Page 46 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 46

zzx                              SUMMARY.

                   Via* of tba book of   Kaiuraef d<-c«m*i>U    Summary.
                     Vslsaa of Iki   or |np(t*.                                        Buuu.

                  Bruce's Aonala.   The Court, to the Agent at   Agent to proceed to lepshsn in order to concert mensuree with
                   Volume III, regr  Gombroon, 1st April 1602.  the Chief of tho Armenian* for promoting Company'a
                   123.                           interraia and to provide accommodation for oortnin young
                                                  men who had left England for Persia for acquiring
                                                  Penian and Armenian languages and qualifying themselves
                                                  in the Compauy'i business.
                               The Court, to the Agsnt and   The Civil Establishment in Persia was augmented and teat to
                  Page 140
                                Conned in Persia, 2'»th May,   consist in future if a Chief, four Factors and four %oriters,
                                27th October 1693 aud 3rd   and the factories at Qombroon and Ispahan to be permanent.
                                Jauuaty 1693—94.  'lbe Chiof was to resido at oithor placo. The writers of this
                                                  season wore to reside in the houses of Armenians and study
                                                  their language aud study their business methods. This increase
                                                  of establishment wss necessitated by more extensive operations
                                                  required for vent of English goods f«r which salo had become
                                                  restricted in India. King of Porsia had offered tho salo of
                                                  the wholo of aillc to Armenians for |aymonts to bo made
                                                  within three jeers. Tho Agent empowered to purohftae $rd
                                                  of the silk from tho Armenians, provided they would agree
                                                  that the remainder should bo pnt on tho Company's ships for
                                                  the Europe market. The reason for this order was the increase
                                                  of prices of silk on aeeount of interruption of the Turkey
                                                  traffio by tho French war. English cloth to be sent to tho
                                                  Armenians at Julfa for boing bartered for silk, or ready
                                                  money, or for even $ in money and \ in silk ; as much wool
                                                  at possible to be purchased.
                  Page 169   .  The Court, to the Genorsl,
                                President and Council at                      ZpM
                                Bombay and Surat, 6th June   the 1st ship this soas<m, the Conrt ordered that the Company’s
                                1694 and 6th Maroh 1694—  ship* were not in future to touch at Cong, but to go direct
                               96.                to tiouibrooo, and all the lower country vessels were to bo
                                                  sold, as they had been attended with an immense oxponse and
                                                  risk. Though insinuations against the Armenians bad been
                                                  received, the orders for fuelling the contract with them
                                                  were continued, because the Court conceived that the
                                                  Armcniau shipping in India wonld be of material advantage
                                                  as the duties which they paid at Fort St. George alone
                                                  amounted to a larger sum thau what bad been received from
                                                  the Consulage at Gombroon.
                  Page 160.   •  The Court, to the Agent and  Capture of the English and Dutch Turkey fleet by the French,
                               Council in Persia, 30th .March   1693, was a further incentive to increase the Persian trade of
                               and 6th Jane and 8th March   the Company and to try to divert the course of the silk trade
                               1694-1-5.          from its old route, by concentrating it at Ispahan and thenoe
                                                  conveying the silks by way of Qombrooo. The price of doth
                                                  sent to Persia to be increased 60 per cent.
                  Page 168   .  Agent and Couuoil at Gombroon  Death of the King of Persia; necessity to apply for phir-
                               to the Court, 6th June and   mauds to his successor Sultan Hussein [for in Persia small
                               14th December 1694, 10th   grants like commercial privileges cease with the King's death].
                               January, 11th February and   The Agency propose to ask the Shah to exempt them from
                               11th March 1694-95, and   paying large presents to the Khans and Shah-bandar. Two
                               27th March 1695.   year*' tribute aue to the Khan of Carmania who bad inter­
                                                  dicted purchase of wool beyond 700 maund6 a year. Qom­
                                                  broon customs paid only up to 1791—92.
                                                 Formidable power of the drabs of Maskat. This fleet oon.*ists
                                                  of 6 large ships manned by 1,600 men. The Arabs plunder
                                                  Cong, capture an Armenian ship and tbreaten Qombroon, and
                                                  tbe Dbsb-bandar asks that tho English ship Natsan should be
                                                  detained for 20 days to assist in tbs defence of the port, whioh
                                                  request it complied with. The Armenians refuse to comply
                                                  with tbe English demands for larger quantities of silk in
                                                  exchange for English goods, on the ground that the traffio by
                                                  the Turkey route bad not decreased. The Sub-Agent at
                                                  Ispahan represents the character of some of tho Armenian
                                                  broker in bad light and the Agent proceeds to Ispahan.
                  Page 183   .  The Couit, to the Agent and   Half of the goods shipped for Qombroon should be forwarded
                                Couneil in Penis, 16th Janu­  for sals with all despatch to Ispahan ; List of goods expootod
                                ary 1695-96.      in England, Carmenia wool, Ispahan Chintzes of the finest
                                                  and varied kinds, of at least 20 pieces of each sort, to the
                                                  aiaouut of £20,000. Reason for this exertion—the quiok sale
                                                  of tbeso goods. The freight of the first ebip* of tho season
                                                  bad riseu to £34 per ton, and of tbo latter ships to £40 per ton.
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