Page 50 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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xxxiv                            SUMMARY.

                   Hum «t ths book or   Ktt v« of docomtnti     Burarnary.             Bivun.
                     Yolaws o! ths   or (••r*'*.
                  Broca’s Annals,   Tho Court of tho London   Th® Court of tho London Company oxplainod to Sir John
                                                  Oarer that tho oxiating war in Europo, alone, prevented
                   Volume III, p»g«   Company, to Sir John Gayer   tho'ir obtaining mon-of-war to clear tho Indian seas of the
                   657.         and Council at 8urat and   pirate® or sending a supply of soldiers for tho garrison of
                                Bombay, 3rd and 12tb Janu­  Bombay, but they would employ overy otTort, wbon poaco
                                ary 1704 (—05).   should bo rostorea not only to render that garrison respeot-
                                                  ablo, but to equip arrood ships to olear tho sons and
                                                  to root out that nest of pirates, tho Muscat Arabs.
                                                  Tho right to customs at Gombroon 1,000 tomans transform!
                                                  to tho United Company by tho Act of Union. Air. Prescott
                                                  appointed Chief at Ispahan, Mr. Owen next on Council
                                                  and Chief at Gombroon. Mr. Proecott to carry Quoon's
                                                  lettor to tho Shah with pro*onts from tho United Company
                                                  to get trade settled ou old basis aud arrears of oustoius.
                               Sir John Oarer and Council at   Sir Nioholns White (President at Surat, representing tho
                  Page 660      Burst, to the Court Managers   English Company), roports that on hearing Mr. Owen's
                                and tho Court of the London   death, he had appointed Mr Lock to be ChieJ at Ispahan.
                                Company, 20th May, 16ih   Mr. Lees to bo Second, and Mr. Crowe, Agent at Gombroon.
                                October, 80th Novembor 1704.
                                and 24th January 1701
                                and 1?05.
                  Page 608   •  Agents aod Councils at Ispahan   Mr. Prescott deputod with the Queen'e lettor and tho presents
                                                  to the 8hah and dios on tho way at Asseen. Arrears of
                                and Gombroon, to the Cooit
                                of Manngors, 26ih and 20th   Gombroon Customs 081 toman*. '1 ho oppressions of the
                                August and 3rd Decembor   English by the Moguls at Surat had lowered tho English
                                1706.             prestige. The capture of Ormuz by tho English on which the
                                                  right to tho moiety was mainly baaed, was forgotton, bocauso
                                                  the naval force with which the English had protected the
                                                  Persian pilgiims going to Mecca had boon withdrawn and
                                                  tho ships convoying them had been taken by tho Arab
                                                  pirates. Force or prevents roquirod to revive onr rights.
                                                  Dead stock of the London Company at Gombroon, Ispahan
                                                  and in Carmania amounting to 121.371 shahees. Kooom-
                                                  mendstion for tho employment " Auga Daud," the old
                                                  broker, whose interest at the Court was so groat that he
                                                  was bettor qualified than any other poison to obtain a
                                                  rog>m for payment of the arreir* or for tho revival of those
                                                  rights, which the London Company had enjoyed previously
                                                  to the appearance of the English Company's Agouts in
                  Pag* 620    Letter from Agent, Lock and   Acout Look obtains a rngom for 1,000 tomans of Gombroon
                               Counoil at Ispahan, to the   Customs and arrears 6,081 tomans of which the proportion
                               Courtof the London  Corn-  of tbs London Company was 2,306 tomans. The agenoy
                               pany, Slit October 1706.  rccoived 2,210 tomans worth of silk in part payment, Trade
                  Page 662    General and Council of Bombay   Arab and Mahratta Pirates xnako many depredations. King
                               to the Agent and Council in   of Persia propose* to send a merchant to Bombay, and a
                               Persia, 12th May 1707 ;   nobleman as Ambassador to Kutaria for obtaining assistance
                               Agent and Counoll at Ispahan   against the pirates. The British not in a position tu ronder
                               to the Court of the London   odeqnato assistance by thomsolrrs, but anxious to prevent
                               Company, 25th and 80th July   the Dutoh from making themsolves prominent. Promise
                               1707, and 16th February   was uivi-n that as soon as war in Europo should cease, a
                               1707-08.          sufficient naval force would be sent to destroy the pirates.
                                                 Arrears of customs duo to tho London Company up to the
                                                 date of the Union (22nd July 1702) recovered as ulso other
                                                 separate debts.
                                                TENTH FEBIOD, 1708-1710. ANABCHY AND
                                                 CONFUSION IN PLKSIA-WITHDBAWAL
                                                 OF AGENCIES FBOM ISPAHAN AND
                  Denver’s Report of             In 1708 John Eaton Dodsworth appears as supervisor at
                   the India Office              Gombroon.' In 1710 Persia declared war against the
                   record!, relating              Afghans, in which the latter were for a time successful.
                   to Persia and the             The Arabian ruler of Maskat made himself master of sumo
                   Persian Gulf,                  of the islands in tho Persian Gulf.
                   pags SO.
                  Public Department  Orders of the Bombay i  Govern- Basrah affairs. Nothing more yet done for the benefit of the
                   Diary No. 2 of   moot, 6th April 1721.  Company than a promise from the Pasha, that they shall pay
                   Turkish Arabia                 only 8 per cent, dutios on tho broadcloth. Tho affairs of
                   Pieck, 1646-1816.              the late Mr. Wright. Mr. Houssay who has taken possession
                                                  of his effeots aod intends to proceed to England from Basrah
                                                  by way of Aleppo ordered to Bombay. All British snbjeota
                                                  trading under British protection at Basrah to conform to
                                                  the regulations and not to treat with the Turkish Govern­
                                                  ment on trade matters but through the faotory.
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