel (Brittanica), a Gogo ketoh under
                      Diary No.~   of Directors, dated 31st   English colours uud * Moskat vessel by Hae-ein Khau,
                                                   Admiral’ of tho Persian fleet. Proposal to dospafeh a
                                  August 1771.
                      of 1771—1773,                squadron to tho Gulf and have reoourse to arras against Karim
                       p.23.                       Khan. Proposed dopotatiou to the Kaab for obtaining
                                       cxcv.       restitution for English losses.
                     Basrah Factory   Despatch from Court of Di-  Condemning the proposal for an expedition to the Gulf tc
                      Diary No. —   reoton, dated lath Novem­  obtain redrew by force of arms, and incurring an expenditure
                                  ber 1771, to the agency.
                       of 1771—1773,               which caonot be justified.
                       p. 131.         OXCVI.
                     Basra Faetory   Agent and Council at Basrah  Break out of plague at Basrah. The Agents and Counoii leave
                       Diary No.—   to the Court «f Directors,   Burah for Bombay.
                                  dated 22od April 1773.
                       of 1771-1773,
                       p. 131.         CXCVII.
                     Basrah Faotory   Despatch to Court of Directors  The Tygtr with Messrs Beaumont and Green on board taken
                       D iary No. y   from Agent and Counoil, dated  by Persian guuboats, and conveyed to Bnnderik.
                                  6th May 1773 (they   on the
                       of 1771-1773,  Drake, Maekat core.
                       p. 162.
                     Baaran Faetory   Letter to the Presidenoy from  Meuri. Beaumont and Green'Jeported to be at Shim and well
                       Diary No.   the Agent and Counoii, dated   treated.
                                  on tb* Revenge at Maekat
                       of 1771-1773,  rove, dated 19lb November
                       p. 166.    1773.
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