Page 60 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                     Civi of Iki boot   fttlure ofdMitntali       Summary.
                             k or
                       Voluirs of Ifao   or piper*.                                      Ri
                    Public Department.   Letter from Gombroon, doted  Agent bad reconnoltorod all tie porls on tbo Gulf and
                     Diary No. 38 of   24th December 1701.  oonsiderid Bushiro tho beet—because (1) it was full of inland
                                                   merchants and Micro was much freedom. Thero would bo
                     1762, page 73.
                                                   a good paid of woollam* and tin, (2) Micro it waa not necossnry
                                                   to gratify anybody but tho Shoikh, (3) throo parta of tho
                                                   town were aurroundod by water and tho faotory oould bo
                                                   eniily defended a^ninst attaoka. Tho Doni Main Araba had
                                                   brought thoir familica from Carrack to Ormuz, but thoro waa
                                                   lonio doubt aa to thoir soltlemont at Gombroon. Carmania
                                                   proplo w.-ro muoh oppressed. Debts of Messrs. Shaw und
                                                   Gaidou of Basrah to the Company.
                   Pablio Derartment.   Order of the Governor in   Approving of the proposal for settling at Bushirc and doaiiing
  • j                Diary No. 38 of   Council, dated 1st February   an a tentative mcaauro that tho Agent or Mr. Lyster should
                     1762, page 81.  1702.         procrod thero with fomo goods to cell. A letter of Shoikh
                                                   Nasir of Bushiro to the President is read.
                   PuWIe Department, Loiter from Shoikh Na«ir of   Inviting tho Enst Indian Company to open a factory at
                    Di*ry No. 88 tf  Bmliiie to the Govornor.  Bushiro. Pointing out ita advantages and offering tho
                    176V, psge 85.                 samo facilitio* and privileges to tho factory aa formerly
                                                   (that is at Gombroon).
                   Pablio Department,   Letter from Gombroon, datod  Reporting that between Gombroon and Basrah, the only port
                    Diary No. S8 of   13th February 1702.  with an inland trade was Buahiro, and that all inlands except
                    1762, page 249.                Quesh and Bueaol were uuinbabited, and not ooe of thorn was
                                                   aholiorcd from touthwardx. 'I hoy wore ai a lose to select
                                                   which, though ono no«r Gombroon, on account of its situation
                                                   for trade, would be belter. Utmost endeavours would be
                                                   made to recover Nasir Khan’s debt. Hadji Ali had been
                                                   removed from Govemoiahip of Gombroon and JafFor Khan
                                                   returned. The latter sent against Julfar Arabs, nssouibLd at
  1                                                Loft. Groat disappointment felt at Jnffer Khan’s return by
                                                   all classes, as Hadji Ali was a good rulor and many people
                                                   bad settled at Gombroon, especially tho Beni Main Arabs.
                               The Court of Direotors to the   The Gombroon Agcnog to be withdrawn and only a linguist
                                Presidency, 26lh April 1762.  to be left there to keep up tho British flag.
                  Public Department,  Letter from Gombroon, dated   Tmdo wns stagnant in Carmania. Jaffer Khan oppressed the
                    Diary ho. 3J of   9th May, 2Cth and 26th   people especially those who traded with the East India
                    1762, page 606.  September 1762.  Company, and the »tate of things was intolerable at Gombroon.
                                                   Nosir Khaii mado many excuses for not discharging debt.
                                                   He was believed to be privy to the oppressions of Jaffer
                                                   Khan, his brother.
                   Pablio Department,  Letter purporting to be from   Pressing the East Indian Company to establish a factory at
                    Di.ry No. 39 of   8heikh Nasir of Busbire to   Busbire.
                    1762, page 613.  Mr. Douglas.
                   Secretariat Inward  Letter from Alexander Douglas,  Affairs continued to be in much tho samo situation at
                    Letter Book,   dated Gombroon, 2nd Febru.   Gombroon. Jaffer Khan recalled from Gombroon by his
                    No. 17 of 1763,   ary 1763, to the Presidency.  brother, Nasir Khan, and replaced by his father-in-law, an
                    W 62.                         avaricious man. J'oace concluded between Mullah Ali Shaw
                                                  and the Julfar and Beuimine Arabs. The Benimino Arabs
                                                  to be omployed by Nasir Khan as Bailors.
                   Secretariat Inward   Letter from Mr. Douglas, dated  Reporting the withdrawal of the factory from Gombroon on
                    Letter Book,   I rince of Wales, Goinbnxn   7th March 1763. Goods removed and despatched lo various
                    No. 17 of 1763,   Road, 10th March 1763, to the   parts. Threat of the Nayab or Deputy Govornor to impede
                    page 151.   Presidency.       the agency peoplo from leuving Gombroon. The English
                                                  before leaving capture the Dutch faotory now in Persian
                                                  possession for tho uurpOBea of seizing Persian property
                                                  to recompense themselves for the recent oppression
                                                  and exactions. The Persian fort also bombarded. But little
                                                  or nothing found. Attempt to capturo the ship Jlahmanny
                                                  belonging to Mullah Ali Shaw at Loft, liotiioinent of
                                     CXXIII.      Douglas.
                  Secretariat Inward   Thomas Dunfard, to Alexander
                    Letter Book,   Douglas, 16lb March 1703.  Bombardment of the Persian Fort.
                    No.17 of 1763.
                    page 168.
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