Page 33 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                                         summary.                                 xvii

        >'»sue of lie book or   Nature of dooaments                           Rixiiie.
         Tolone of (bo    or pspcw.                    8umm»rj.
                                       The terms agreed to by tho Khan of Shiraz. The first .was
                                       approved. For tho second, tho castle should be equally
                                        po-8»-ssed by both till tho King's pleasure wore known. Tho
                                        third grantod, provided only, that tho Kind's and Duke's
                                       goods from India should also pass Custom free. To the
                                       fourth, they made reservation of tho two principal Captains,
                                        Kav From, Captain of Kishim Castle, and Simon do Mela,
                                       Captain of tho Castle of Orinnz, till tho King’s pleasure
                                       known. Other artiolos ngreod on, and ordored also, that no
                                       chango of religion should bo admitted on oither sido ; and
                                       charges of powder and shot to bo divided. Tho Duko and
                                       Master Bell signed, and presently the English goods were
                                       laden on tho Duke’s own camels on hire cost, which before
                                       no money could procuro.
      Porch as: his Pil-  Relation of tho Ormuz bueine&s
       grimoB, Volumo II,  gathered from Monox’s
       page 1793.   journey.
      Brace's Annals,   Accost of occurrences iu
       Volumo I, page   Persjn. 1621-1632. King of
       236b         Persia's phirmaund to the   and the city and castlo taken on 22nd April 1622. The 1   ” *y ?
                    English in 1622.   surrender was made to tho English and tho Portuguese Com- i .   ® '
                                       mander Ruv Froro and tho principal officers wero sent | pages,
                                       prisoners to Surat. Tho English recoived portion of plunder,   *   g,v0T
                                       grant of the moioty of tho Gombroon customs, treaty of 1615 I 1 p ?0C°U°.
                                       made by Mr. Connock was ronowod, phirmaund f granted by  ®   0
                                       the Shah allowing tho English to purchase whatever quantity  !^re   01
                                       of Persian silks they might think proper in any part of Persia   j
                                       aud bring tho goods to Ispahan without paying duties.   T K®Pri
                                                                              dix BPP
      Page 240.   .  Several papers in East India  Claim of King and Duke of Buckingham (Lord Admiral by
                    officos.           right of his office) former to a proportion and latter to TJth of
                                       tho prize money taken at Ormuz and elsowhoro from Portu* !
                                       gueso. The Company resist tho latter claim as they had
                                       acted not nnder letters of raorgne from Lord Admiral, but
                                       on the charter. Evidence taken and prize money ascertained
                                       at £100,000 but not taking into acoonnt tha cost and losses
                                       of the Company, Claims compounded by paying tho Crown
                                       and the Duke £10,000 each.
                                      FOURTH PERIOD,     1023—29 -ESTABLI8H-
                                       ME NT OF FACTORY AT GOMBROON-SIR
                                       DODMURE COTTON'S MISSION.
      Page 243     Agent and Factors at Ippahan  Letters from King James presented to the Shah with presents.
                    to the Court, 23rd October   Shah’s phirmaund allowing freedom of trade, exemption
                    1623.              from duties, and free passage through the country of Lar.
                                       Conference between the Shah and Agent. Permission given
                                       to Companv to occupy two houses at Oombroon, bot not to
                                       build a house, lest they should turn it into a castle. An
                                       Agent allowed to remain at Ispahan to negotiate
                                       business; silk purohasod to bo allowed froo of duty into
                                       Ispahan, but proposal as to paying \ of tho price in money
                                       and $ in English goods rejected. Plunder taken at Ormuz
                                       sold by captors at Gombroon, castles of Ormuz, Kishon and
                                       Gombroon fortified by the Persians for protection of ships.
                                       The Dutch intcrforeuoo and presents to King, bat without
                                       effect and prejudice against the English.
      Page 253   .  Letters from Sir Robert Shorley  Sir Robert Sherley in England proposes a commercial treaty
                    in 1624 nnd Company's   between England and Persia on the basis of the English
                    answer, dated 20th August  supplying materials to the Persians to construct armed vessels
                    1624.              to proteot trade, tonnage to the Persians to transport silks to
                                       England, givo them vessels on hire. The Company opposed
                                       because the oharcctcr of tho Persian Government shifting and
                                       naval support of the English might bo turned against them­
                                       selves ; Persian credit low and any mutual transactions of
                                       furnishing tonnage or leuding ships on hire inpraoticable.
      Page 361   .  The Agent at Ispahan to tho  Tho Persian trade at low webb, exorbitant prices demanded bv
                    Court, 28th August 1624,   tho Persian merchants for silks and other native goods. The
                    Consultations of Mr. Kerridge,   Agent and Counoil at Ispahan resolve to wind up. The Kin"
                    and othor Commissioners at   intervenes and oilers to present them with two out of even
                    Gombroon, 1st January 1624   100 loads of silk and purchase all the Company’s cloth. The
                    —25, tbe Factors at Surat to   Agcnov resolve to wait orders of the Court. At Gombroon
                    Court, 16th November 162-1.  only 350 tomans yet received os moiety of custom*. Com-
                                       mission consisting of Mr. Kerridgo aud other principal
                                       merchants sent to Gombroon to report on expediency of
                                       oHtaySfg” d'880lvin8 1>#r#ian tra(le- Commission in favour
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38