Page 74 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 74

lviii                            SUMMARY.

                     Nam of Oil book or   Naion of dnrorainli     Bumaitry.
                       Votami of Ibi   or pipin.                                         RawiaKa.

                                 Failia of Baghdad, to the Gover­ Complaint againit Maneaty, wlm had left Basrth and gono to
                    Turkish Arabia Pri­             Grano on aocount of alleged insolent conduct of tho .lows
                     ch, 1040—1846.  nor of Bombay, i793.
                                                   towurds him, and no proper rodrooa havo been granted by
                                                   the Pasha.
                                 The Court of Directors, to tho  Tho ennduot of Maneity diiapprovod by tho Court of Directors
                                 Government of Bombay, 16th   aod his remuval ordored.
  i                              April 1795.
                    Ibid        Govornor of Bombay, to Pasha  Expressing satisfaction at tho happy soltlemoat of the differ­
                                 of Baghdad, 4th November   ences bolwcen tho Pasha and Mr. Manosty.

                    Ibid        The Court of Directors, to  Cancelling the orders as regards the removal of Messrs. Manesty
                                 Mr. Manesty, 1st January   and Harford Jones.

                    Secret and Political   The Bombay Government, to  Movements to be watchod of certain Fronchmon, Eruyore,
                     Department Diary   the Resident at Bushire   Olivier and Abbe Beauchamp; Mona. Dccorches, and of an
                     No. 63 of 1790,   (N. H. Smith), 1st July   Englishman (a suspicions character) Humphries, a companion
                     page 1056.  1796.             nf the last named Frenchman. If they could be seized,
                                                   they should bo sent with their papers to Bombay.
                   Secret and Politb-al   Instructions for Lieutenant  Ordering Lisutonant Skinner to proceed to Maskat and to
                     Department Diary   Ukinnrr, 1st July 1796.  bring tneabovementioned persons if they are found at Maskat
                     No. 62 of 1790                and should be handed over to him bv the Culfan of Maskat
                                                   for whom and whoee master the Imam letters were des­
                   8«ciet and Political   Imam of Maskat, to the Gover­ Assuring the Governor of his friendship for the English.
                     Department Diary  nor of Bombay, 18th January
                     No. 65 of 1797.   1797.
                     page 32.

                    Page 663   .  Governor of Bombay, to Naro-  Declining to onmply with the broker's application for permis­
                                 tarn, the English broker at   sion to import 8alt to Bengal: a license which has not been 1
                                 Maskat, 2oth March 1797.  granted to the Arabs or the Imam, could not bo allowed to
                                                   the broker without ceating jealousy of the former and
                                                   offending the latter. The broker to watoh the French and
                                                   Dutch movements and to do his utmost to oppose their pro­
                                                   ceedings and promote th* Company's aod the English
                    fagr 666   •   .  Ths Governor of Bombay, to the  French and Dutob ships are reported to be visiting Maskot
                                 Imam of Maskat, 26tb March  under Arab colours. The Imam therefore requested to
                                 1797.             prevent the nse of the Arab flag by such ships.

                    B<er»t and Political   The English broker at Maskat,   Tippu Sultana factory in existence at Maskat for «ome 13
                     Department Diary   to tbs Prssidenoy, 37tb
                     No. 69 of 1796,  December 1797.   ’  years. Intercourse between Maskat aod Mauritius.
                     page *47.
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