Page 25 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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SUMMARY.                                 ix

        Ktme ol the book or   Neturo ot docamente
          Volume ot the   or i>»pore.                  Summer;.               Bikaui.
       Letters received by   Edward Connock, to East India  Points tho groat dangor to tho English trade if Sir Robert
        East India Com*   Company, 2nd April 1017   Sherley's mission to 8pain succeeds. Connock, io anticipation
        pany,   Y«ilume V,  (Ispahan).  of orders, proposes to warn tho Shah of the danger and
        pago 188.                       dishonour to Persia of the proposed agreement with Spain, to
                                        point out that silk being the chief trado of tho English by
                                        way of Aleppo they would challenge Spain's pretensions to
                                        divert it to iheir solo benefit, to shew to him that English
                                        ■hipping being more powerful than that of any other nation.
                                        Connock hopes by those arguments to induco the King to sell
                                        tho English a targe quantity of silk, and urges a oorouiis*
                                        sion boing sent to him to couclnde a treaty with the King.
                                        Connock ftlso proposes to urgo the 8hah to possets himself of
                                        Ormuz Island whioh could bo easily done.
       Pago 103     George Ploy, to Edward   Ploy brings to Connock's notioo the charge hurled against him
                    Connock at Ispahan (Shim),   (by Parker and his faction):—
                    4th April 1017.
                                         (a) that Connock styles himself Ambassador;
                                         (h) that ho is extravagant in oxponding Company's money ;
                                         (c) that ho on some difference caused one of Company's
                                             servants (Bell) to bo treated with violonce by iL-
                                             nativo people.
                                       Ploy advises Connock his friond to be careful in future and
                                        not to endanger his reputation.
       Letters received by  Sir Thomas Roe, to tho Factors   Complains of tho smallness of stook for investments in India.
        East India Com*   at Surat (Mandoa), 7 th   " The host, may all almost, is goue to Persia, and the Ambassa­
        pany,  Volume V,  April 1617.   dor [sic sarcastically referring to Connock] hath commanded
        (Appendix) pages                all tho next floet; and I hear of preparation to send it by
        338-342 ipage                   staying a mariner at his desire."
       Letters received by  Edward Connock, to George  Denies the charges against him. (1) He nover assumed the
        East India Com­  Ploy at Shiraz (Ispahan), 10th   name of Ambassador. (2) The charge of prodigality is an
        pany, Volume V,   April 1617.   invention of William Boll, his (Connook's) accounts will show
        page 196.                       the troth, necessity only has compelled him to borrow, he
                                        has been sparing, but discreet in his expenditure so as to
                                        maintain his dignity and refutation. Connock urges Pley
                                        to hasten to Ispahan “ for till then I cannot depart to the
                                        King, nor poremptorily will I engage my life by delivering
                                        an old letter and treat a counterfeit business, except you
                                        enact it there and confirm seorocy by your oaths. The King
                                        is a tyrant and cuts off heads every hour." It was necessary
                                        to anticipate tbo Spanish Ambassador.
       Page 200     Sir Thomas Roe, to Thomas  Charges against Connock. His styling himself Ambassador,
                     Kerridge at 8urat (Mandoa),   his prodigality, etc., hs reported to Hoc; Roe believoa
                    25th April 1G17.    Connock is on tho highway to Papacy or even Mahomedan-
       Page 200     Gecrgo Pley, to the Faotors at  Reports to the Factors left at Shiraz (Barker, Bell and any,
                     Shiraz (on the way towards   Peitors having joined Pley soon after he bad left), the state
                     Ispahan, 27th April 1617).  of the parcels of cloth. Pley wishes for peace, referring to
                                        the factious spirit prevailing among the members of the
       Pag* 210     George Pley, to Edward Pottors   Complains of tho oondition of the camels hired, which would
                     at Shiraz (on the way), 28th   carry their burdens half the way.
                     April 1017.
       Page 211     George Plev, to "William Bell at  Complains of tho oouduct of Barker towards him, his inveterate
                     8biraz, 3rd May 1617 (Aaupas   maiico against others and his sinister onds of his own. Refers
                     Oazurb = Asupas, or Aspas   to tho term* exacted by Barker, for his private stock of
                     about 90 miles from 8hiraz   ginger, bought of him to sell again on Company's account.
                     and 160 from Tehran).
       Page 216   .  Edward Connook to Thomas  Connook complains of tho silenco of Barker thoagh a letter
                     Barkor, George Pley, Edward   from Shiraz could reaoh Ispahan in five or six days. Shiraz
                     Potters and William Bell at   ought not to be considered the main objeotive of the mission.
                     Shiraz (Ispahan), 8th May   Nothing can bo affected there; there cannot be better sale of
                     1617.              goods at 8hiraz than at Ispahan. Barkor and his party
                                        ought to come to Ispahan with all tho goods and with all
                                        speed. " Be no causo of our business ruin; yon have
                                        through your sloth and negligence already put it a bleeding.
                                        Miuo will be the blame, though yours the fault." Expedition
                                        Is requirod in view of Spanish Ambassador coming, about
                                        whose movements information is asked.
       Page 218
                    Edward Connook, to Ploy and   Connock complains of the oonduct of Barker, his delays, his
                     Potters on the way from   faithlessness to public aorvioe, his having " broken iu pieces
                     Shiraz (Ispahan), 8th May   my intondments of presents for tho King, who will not be
                     1617.              presontod (nor is it fitting) as wo give to the Chan and
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