Page 53 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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      N»ro« of the book or   Nature of document*      Summary.                Biuabki.
       YuUme of tho     or pepore.

                         XLV.                   Resettlement at Ispahan.
                  Agont ond Council in Persia   Tho Agont and Council in Persia propose to sottlo a factory
           pnrtmont                   at Mnalmt (Meshed), os what was sold there was taken to
           No. 17.  to tho Presidency, 29th
                   January 1744.      Kornsaa. Tho Russian trado thereby likely sulTor.
                                      Measures taken and to bo tnkon for obtaining n rogom for
                                      inland trade boing froo from duties. Seiga of Basrah by the
                                      Persians raised under Nadir Shah’s orders. Mr. Dorill (tho
                                      Agent) trying to remain neutral is ill-treated by the Turks,
                                      and proposo* to lcavo Basrah. Orders of tho Agont ond
                                      Counoil. Proposal to relieve tho military at Gombroon.
                                      Expenses of repairing Gombroon factory. Cbargo of tho
                                       Carmania Factory.
     Public Department   Orders of the President and  Tho proposed settling of a factory at Mashat (Moshed)
      Diary No. 17,   Counoil, Bombay, 3rd April   approved. Orders to ilr. Dorill approved. A sergeant, drummer
      page 142.    1744. •            and twelve topasses to bo sent to relieve tho military, but the
                                       Prcsidonoy cannot *eo any occasion for an ensigns commaud
                                       at that factory.
     Publio Dopartracn!   Chief and Council in Persia   Confusion in Persia on account of the revolt of Tockcy Khan
      Diary No. 17,   to tho Presidency, 2nd   and consequent stoppage of trado and bad debts.
      page 165.    April 1744.
     Public Deportment   Chief and Council in Perria to   Demands mado for inland oustoms and heavy arrears tboreof
      Diary No. 17,   the Prerideucv, 22nd July   recovered by Persian officers. War betweeu Turkey and
      page 252.    1741.               Persia. Reported defeat of the Persians under Nadir Shah
                                       by tbo Turks.
     Turkish Arabia   Chief and Council at Gombroon  Grcndon succeeds Dorill at Basrah. Nadir Shah calls a
      Precis, 1646-1846.  to tho Bom bar Government,   meeting of the Governors at Teheran. Civil reception of the
                   10th April 1746.    Company’s Agent.

     Public Department   Agent and Council in Persia to   Oppression of tho people by Nadir Shah. H ence defioienoy
       Diary No. 20 of   tho Presidency, 9th March   of Carmania wool and difficulty of complying with the
       1747, page 98.  1747.           Company's demands. Nadir Shah asks for an European doctor
                                       aod arrangements to sond one. A rogum obtained from
                                       N adir Shah exempting the English from up’country duties
     Publio Department   The President ond Council,  As tho company's affairs in Persia aro represented to be in
       letter to tbo   Bombay, to the Court, 1st   very precarious state, orders sent to the Agent and Council
       Court of Direct­  December 1747.  at Gombroon to withdraw the up-country' factories, recom­
       or#, Volumo 1 of                mending only to send servants to Carmania for taking care
       1740—1749.                      of one Company's effects and recovering debts, when this
                                       cau bo done safely.
                           LII.       TWELFTH PERIOD 1748—1767. ANARCHY IN
                                       PERSIA. DESTRUCTION OF COMPANY’S
                                       HOUSE AT ISPAHAN. FACTORY OPENED AT
                                       BANDARIK AND DESTROYED BY MEER
                                        MOHANA. MULLAH ALI SHAH, ADMIRAL
                                        IN THE PERSIAN GULF. RISE OF KARIM
      Poblio Department  Agency at Gornhrron to the  Proposal to send Mr. Graves to Carmania to reoover debts.
       Diary No. 21 of   Ir.sidcncv, 4th February   Resident at Ispahan bad applied to the King for renewal of
       1748, page 66.  1748.            the Company’s privileges and had received a satisfactory
                                        reply. The Dutch are of opinion that their factory would
                                        be withdrawn from Gombroon if matters do not improve.
      Publio Department   The President and Council at
       letters to the   Bombay, to the Court of   ®!®88   of Messrs. Pierson and Blandy at Ispahan.
                                        Thoy draw a bill on tho Resident at Basrah at tho exorbitant
       H on ou rablo   Dinctois, 14th Mav 1748,   pioumuu of 60 per cent, intorcat. False accounts found,
        Couit of Directors,   22vd July 1748, 28ti. Febru­
        Volumo I of 1746   ary 1749, 3rd March 1749.  enquiry oidorcd. Tho Agent ond Council in Persia found
        — 1749, pages 110,              also culpable for thoir neglect in not boing more careful aud
                                        reporting the matter.
        122,   190, and
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