Page 77 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 77
Kama of lb* book or Naturo of dooumeat* Summary. :a-
Yolura. of tbo or pipers.
Secret and Political Governor of Bombay and • Report drawn up by tho Accountant-Goncral and the Custom •Seo Appen
Peparfmont Diary Conned, to Lord Momington, master and otbor matorials on the subject of comraercia. dix G.
No. 86 of 1799, 9th Decoinbor 1799. connection betweon Indio and Persia forwarded to the Govern
pago 6085. ment of India. Opinion of the Bombay Government on tho
point* raised.
Booret and Political Governor of Bombay and Coun Tho papers reforred to sent to Captain Malcolm and instruc
Department Diary oil, to Captain Malcolm, 9th tions to him on tho various poiuts.
No. 85 of 1799. Dccomber.
Ibid Captain Malcolm, to tho Maloolm’s opinion on the proposal to Bend a medical man to
Government of Bombay Mnskat.
(Bombay), 10th December
Secret and Political Government of Bombay, to Instructions to Mr. Baglo proceeding to Maskat as physician
Department Diary Mr. A. H. Bagle, 26th to the Imam jointly with a political capacity.
No. 86 of 1799, December 1799.
page 7056.
Secret and Political Mebdi Ali Khan, to the His splendid reception at Teheran. Tho Shah's order to
Department Diary Governor of Bombay, 21st seize French vessels in the ports on the Persian Coast.
No. 88 of 1800. December 1799.
Ibid Seyyid Sultan, to the Governor Expressing his friendship for the British. Proposing to pur
of Bombay, 21st December chase a ship at Bombay, and asking for our assistance.
1799 (Aurmuz).
Ibid Sheikh Nasir, to the Governor Expressing his friendship for the British.
of Bombay, without date
(reoeived on 4th March 1800).
Ibid Mohomed Huesoin and Khojah The Shah of Persia's projected expedition against Zeman
Arratoon in oharge of the Shah.
faotory at Bushiro, to the
Governor of Bombay, 6th
February 1800.
Secret and Political Captain Malcolm, to the Malcolm's negotiations with the Imam of Maskat. The
Department Diary Governor-General (Earl of agreement signed by him: British Agent to be appointed
No. 89 of 1880. Momington), 1st February at Maskat.
Ibid Captain Malcolm, to the Bom Agreement signed by the Imam. Dismissal ol Freaohmen
bay Government, 4th Febru from his service. The native broker satisfactory.
ary 1800.
Ibid Governor of Bombay, to Mohdi Expressing satisfaction at the progress made by Mehdi AH
Ali Khan, 21st February Khan and desiring that he should now c<£peratewith
Maloolm and to roturn to India with Hail Abdnl TTkIim
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