Page 43 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 43
Nam* of document' Summary. BiK&au.
*«SKSf" or paptra.
Court agreed with the Presidency as to prejerriny treaty to
From the Court, to 8urat Pre
sidency, 7th March 1676— hostilities and would be sat>*fed wifh 1,000 toman* in lieu
1077. moiety of Qombroon ou'tom«. Should the Portuguese
From the Court, to Agont and continue to refnso passes to native junks going to that port,
Faotors at Gombroon, 7th ■the Surat Presidency should refoao passes to nativo vobbois
Maroh 1676—1677. going to the Portuguese port of Cong.
Bruce’s Annals, From tho Court, to Surat On basis of information rec*ivod the Court recommends that
Yolome II, pages Presidency, 19th March bn ad-cloths and tin should bo sold for such pricos as they
436-437 1679—1680. would fetch, and that proceed* applied for purchase of better
wool than supplied previous season ; that unless the Gom
broon trade proved more advantageous than it had been for
several years, the factory should be abandoned.
Page 449 From the Court, to Surat Trade in Persia continues unproductive. Charges of the
Presidency, 15th Maroh agency to be reducod.
Page 458 From Surat Peraidoncj, to tho In Persia, sales and purchases had been depressed, although
Court, 24th January 1680— Mr. Petit, agent, had obtained phinnaud from King of
1681 and 11th April 1681. Persia for payment of 1,000 tomanB (abov* £3,000) as moiety
of customs for preceding season, and he was in erpectation of
receiving 1,000 tomans foe current year.
Pag* 461 The Court, to the Surat New plan of trade to connect the trade of the Gulfs of Persia
Presidency, 20th May 1681. and Arabia (Red Sea) projected; Dragon (180 tons) to
proceed from England early in season to Socotra whence three
The Court to the Agent and country vessels with aloes and vendible English goods to This
Factors at Persia, 20th May proceed to Mocha, and after disposing of English goods and is first in
and 12th August 16S1 and securing cargo of coffee and olibanum there, go to Qombroon stance of
8th February 1681—1682. to mert Dragon and receive instructions which were to be specnlatt o □
to connect
sent overland. Dragon not to remain at Gombroon more
than a dav, but to prooeed to l<a*rah and having disposed Persian and
of English goods aud coffee and olibannm, return to Ar a b i a n
Gombroon ana having taken in Persian goods sail to Surat. Gulfs trade
with what
John Gibbs appointed agent at Persia to superintend this year*
trade, with a council of four, who were to succeed by came
seniority in event of deatn or removal. factories or
st a t i o n s
Psge 477. The Court, to the Agent at Persian trade on the decline for series of years from superior subordinate
Gombroon, 5th, 26tb, 28th naval forco of Dutch and from hesitation of the Company to Presi
August aud 6tb September to try anything but negotiation. But this season they dency of
1682. determined to adopt more spirited measures and to equip a 8urat or
fleet to second representation to Shah. Letter of remons Bombay and
trance addressed to Shah, with a threat to employ force if thus to in
treatie* and phirmauds should be continued to be violated, crease cir
and moiety of customs and debts (£1,000,000) are not paid. cuit of ex
Company decide to send large stock in, furtherance of new changes be
scheme, also one ship of Berbadoes sugar sent to Peri-ia to tween Ara
be refiaed and sold as purer and mure profitable than bia, Persia,
Bengal sugar hitherto sent. West Coast
of India
Psge 490 . Letters from Agei-t and Factors Court's scheme of combining of Persian and Mooha trades and Eng
at Gombroon, 16th May and found impracticable, sis Mocha supplied with Europe doth land.
9th December 1682. by Armenians from Surat, Basrah with cloth from Aleppo
and Gombroon and by French and Dutch ships, and in the
circumstances Mocha coffee and Busrah silks could more
profitably become part of Europe cargo, obtained by pur
chase. Appearance of a small ship like Dragon lowered
reputation of English, while the two large Dutoh ships
annually sent to Gombroon tended to inoreaso their reputa
tion, henoe necessity of sending two large English ships to
the Gulf well armed and well stooked, and manned by
Europeans like Dutoh ships to impress Persians with
Psge 499 Letters from the Court, to Surat Court decided to send armament to Persian Gulf (1) to
Presidency and Agent and recover arrears of Qombroon customs (estimated at 160 000
Council at Gombroon, 81st tomans or £460,000) and (2) to make King of Persia to fulfil
May, 16th September. 16th existing treaties between England and Persia. Minister of
November 1683—1684 and Persia favoured this project in order to resist -Portuguese
7th April 1684 and Comuiis- who had offended him by their insults ; at this time English
siision and instructions to armament sent to East Indies to restore old King of Bantam
Sir Thomas Grantham, 27th
July and 2lst Deoember and English fMtrry ; a portion of this fleet was to proceed to