Page 26 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 26

                    K»«n« of tbs book or   Nsture of docomsots   Boramiry.
                      Tolam* of tbs   or pspsrs.                                         Bmni.
                   Letters received by   Thomas, Barker and William   Portuguese (Spanish) Ambassador (Don Garcia DaSilva) has
                    East India Com*   Boll to Edward Conncok at   ainvrd at Ormuz, which plnco ho will probably soon leave on
                    rany, Volun e V,   Ispahan (Shiraz), 8ib May   account of its heat. The .writers vet reside in the forepart
                                                   of the ruined houso (King's), which is inconveniently situated,
                    page 210.   1617.
                                                   and havo ashed tho Darga to givo them tho homo wherein
                                                   Connock had put up ; no presents yet given to Khan'a Vazir,
                                                   orders asked of Connock. Danger to a singlo ship coming in
                                                   these parts, as tho Portuguoso aro bent upon con<*entratiug
                                                   their whole fleet against tho English, necessity therefore of
                                                   warning the next fleot coming of tho danger, commodities
                                                   vendible in Persia, cto.
                                Edward Connock, Gsoige Play,   Refer to eoveral previous lottera. Thoir charges against
                   Page 228
                                Edward Potters and William   Barker:—
                                Treaoy to the Faotors at
                                Sunt.               (а) Barker’s delays and wasting his time in frivolities,
                                                        notwithstanding Connook'a repeatodly writing to
                                                        expedite hie journey, and remitting 000 dollars to
                                                        Bell, in order to enablo Connock to visit tho King
                                                        with necessary presents in duo time before Spanish
                                                        Ambassador arrived.
                                                    (б) Though tho jarty Lad to borrow money, “ Barker
                                                        exacted out of tho cash and of George Pley at that
                                                        money’s arrival, tho valuo of 180 reals of oight,
                                                        pretending the same for oommodity of pepper,
                                                        olovoe, ginger and other his privato trades (to me
                                                        formerly unknown) and left not one other hundred
                                                        dollars to serve all our occasions.”
                                                    (c) Barker ill-treated Potters for disapproving of his way*
                                                        and sont him to Ispahan, though he was desirous
                                                        of staving at Shiraz as his secoud according to the
                                                        commission (see above) aud detained Bell to serve
                                                        his own ends.
                                                    (d)  Barker detained at Shiraz the beat of the goods whioh.
                                                        would hive been suitable for present* to the Shah,
                                                        or would havo had a good sale at Ispahan.
                                                  Connook desirous that the next English fleot should oome to
                                                   Josk and land all the cloth it brings with the ready money
                                                   and certain other articles. (6ee list.) He has therefore
                                                   written to tho Captain of tho fleet with this view. A list
                                                   is also given of the Indian nrtiolos required in Persia and
                                                   of the " toya ” and necessaries which Shah would be pleased to
                                                   have as Connock was given to understand by Shah's treasurer
                                                   and favourito. Connock finds at Ispahan, “an Englishman,
                                                   one Mr. William Robbins, a man of good estate and as good
                                                   respects with this Prince and people, of whom wo have
                                                   received much help and iuxthemuco in the business to us
                   Page 238     The Factors in Persia to the   The Portuguese will not probably attaok the whole fleet in the
                                worshipfull the Land and Sea   Persian Seas, but are on tbe lookout for a single ship. It
                                consultations at the arrival   would further Persian trade and defeat many of Portuguese
                                 of tbe next fleet in India at   stratagems, if the whole fleet visits Jask.
                                 Eurat (Ispahan), 25th May
                   Page 239   .  The Factors in Persis, to the  List of Persian products (saffron, gall*, ruena*, eto,). En­
                                 Arrant and English merchants  quiring what their prices in India are and what quantities
                                 at Surat, 15th May 1617.  will be required. Report of 7 galleons, and 66 frigates and 2
                                                   galleys having gone out of Goa to meet the James, but not
                                                   finding her, having proceeded to Maskat iPortuguese garri-
                                                   son on the Coast of Arabia) and thence returned to Goa.
                                                   This shows that Portuguese intend to bring down on the
                                                   English their whole fleet. reliability of sending the
                                                    whole English fleet to the Persian Seas.
                   Page 241     Edward Connock aud the Fae-   Captain Fugar’s directions as to the winds and currents in tbe
                                 ton at Ispahan, to the Com­  Persian Coast sent to the Commander of the English fleet,
                                 mander of the next English   with a request that the whole fl«-et might be brought to
                                 fleet arriving at Surat   Jask road for tho reasons given above.
                                 (Ispahan), 16th May 1617.
                    Page 244   .  Edward Connock and the  King desirous of sending silks to Christendom by sea and thus
                                 Faotora at Ispahan, to   of weakening the Turk; bin treasurer Lalabeg, has offered to
                                 William Keeling and the   sell tho English 3 or 4 ohares and bales of silk. The East
                                 Factors at Bantam.  India Company have 2 factories in Persia, one at Ispahan
                                                    and the other at 8biraz. It is proposed to negotiate and
                                                    obtain privilege of, opening a third on the ooaat following
                                                    and near Jaak, the present pmt of diecbaige which, with
                                                    King’s permission, is to be fortified under pretence of protec­
                                                    tion of trade. Trade of Orinoa (Poitugaese) on tho decline.
                                                    A great future for English trade on spioes. Request the
                                                    Bantam Factors to send certain " toys " and nocessaries, asked
                                                    for for the 8bah by his favourite.
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