Page 71 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 71
H«B« of the boob 01 Nstare of documents Bi
Yolotoe o( th» or papers. Summary.
Basrah Faotory Agent and Council to tho Court Oppression of Sadu Khan.
Diary No. ^ of of Directors, dated 23rd Feb
ruary 1777.
Baa rah Factory Phirmaund of Karim Khan Orders for proper treatment of the Company’s oervanta and
rooeivod on 17th March
U ,
Diary No. jyj of 1777. with a letter to Air.
1776-77. Latoucho.
Basrah Factory Tho Court of Directors to the Ordering the abolition of the Basrah agency, and the apDoint-
Bombay Government, dated ment of a Resident, at that place, in case it should be restored
Diary No. of 4th July 1777. to tho Turks.
Basrah Factory Tho Bombay Government to Tho Bushiro and Basrah Residenoioo to bo independent of each
the Agent and Council of other—orders as to thoir future managomeni, eto.
Diary No. jqs of Basrah, dated 2nd August
1776-77. 1778.
Secretariat Inward Lotter from Mr. Beaumont, The Vakil had ordered the Kaab to restore property of Busbire
merchants recently taken by them. Sheikh Abdullah of
Letter Book of Resident, Bashire, datod 6th Ormuz had been iuveigled on a Masket-ship and carried
1778.'p.63. January 1778, to the Presi
dency. prisoner to Maskot. He having attempted to oaptnre two
Busbire dows, the Busbire people had oaptured one of Ormuz
dowa. It was reported that negotiations were in progress for a
peace between Persia and Turkey.
Secret ariat Inward Letter from Mr. Beaumont, Arrival of a large auantity of Ghilan silk at Bushlre. The
Letter Book of Resident, Busbire, datod 6th Kaab had restored the property captured from Buehire people.
1778, p. 108. February 1778, to the Presi- Two persons had come to solicit restoration of the Ormuz aow
dency. taken by the Bushire people, whioh request was expected to
be complied with by the Sheikh.
Secretariat Inward Letter from Mr. Beaumont, Dospatch of the above-mentioned silks to Bombay. Woollens
Letter Bo»k of Resident, Bushire, dated scut by the Drake from Bombay not landed at Bushire, but
1778, p. 214. 12th April 1778, to the Piesi- sent to Basrah as desired by the Basrah Counoil. Great
douoy. demand for perpots, coarse medleys Hnd coarso cloth at Bushire.
A Surgeon badly required at Bushire. Treasure shipped from
Bushire and its freight.
Secretariat Inward Agent and Council at Basrah About despatoh of paokets by way of Aleppo—loss of paokets.
Letter Boole of lo the Presidency, dated Prospects of improvement on accouut of the late revolution
1778, p. 214. 25th May 1779. in Basrah.
Secretariat Inward Letter from Mr. Beaumont, Reporting saok of Puahire by the f?anksoer people. Karim
Letter Book No. dated Bushire, 30th August Khan and his brother Zak«» Khan having died
32 of 1778, 1779, to the Presidency. in 1779, when 8heikh Nasir naa gone down the Gulf
p. 226 Reis Bagar Khan of Tankjeer (Zakey Khan’s
instrument in'persecuting his brother Sadu Khan’s women)
msde his esoape to Bnnderik from the wrath of S»du
Khan and induoed Reis Hamet, Commander of his
troops, to advance against Busbire with 2 or S00 men from
Tankseer. They entered town when it was carelessly euarded
aud oconpied it after little opposition on 30th of June Thev
set fire to severa1 houses. Sheikh Saddun (Sheikh Nasir’;
brother) tamely submitted. The next day, Bagar Khan
marohed Into the town and during 11 days sacked th«
of it. effect, of tha value of 3 or ? lac. of ru£..O.?hf a£
Abul Kath Khan (a son of Karim Khan) sent
oidorlog Bagar Knan to hand over the town a£d h?s plundw
ed property to Sadu Khan and repair to Shirai. Bagar Khjn
fearing the oonse^icnoes fled to one of hia forts wiihtK-
property. He woovered from the people 3 0r 4 000 lh *h
of arrears of oustoms aud 3 or 4.000 rupees worth rupees
with several of their gull.rats, dow. and 3
Genowa, who had a blood feud with him. ““ P«oplo of