Page 67 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 67
JTax'ef or Nature of dooumonta Summary. Bimibzi.
TohlIB# 01 tD« or vapera.
Secretariat Inward Lcttor from Agent nnd Council, Meor Hussein Sultan, Sheikh of Karrak, soemod to bo wavoi in"
between his fear of Karim Kh-«n und his desire to keep jos-
Letter Book No. Basiah, dated 2nd April 1769
23 of 1769-70, (received on 20th May 1769). ecesim of the island : various reports ab»ut bis intentions (1)
to delivor the island to Knrun Khan, (2)'to ask the English
p. 114. to establish a factory thoie, (3) to request tho Imam of
Muskat for aid. Karim Khnu reported to have asked the
Kaao Sheikh to send his Heel to join Persian Sect against
tho Meer, or even against the English tleot should any
attempt bo mado Hgainst carrying t he riohoa from Karr-«k.
It was unnecessary and inadvisable to keep the English fleet
any longor near Karrak. The Agent and Cuunoil therefore
ordered tl<o main portion of tbe squadron down the Gulf—
unless thoro was an opportunity to destroy tho fleets of the
Moor, the Chaub and tno Khan.'Meor Mohana was murdered
by order of the Paiha.
Pahlio Department Consultation of tho Governor Orders passed on letters from Agent and Council, Basrah,
Diaty No. 63 of in Counoil, dated 24th April dated 2O1I1 Deccmbor 1767, 8th March and 21>t April 176U.
1869, p. 477. 1769. Disapproving of tho Agenoy proceedings, thoir omission and
their failure to keep the flaut waiting for the troops of Karim
Khan or to place at their disposal the remaining ships for
being transported to Karrak. It was cloir that Karim
Kh«n was disposed to ofTer favourable terms to the Company,
notwithstanding which the Agent ordered Mr. Skipp to leave
Shiraz, a *tep which was disastrous jn the Company's interests
in tho Gulf. The President and Council were of opinion that
tho disagreeable situation arose from the Agent Mr- Mooro’s
antipathy to Karim Khan, and bis pique against Mr. Shipp.
The proceedings of the Agent and Council were most extra
ordinary and unwarrantable. They ought not to have
attempted to stop communication between Korrak and tho
mainland or set on foot negotiation with the islanders. They
ought to have approached Zackoy Khan, who had he gained
quick postession of the island would have compensated the
Company for its losses. The Agent and Council should now
obtain the best terns possible from Khan pieferly, if not
from the islunders. Skipp lo-ins'ated on certain conditions.
Fublio Department Consultation, dated Slat Octo It would probably in the interests of the Company to establish
Diary No. 64 of ber 1769, at tho Presidency. the Agency at Buahire and only a Re»id«noy at Basrah. A
1769, p. 763. Committee consisting of Messrs Wrench, Jervis and Martyo
is appointed to repoit on tho advantages aud disadvantages of
tho iwo places.
Publio Department Letter from Busrah, 26th Sep Karim Khan had s«-nt an expedition against Maakat, as the
Diary No. 64 of tember 1769. Imam had refuted to comply with certain demands. The
1769, p. 761. Agency try to keep aloof because (1) of the orders of the
Presidency not to enmmenoo hostilities against Karim Khan,
(2) to do so would impede tbe plan of drawing trade to
Basrah. The Agency was however anxious for the safe
arrival of tbe Maakat o<-ffeo fleet bocause (a) some benefit
would aoorue from oustoms on the ootTeo to the Company, (6)
they would oblige the Basrah merchants, (c) they were friends
of BlMskateers. The question was whether the Company's
ships could act as oonvoy to tbe Maskat fleet.
Basrah Factory Dia'y entries from 1st to 10th Turkish expedition against the Montefiks. The Kaab joins the
Diary No. of October 1769. Turks. The Arab tribes that join the Turks and Montifiks
1769-70. p. 89.
Publio Department Letter from the Committee ap Reporting in favour of an agency at Buebire, because there would
Diary No. 64 of pointed to report on the a larger sale of woolen a in exchange for Qhilan silk, which
1769. p. 773. advantages or otherwise of Kaiim Khan got in lieu of revenue ou account of scaroity of
removing tho agenoy from epeoie in Persia, and few of the Persian Merchants would go
Basrah to Buahire, dated 3rd to Basrah for the woollens with all the disadvantages the
November 1769. Persians would have to suffer in repairing to Basrah, viz., (a)
religious bitterness of feeling of the Turks against*the
Persians, (6) charges of freight, export aud import duties and
tolls, etc* (c) insecurity of life oo account of Arab dopre*
dationa. Tho Persians could get woollens from the Russians
at less trouble and expanse, and they would profor to pay 20
por cont. moro at Buahire than at Basrah on account of
troubles they would have to uodoreo by going to Basrah
A fortified faolory at Buahire would be as powerful strain at
attack as one at Basrah. b