Page 31 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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SUMMARY.                                  XV

       N»m« of lh« book or   Nttaro of dooamaati
        VolatM of tbo                                Summary.               Buun.
         Record!.        or pspen.
     Tho Embaisy of  Sir Thomas Roo, to Sir Thoma*  Roo says that he was not so drsirous of command over Com*
       Sir Thomas Roe   Smytho (Ahmadvar), liltli   panj's sorvants as to prooure himself trouble and envy.
       to India, page   February 16I7(—18).  "Master Ktnridgo was sufficient.......I have stared Master
       498.                            Kerridge in tlio country and am thereby obliged to
                                       promote ihe Company's recompense which he pretends. I
                                       most say truth his pain is very great and bis parts not
                                       ordinary ; only ho loves dominion, and you shall see by ^mv
                                       coureos with him and all others, I will not rob him of it.1'
                                       Tho privilege,.obtained byConnork are very good, but the
                                       port and tho ground to proceed in the trade are yet unoertain.
                                       Roo arks for " means to supply it " for " the neglect of me
                                       last year" makes him unwilling to be too forward; Master
                                       Kcrridgo resents Roo'a opening Connock's letter to his address
                                       whioh was necessary for being timely informed of tbe events.
     Bruce's Annals,Yol. I,  Letter from- Mr. Monos,  Throo phinnaands from tho Persian King (1) providing for
       page 206.   Factor at Ispahan, to the   paymont of English goods in money ; (2) directing the 8ultao
                   Court, 18th April 1618.   of Minao to return tho goods detained from the English ; and
                  Co opy of tu troaty betweon the   {8) seouring safe conduot to tbe English in all their
                   King of England and 8ophi   commercial proceedings, also a troaty reported to have been
                   of Persia, 14th June 1618.  conoludcd (Pj whioh providod for tho following privileges
                                        (a) Perpetual friendship between England and Persia, and
                                            Ambaaiadors to reside at respective Courts.
                                        (&) Persian Governors to allow tbe English to land goods
                                            and to foruisb shipping with provisions at market
                                        (c) The English to enjoy freedom of religion and to be
                                            allowed to wear arms.
                                        (<£) Tho English Ambassador to be accommodated at a
                                            house at Ispahan and to employ Poroian servants,
                                            with power to judge English according to their own
                                            laws to appoint Consuls at Persian ports his drago­
                                            man having equal privileges with English subjects.
                                        (e) The English allowed to bury their dead, the property
                                            of deceased to be delivered to English Ambassador
                                            or Consul, and orphans by English women or
                                            Armonians to bo placed under guardianship of
                                            Ambassador or Consul.
                                        (/) Disputes botw«*on Englishmen, Armenians and Jews
                                            to be decided by Cadi in presence of Ambassador or
                                            Consul, no Englishman to be imprisoned for debt.
                                        (y) Tbe Englieh might attack Portuguese, when the
                                            latter obstruct their trade..
                                        (A) Tho English to have liberty of export and import
                                            trade of all kinds without payment of duties or
                                        (0 the English to be paid in money for their goods.
                                       (j) Cimtxaot for exportation of silk by sea.
                                      N.B.—It appears from a minute made at He India Office
                                             that Shah Abbas refused to sign this so-called
                                             treaty and that he only confirmed the farman
                                            granted to Connock [see note on page 171 of
                                             Calendar of State Papers 1617-21"],
     Page 214   .  Letter from the Agent and  Presentation of King Jsmes* letter to the Shah, who reoeives
                   Factor*' at Ispahan). 16th   them kindly- and promises protection to tbe English'; Shah'
                   Ooiober 1619.      design to recover Ormuz; presents to tbo Shah; permission
                                      to establish factory at Gombroon solicited, that port being
                                      nearer Ispahan than Jask.
     Calendar of State  Thomas Barken, to 8it Thoma*  Acknowledges receipt of instructions appointing him Chief
       Papers, East   Roe, April 1818.  Manager in Persia in oa6e of Connock's decease; gives a
      Indies, 1617—21,                sketoh of the Persian Mission’s proceedings nnder Connock
      § 339.
                                      sinoe their departure from Jask; reiterate* his- charges
                                      against Connock and defends his own conduot; deaths of
                                      Pley, Connock and I racye, on 4th, 24th, and 27th Docember
                                      1617, falsely attributed to his poisoning them ; lays stress
                                      on Connock's needless fear of tbe Spanish Ambassador;
                                      " Connock lived an atheist and died a Papist", prospects
                                      of Persia.
     Calendar of State   ••••••»
      Papers, East                   Loan givon by tbe East India Company to tbe Russian
      Indies, 1017.                   Emperor- Attempt to open a passage for trade with Persia
      *1. Prefaoe. pages              by way of the Volga ends in failure.
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