Page 55 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 55

Summary.                               xxxix

      N"V^s,.,.s:k"   Nature o( docnmcnl*            8 imtn»ry.              Rivmi.
                         or papon.

     Gombroon Factory   Agent and Council at Qom-  Solos and trade in Persia. Description of the Islands of
      Diary No. of   broon, to the Prosidoncy,   Bahrein and Angar Important rogoms and phlrmands
      1761—63.    17th September 1762.  rotating to the Company s privileges oollecled and being
                                      translated. The situation In Persia.
    G .rabroon Faotory   Agent and Counoil at Gora-   Russian trade. Trade in Carmania wool. The situation in Persia.
      Diary No. ,ff   broon, to the Fast Indian   Tho disadvantages of withdrawing from Gombroon and
      1761-63.    Company, 20th Soptouibor   sottling in ouo of the Persian Islands.
    Publlo Department   Agent and Counoil at Gom*   Abdul Shaikh, Governor of Kiahrn, proposes to soli a Persian
      I'iary No. 26 of   broon, to tbo Presldouoy,   ship to the “ 8iddi '* of Alaskat, upon which Nasir Khan
      1768, page 241.  22nd June 1753.  urges Wood (Agent) to u*e his influence to recover it. This
                                      Wood is obliged to do for fear worser evils and succeeds
                                      in getting  baok the vcssol. Wreck of a Dutoh ship aad
                                      its soiznro by Abdul Shaikh. Nasir Khan visits Gom­
                                      broon nnd extorts money from tho people. Ho contraota
                                      a debt to the amount of 99,985 ehahees with the English
                                      faotory brokers. Settlement of account with him. State
                                      of Persia at the time. Ahmed Shaikh Abdullah, the Afghan
                                      Chief, making preparations to conquer Persia. Shah Rookh
                                      inn rdored. Karim Khan in possession of Isphan, Nasir
                                      Khan in Lars. Deaths nnd appointments in the Agency.
                                      Alexander Douglas takes charge of tho Agency from
                                      Mr. Wood. William Shaw succeeds Mr. Ellis as Resident
                                      at Basrah. The relief of the garrison at Gombroon, which
                                      consists of one si-rgrant, corporal, 24 topais soldiers and
                                      22 Bombay sepoys. Sales ot goods. Prospects of trade,
                                      and tho articles in demand in Persia.
                      LX VI.
    Gombroon Faotory  Agent and Counoil at Gombroon,   Baron Kniphauson, late Dutch Resident at Basrah, comes from
     Diary No. Tlf of   to the Court of Directors, 27th   Batavia to Gombioon, on their way to Bushire or Bahrein or
      1761-63.    October 1763.       Borne other place with an expedition. The probabilities of bis
                                      course and the prospeols of his success.
    Public Department  Agent and Counoil at Gombroon,  Reason for the detention of the Guardian at Gombroon was the
      Diary No. 26 of   to the Presidency, 26th   necessity of guarding against an attack from the country
     1763.        November 1763.      people in the present state of things.
                                     Sales of goods, eto.— Civil wars and continued anarchy in
                                      Persia. Movements of Baron Kniphausen.
                      LXVII I.
    Publio Department  Agent and Coanoil at Gombroon  Sales and trade in Persia. Civil wars and unsettled state of
      Diary No. 26 of   to the Presidency.  the oountry. Nasir Khan still In the Government of the
      1753, page 463.                 Hot countries, but bis position unstable, being surrounded
                                      by enemies, both Arabs and Persians.

    Publlo Department   Agent and Counoil at Gombroon,  Mnlla Ali Shaw takes possession of the Ormuz castle, bnt
      Diary No. 27 of   to the Presidency, September   continues at Gombroon with one Persian ship, leaving one
      1763, page 292.  1754.          at Ormuz. The situation in Persia described. Settlement of a
                                      Dutch factorv on the Karrak island by Baron Kniphausen,
                                      The Baron brings a letter from the General of Batavia
                                       demanding money taken from the Dutch Resident, and the
                                       Dutch Ambassador obtains a pbirmand from the Porte
                                       for the ro-hotatingof the Dutoh flag at Basrah. Opposition
                                       of the people at BasTah to this. The Baron blockades the
                                       Basrah river. Two of Chellaby's ships captured.
    Gombroon Factory  Commission and Instructions  Regarding the establishment of a factory at Bandar-Rig.
     mS.msT,? 01  to Mr. Wood from the Gover­
                  nor in Connoil, Bombay, 18th
            . page
     86.          October 1864.
    Public Department  Agent and Connoil at Gombroon,
      P'ary No. 28 of  to the Presidency, January   Settlement of the dispute between the Dutch ard the Turkish
      1766.       1766.               Government at Basrah. The Dutoh fortify Karrak.
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