Page 38 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 38

zxil                            SUMMARY.

                       Km of Oji kook   Xatartol dowminli
                         Volant of tb«   or p»p«r».                 Boro nary.             Biiuaxa,
                      Bruce's Annals,   Court, to Presidency at Surat,   Company disposed to relinquish Persian silk trade. One
                        Volume I, page 397  17th November 1643.  additional ship to bo sent to Persian Qnlf with oountry goods
                                                     on demand.
                      Page 400   .  Agent and Counoil at Ispahan,   Agency at Ispahan continued to obtnin Phirmannde from the
                                    to the Court. 11th August  new King. Determination to continuo factory at Basrah,
                                    1643, and Utter from Chief   which bogan to yiold advantages. Presidency at 8urat
                                    and Counoil Surat, to the   resolved to maintain the trade in tho Gulf owing to theso
                                    Court, 17U January 1043-44.  circumstances.
                      Page 409   .  The Presidency at Surat, to the   Persian trade decreased from silks not being so mooh worn In
                                   Court 28th November 1044,   England on aocouut of Puritanio influences. Customs income
                                    Agent and Council, Gombro»n,   to the Company 600 tomans. Factory at Basrah unmolested
                                   to the Court, 27th March  by tho Dutch, prospering by exchange of English luxuries for
                                   1644.             tho wealthy people of Turkey for goods commanding sale in
                                          IV.        Englund.
                      Surat Faotory In­  Thomas Cog an and William   Quantity of goods sold amounting to R811:9G:50. Tho markets
                        ward Letter Book   Bale (Factors at Basrah), to   bring bad, the stock will not bo sold till the beginning of the
                        No- 1 (1646—47).  the Chief and Council at   next monsoon. Pattamar (cossid or mosseuger) has Icon
                      Prfcis of informs-   Surat, 1st December 1645.  dospatobed to Aleppo with tho letters dircot to the East India
                        Uoa  regarding               Company.
                       East India Coin-
                       psny’a connection
                       5th Turkish
                       Arabia, 1646-18-16.
                      Bruce's  Annals,  Surat Presidency, to the Court,   The Dutoh employ a large fleet in the Gnlf and attaok castle of
                       Volume 1, (page   3rd January 1646—46.  Kirhm. Persians offer to make peace and grant favourable
                       897), peg* 413.               terms of trade. Dutch Couimaoder Block proceeds to Ispahan
                                  Agmtand Counoil, to Surat,   (where he dio* afterwards). Shah gives license to the Dutch
                                   7th September 1646.  to purchase silks any whoro in Persia and export them free of
                                                     customs. The Dutch despatch fleet of 8 ships to Basrah and
                                                     almost ruin English factory.
                                  Letter from Agents, Gombroon,   Factory at Gombroon in very precarious condition, customs
                                   to the Court, 18th May and   income 616 tomans. Dutch influence paramount in Persian
                                   16th November 1616.  Court. Dutch Commander (Block) demands restoration of
                                                     4,900 tomans extorted from Dutch Agents on former occa*
                                  Letter from Agent at Basrah,   sions. To avoid consequences of war with Dutoh,
                                   to the Court, 31st July 1646.  Company's property removed to Basrah.
                      rage 420    Litter from Presidency, Surat,   In spite of almost exclusivo grants of the trado the Dutoh
                                   to the Court, 25th January   obtained by force in 16-16—46, tho English pen-evere and
                                   1646—47.          obtain in 1646—47 three phirmaunds from the 81iah (1)
                                                     releasing tbrm from payment of 4 per cent, on goods sold at
                                  Letter from Agent and Counoil   Ispahan, (2) authorizing to r*~bnild their house at Gombroon,
                                   at Gombroon, to tho Court,   which had been destroyed by an earthquake, and (3) for
                                   3th May 1646.     regulating the payment of custom’s at Gombroon. These
                                                     favours attribut'd to appointment of a new Vizier. Trade at
                                                     Gombroon might have revived but for arrival of one of
                                                     Courten's ships there ; for Shaw-bundar received the Com­
                                                     mander and allowed him to land goods without paying
                      Page 434   .  General letter* from the Chief   Trade in Persia more precarious than at any former period
                                   and Council at 8orat, 31st   on account of expense for phirmaunds and failure of imports
                                   March and 7th October 1647   of pepper and spices from Surat, so necessary to facilitate
                                   and 6tb January 1647—48.  purchase of Persian produce.
                      Burst Factory In­  Thomas Cog an and W. Weale,  State of the trade at Basrah. The pattamer (cosaid, messenger)
                       ward Letter t'ook   Factors at Basrah, to the   sent to Aleppo has not yet returned. The despatches that
                       No. 1 (1646-47)—   Chief and Council at Surat   shall be received from the Kast India Company will be for­
                       Turkish Arabia   {Basrah„ 16 th February   warded to 8urat with all speed.
                       Precis (1646—   1646.      *
                      Br tee’s   Annals, Letter! from 8nr*t Truidencv,  Trade between Snrat and Basrah unproductive from superior
                       Volume I, pages   6tb April 1648 and Slit   means Dutch possessed in engrossing it; an approaching war
                       428-429.    January 1648 - 49 to the   between King of Persia and Mogul diverted Persian land
                                   Court.            trade by the Gulf and provided much shipping to Dutch and
                                                     English, Factory at Gombroon precarious. Customs Income
                                                     636 tomans.
                      F*g«e 444—445  Letters to the Court from  Persian trade affected by war between King of Persia and
                                   Gombroon, 2Cth July aud   Mogul decreasing demand for English cloths and spioes not
                                   16th and 17th November  having been received at 8nrat from Bantam for the Persian
                                   1649.             market. Yet profit! more considerable than in any preotding
                                                     season (4,000 tomans or about £12,000). The Dutch para­
                                                     mount in tho Oulf and obtain additional phirmaunds.
                                                     Customs at Gombroon deficient. Tho Agent* ascribe this to
                                                     rumours of civil war in England and tho execution of King
                                                     Charles, which disgneted the Porsians with the English, and
                                                     which it was apprehended would Induce Persian Government
                                                     to break off league with the English and stop moiety of
                                                     customs based upon treaty made with tho King of England
                                                     aod collecte in bis name.
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