Page 65 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 65

summary.                                   zliz

       N*b>« of lb* book or   Nature of document*     Summary.                Bivau.
        Volin* or th*    or papers.
         B coord*.
     Bisrah Factory   Government of Bombay to the   Orders from tbo Preaidonoy for deputing an agent (Mr.
                                       Ski; p preferably) to Shiraz to conclude an agreement with
       Diary No. —*f   Agent and Council at Basrah,
                   14th Jnno 1707.     Karim Khan for obtaining redress for tho lo-scs inflicted ou
       of 1766-1767.                   the Company by tbo Kaab aud for obtaining certain con­
     Basrah  Factory   The Agent and Connoil at  Giving an interesting history of tho Kaab tribe, their ware
       l»iary No.   Basrah to the Court. 14th   with tiio Persian and tbo Turks. The part played by the
                                       East India Company in these wars. The Turks now afraid
                   April 1767.
      of 1766-1767, p.                 to wago war Hgainet tho Kaab, without the permission of
      S78.                             Knrim Khan, who questions their authority to carry on
                                       warlike operations in wbat he olaims to be Persian territory.
      Batrah Factory   Agent and Council at Basrah  Instructions to Mr. Skipp, on his mission to Karim Khan.
      Diary No.    to Mr. Skipp, 14th April   Points to bo insisted upon, in addition to those specified
                   1767.               by tho Bombay Government (1) Karim Khan should oo-
      of 1766-1767, p.                 operate with the English to reduce t'»o Kaab, (2) tbo Kaab
      S81.                             GaUivati should be handed over to the English.
     Basrah   Factory   Auent and Council at Basr.h   Karim Khan would insist on the English assisting him against
      Diary   NO--S3  to tho Bombay Government,   Mecr Mnhana. Detention of vessels. Mission of Persian
      of 1766-1767 p.  10th April 1767.  ambassador Agasy Khan to tbo Kaab. Its failure.
     Publio Depart­ Bushire to the Presidency,   Karim Khan had demanded 4,000 tomans annually from the
      ment Diary No.   2nd August 1767.  Sheikhs of Mushlro and Barreem, and had conntenauoed
      49 of 1767, p. 496.              “Jankaeer Government" to take up arms against the 8heikh
                                       of Burhire. Congoon captured by Zarkey Cann for Taokey
                                       Caun, brother of Karim Khan). An order received that every
                                       merchnnt with his family should leave Bushiro and prohibit­
                                       ing all trading there or exporting specie in futnre, which
                                       caused great stagnation of t^pde. The Resident had written
                                       to Mr. Skipp at Shiraz to apply to the Karim Khan to got
                                       the orders revoked. The Residency had received orders from
                                       tho Aeont and Counoil that they should rn the arrival of
                                       Mr. Skipp from Sheraz ship the Company’s property and
                                       seize tho ships of Karim Khan and the Sheikhs ot Barreem
                                       and Bushiro, upon which they should repair Basrah.
     rublio   Da- Consolation of the Govern­ Expressing regret at the precarious and unsettled affairs
      pertinent Diary   ment of Bombay, dated 3rd   in tho Porrian Gulf, and tho great probability of the Company
      No. 49 of 1767,  September 1767.  being involved in war wiih Karim Khan, in case the orders,
      p. 606.                          whioh could not be anticipated, of the Agent and Council
                                       wero carried out.
    B«sreh Faotory  Agent and Council at Basrah  Karim Khan accedes to most of the English demands, no
      Diary No- of   to the Court of Directors,   objection to any operations against the Kaab in which he,
                  6th Ootober 1767.    however, will not himself nor allow the Turks to co-operate.
      1767-1768, p. 173.
                                      Meer Mohana fleeces the coffee fleet.
    Burah Factory   Consultation of the Agent and  Operations again, t tho Sheikh of Ormuz decided upon :
      Diary No. -jfpof   Council at Basrah, 9th Ooto­  grounds for this step statod.
                  ber 1767.
      1767-1768, p. 178.
    Basrah Factory  Extract from Journal of Lieute­  The disastrous end of the expedition against Ormuz. The
     Diary Nc-~- of   nant Gage.      Defanee blown up near the inland of Kishm, and the losa of
     1867-1808, p. 297.               11 offioers including Mr. Dymook Lyster and Bawyear
                                      (Resident, Bushiro).
    B»arab Faotory   The Presidency to the Agent  The terras last offered by Karim Khan considered advantageous
     Diary No. -j-J-of   and Council at Basrah, i7th   and Mr. Skipp to be sent to Shiraz again for concluding a
                  November 1707.
     1867-1808, p. 363                treaty with Karim Khan. Measures thon to be taken for
                                      reducing Karrak and Ormuz in co oporation with tho Peiaiana
                                      and for the protection o! Basrah against the Kaab.
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