Page 41 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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SUMMARY.                              XXV

                     Nature of doo tmeoW             Summarj.                Ramin.
      *«2SS*“           or aperi.
     Bruce’s Annals,   From tho Court, to the Surat The Coart proposo to await farther information before deciding
      Volume II, pag«*   Presidency, 6th Maroh 1674—   .whether «rmoJ vossols should bo aent to Persian Gulf ; mean­
                                      while, merchant ships to be armed " to give appcarence of
      368.        76. From the Coarf, to Agont
                  and Factors in Persia, 6th   force and commerce." Agent at Gombroon to ship as much
                  March 1074r»7o.    Canaenia wool as possible.
                  Form the President, Aungier  Persian trade fails on account of a nu nber of burnt vessel *
    Page 863
                  and Couooil at Bombay, to   having been lost; President Aungier attempts to revive
                  tho Courts, 20lh August 1674  English interests in Persia by sending Mr. Henry OxinJou as
                                     Envoy and to act as 2nd to Gombroon Agent.
                 Tho Court, to the Surat   The Court considers report ou Persian trade, in whioh the
    Page 377
                  Presidency, 8th March 1676 —   proposal was repeatod for armed ships as being ouly course
                  76. Tho Couit, to Agent and   loft for ensuring respect to grants and obtaining moiety _ of
                  Connoil at Gombroon, l(Jth   Gombroon customs Two armed ships ordered to Persian
                  September 1675 and 11th   Oulf carrying broadcloths, tin, etc.; order to Agent and
                  March 1675-76.      Counoil. Gombroon, to enforce payment of customs and pro­
                                      vide Persian silks, carmenia wool, etc.
    Collection of papors   The Court, to the Sural Presi•   Order of the Court withdrawing factory in Persia, right to
     received from the   dency, 10th August 1663.  moiety of customs at Gombroon to be maintained, only two or
     India Offioo,                    threo persons to be left there to wait opportunities for renew-
     Volume I, page                   lug trado and to bo allowed five pir cent, on tho customs
     81.                              income to defray oxpon-*e6. If this plan not practicable,
                                      Agent to be scut from Surat to collect the moiety.

    Surat Factory Out-   George Oxindcn, Goodlier,  Ill-treatment of tho Compmv's broker by the Shah-bandar ;
      ward Letter   etc.. President and Council   His insolence: only 650 to nans of oustoms recovered;
     Book No. 1-A,   at Surat, to the Court, 28th   Company's trade in Persia on decline. Agent at Gombroon
     page 4.      January 1663—1664.  represented that grants from Ispahan, whioh cost so much
                                     money were liitls beneficial anl not respected; no uso
                                     seeking grants without a force to command observance of
                                     them. English reputation very low; to keep up right to
                                     Gombroon customs only country ships employed for trade.
    Page 64      George Oxinden, Goodlier,  Arrangements made with reference to the Coort's despatoh
                  etc.. President .and Council   of 10th August 1663.
                  at Surat, to the Court, 4th
                  April 1664.
    Bruce's Annals,   Loiter from the Court, to Surat  For several years Company had in a great measure rclin^
     Volume II, page   Preddenoy, lOih March   quished Persian trade, and only intercourse kept by Gom-
     225.         1668—1669.         bro >n Agent to keep up claim to customs. In 1668—1669
                                     Mr. Bolt appointed Agent in Persia, to receive instructions
                                     from Surat Presidency, which was imtruoted to make an
                                     estimate of the number and kind of armed vessels whioh
                                     would bo required in Porsian Gulf to protect trade and
                                     enforce payments of Gombroon customs.
    Page 267     Agent at Gombroon, to Court,   Persian trade still precarious but considered of such import­
                  Febraary 1669—1670 and   ance that the Agent in Porsla reooin mended grants of land
                  16th Juno 1670.    in Bombay Island to Baniasis as inducement to open
                                     oommerce on large scale between Persia and Bombay and
                                     Surat. For purpose of recovering moiety of Gombroon
                                     oustoms armed ships should be sent as did the Portuguese to
                                     enforce payment of moiety of customs at Congo.
    Sunt Factory Out­ President and Council at  The Com
     ward Letter Book   Surat, to the East India   force.
     No. 1-A, page 48.  Company, 3nl February 1671.
                 Gerald Aungier, Ala t hew
                  Grey, _ etc., President ami   Srr H/W*    Ti>° Persians can never
                                     be brought to do justice by present s or forbearance. Demand
                  Council at Surat, to Thomas   of the Khan of the Company’s ship for carrying tr
                  Rolt, etc., Agent and Council   Sg®SrUiedl °,h"ge# °/ certain   of Hl-ufa
                  in Persia, 25th January   Mr. Child; mole*tation of merchants by Persiar offi? i y
                  167b{—1676).       trade in oortain articles.      0™oiala •
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