Page 73 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 73


        N»tn# of lh« book or  Name of document!                                Bhiiii.
         Voltiinrof th#                                Buuitnarj.
          lUoordi.        or pspeia.

      garret and Political   Resident at Bushiro, to tho   Movements of two Englishmen : Major Morrison (formerly in
       Department Diary  Bombay Government, 6th   tho Company’s service), and Mr. Biggs; Morrison supposed
       No. 86 of 1787,   January 1787.  to bo an Envov of Shah Alum (the Great Mogul) for conclud­
       pugo 41.                        ing a treaty of commorao with tho Persian Government.,
                   Tho Bombay Government to   Approving of the presontB given to Mirza Hosnoin, but Govern­
       Pago 68
                    tho ReBidont at Buahiro, 27th   ment sanotion to bo obtained in future before inourring
                    January 1787.      such olmrges. The movements of the two Englishmen to be
                                       carefully walohod.
      Turkish Arabia Pr<5-   Mr. Manesty to tho Presidency.   Fight between the Sheikh of the Tyo Arabs and tho Turkish
       cis, 1640—1846.  20th February 1787.  Government troops.

      Secret and Political   The Resident at Bushiro, to  Movoments of Messrs. Morrison and Biggs. Jaffor Khan
       Department Diary   the Bombay Government, 9th   roturns to Shiraz.
       No. 35 of J 787,   May 1787.
       paga 41.
      Secret and Political   Farman of Jaflir Khan, 18th  Granting to the English every protection and freedom of
       Department Diary   Jauuary 1788.  trad* in Persia. Agents of the English nation should not
       No. 3S of 1788.                 be required to pay auy customs, presents or money.

        Ditto      Farman of Jaffir Khan, Sep­ Acknowledging the receipt of certain presents and sending a
                    tember 1788.       Kalat to tho Resident at Basrah, offering every protection
                                       to the “ followers of the Messiah " and inviting them to hia
     Secret and Political   Resident at Bushiro, to the  Jaffar Khan assassinated by Syed Murad Khan, who possessed
       Department Diary   Presidency, 11th May 1789.  himself of the Government. Lutf Ali Khan, J attar Khan's
       No. 39 of 1789,                 eldest son, flees to Bushiro to put himself under Sheikh
       page 279.                       Nasir's protection. Sheikh Naair~ dies and hia son Sheikh
                                       Nasir succeeds him. By this new Sheikh’s and two other
                                       Chiefs’ Aasit-tanco Lntf Ali Khun succeeds in marohing to
                                       Shiraz, where ho is welcomed and proclaimed King.
     Turkish Arabia Pre­  Mr. Harford Jones, Joint   Fight between the Turks and the Kaab Arabs.
       cis, 1646-1846.  Faotor at Basrah, to the
                   Presidency, 1st January 1792.
                                      THE SEVENTEENTH PERIOD 1702-1800.
                                       THE KAGGAR DYNASTY SUPREME IN
                                       PERSIA.—THE FRENCH SCARE—THE EM­
                                       BASSIES TO PERSIA—AGENCY AT BAGH­
                        CCXLV.         DAD.
     Secret and Political   Resident at Bushire, to the   Lutf Ali Khan dispossessed of the Government by Aga
       Department Diary   Presidency, 1st June 1792.  Mahomed Shah of the Kajar tribe. Shaikh Naair of
       No. 44 of 1792,                 Bushire makes common cause with the rebels. Meer
       pago 645.                       Ali Khan, Sbeikh of Genowa, placed in the Government of
                                       Bunderik by Lutf Ali Khan, h&a now to revert to his place
                                       Genowa; seige of the island of Karrak belonging to
                                       «2bth.u£i^ KhLt. " °f Bu“d0[lk ! 8h”ik
     Secret and Political   Resident at Bnsbire, to the
       Department Diary   Presidency, 27th July 1792.
       No. 44 of 1792.
     8«cm and Politioal   The English broker at Maekat,
      Department No.   to the Governor „ of Bombay,
       46 of 1793.  17th June 1793.                               pu7:Lnj £551
        3888 F. D.
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