Page 30 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 30
Him* of tfc* book oi Ratsr* of documents
Tolom* of (h* or pipm. Sammiry.
Commission given by Captain
Letter* received by Pring to Mr. John Hatoh,
Baetlodian Com* Commander of the Bee, 8th puy's^businoss and to return aftor a stay of 10 days at the
pany. Volume V I. November 1617 (on board
page 166. .James Boyal).
Pages 269-287 Edward Monox and Fr. 'Tepton Monox loft Swally Road on tho Bee on Noromber 14th 1617
(psgoi 28(1—287). to the >KMt India Company, arrived at Jo*k on 6th December, and found Conuooit and
(Jask), 88th Deoember 16 had dici 4day
[Pley " a very punful, honest servant, whose death ie a great
hindrance to tho dne proaeontion of ray commission received
from Surat.”] Connock called avray by news that silk had
been detainod af Magustan, falls sick and diet at Qatan
declaring liimaelf a Ca»holio and after burning almost all his
papers. A few dayo afterwards Tracy, alto died.
THIRD PERIOD, 1618—1622.
mission op Barker and monox and
The Embassy of Sir Sir Thomas Roe's Instructions (1) To bo instant with tho Shah to force the Portugal to
Tbotnas Roe to to the Chief Faotors, Thomas consent, to a freo trade, which might bo effected
India, page 462. barker and Edward Monox by forbidding all relief t<» Ormuz from the main
in Persia (Ahmadyar), 4th land nr by fortifying some port for shipping.
February 1617(—18). (2) To avow Con nook (Connaaght) to h«ye been a met-
senger from tho King, though not with absolute
powor, as Ambassador to treat or concludo, bat
if tho Shall fulfil the dosircs of the English, His
Majesty will send ample authority further to con
tract with him. The points to be concluded on
which Connook alroady had began to treat, namely,
the quantity of eilk to bo bartered for and how,
privilege for a stnple and standing mart st Shiraz,
where i he English may barter and trade with the
Shah’s aubjeot* free passage for all their goods on
the oonditions granted to Connook.
Directions in detail for carrying on the trade; John Leach-land,
'Factor, to he employed in buying the silks ; Monox appointed
second Fsotor, out in the event of tho decease of Barker,
to be the Cape merchant. True inventories of the estate
of the Fact-rs dying in the Company's service parti-
eulaily of William, and the goods and moneys or
debts of the late Edward Connook to be seized for the use of
hie creditors and the Compauy.
The Embassy of Sir Sir Thomas Roe, to the East' Roe orders a ship designed for the Red sea to bring off silk
Thomas Roe to India Company (Ahmadyar), from Persia; " What i* passed I will not aggravate nor tread
India, pages 466 14th February 1617(—18). 1 on the dead, whose vanity and follies, waste and iyreligion
-486 (474-76). I did too jus ly suspect. To the business jour freedom snd
admittance is very fair; the next consider is how you may
securely ute this trade by want o/* a port and compost it
without export of great quantities of money ; for, doubtless,
if to be done, it is the best of all India and will^jieidI you
most CTiain profit”. Roe advises " composition " with the
King of Spain, wjihout which English trade would be preca
rious on account of the Poituguoso influence and opposi
tion in the Qulf; Spain could not rightly exclude England
from froo trade iu Persia. Couditions on whioh trade could
be carried.
The calendar of
8t a t e pipers, Roe aolruowlodges the King's letter dated 4th February 1617*
whioh he had received in October 1617. "Negotiations
1617*21, nogs
IX VII. W begnn last year without his knowledge by Connock s "I'"*""'
supplemented by his own letters to the Shah in which he
The Embassy of had communicated to the Shah His Majesty*! desires; nnj9
8ir Thomas Rn« resulted inn very noble loiter of the Shnh to Hia Mates y
and ths grants of large and amplo privileges to the Eng i »
India» 1*8® whioh were procured by Connook. There ore, ho we #
other difficult points on which negotiations will be neoessa y.
Portugal is not wise enough to know its own weakness,
would rather enri'u-ly Hinder us than like noble ®n P .
hurt us.” Want of a peace between Portugal and Engiana
“ makes all thr*e trades os India and hope* of Persia J
and dangerous to ib» undertakers.”