Page 21 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 21
X*r>« of tho book or Nature of doeumonte Biiuaxa.
Volume of the or papeie. Summary.
The Embassy, page .lonrnnl of Sir Thomas Roe, Sir Thomas Rwo complains of the oonducb of the Factors at
330. Oth November 1010. Surat in rejecting his advice as to Persian trade. He had
wished among other preliminary steps before starting tho
enterprise to solid one " Shalhauke for 100 rupias overland
to di«cover both Syndu and Jasquos."
Purehas Pilgrims, Captain Child's Journal Proceedings of the Persian Miston until return of the
Volume I, pngo James.
Pley's Journal in 8th November 1616.—Tho James sets sail for Jaak from Surat
the British Rond with the following Factors for Porsia on board : —
Museum, Egerton Edward Con nock.
Manuioript. Thomas Parker.
George Pley.
Edward Potters.
William Bell.
William Tracye.
Matlo-v Pep well (to be distinguished from Henry
Letters recoived by Thomas Doughty (an officer on During voyage tho James gave chase to divers boats described
East India Com* tbo James), to Rust India at sea, of whom souio freed thomselves by (light and others
pany, Volume Y, Company (Surat), 26th Feb by resistance. Only ono boat of 80 tone with a Portuguese
page 99. ruary 1616(—17». pass (f *r specimen, see Purehas Pilgrims, Volume 1, page
41*2), giving license to go to soveml L'ortuguose ports.
Page 60 Edward Con nock and Thomas 1st December.—Came to anohor within 6 leagues of the
Barker to the Fuotoia at Arabian «'oast.
Surat, (Jusk), 19th January 2nd December. — Arrived in a bay near Jask.
1616(—17). 4th December. - Piloted in Jask Lay by a fisherman.
5th December.—Boll went ashore.
6th December.— Bell returned with welcome of tho Govornor.
7th December.— Party reooived by the Governor.
12th December.—Party piooeeds to Magustan to visit 8ultan
«nd Govornor of Ormuz province (Zulfikur Sultan) in company
with Governor, and o urying some goods ab masters.
Party iccoivrd with joy and obtain permission to land goods.
11th January 1616(-17). Party returns leaving Pley and
Tracye at Maguetan.
13th to 16th January.—Goods landed.
18th January.—Goods laden on camels despatched to
Mugustau in charge of Fetters and Bell.
19th January. — Governor of Jask died.
20th January.—The James left Jask for Surat.
Letters received by Protest of Factors at Ja«k On arrival at Jask, tho party find the Chief Governor at a
East India Com* against Alexander Child, distance of 7 milos and as some timo would be taken for some
pany, Volume IV, .Master of the James, lOik of tho Factors to repair to the Governor and for nego
page 266. Docember 16.0. tiations, the Faotors protost against the proposal of Child to
take back James as required by Pepwell’s commission. (In
consequence, Child delayed his departure until 20th January
Page 201 (1) Edward Connook and Direction from the Factors in Persia to Child, Captain of the
Council to Alexander Child at James, to lie with his ship at a place called Gombroon (thwart
Jask, 17th December 1616 of Ormur) " whioh is secure harbour uuder a castlo in Oitae
(2 days' journey short of he is threatened by Portuguese frigates. [ Note.—See
Magustan). interesting description of Gombroon in the»o papers. Magu
(2) Consultation of the Factors stan is probably modern Minan or Minab about 60 miles east
in Persia on sauio date and of Bandar Abbas and 12 miles inland. Noto on page 261,
place. Vulumo 1Y. lbn Butata identifies Magustan with old
Ormuz, the ruins of which says Curtou in his Persia, Yolume
II, pago 414. are on the banks of the Minan creek, some 6
miles south-west of the Minan fort.]
Page 273 Edw.irl Connook lo Captain Directions from Edward Counock to Captain Child of the
Child, 26th December 1616. James, countermanding the abovo orders and ordering him
to p ooecd to Costook (a coast harbour between Guru and
Minan), where ho could conveniently discharge the ship.
Rcfets to Child's discovery of a good bav east of Jask.
Hopes expressed of scouring the port of Gombroon.
Page 282 George Pley (one of the Fac Gives details of the party's journey from Jask. No better poit
tors in Persia) to Kobort to bo got now than Jask for landing goods. Connook and 2
Middleton and Robert Bate others gone to disoharge the goods and sond back the James.
man (M&guctan), 30th De Governor has supplied camels to bring up goods aud given
cember 1616. oidera to Local Governors to befriend and protect the English
from Portuguese attack, for caiavan must go for a dav’a
joumoyb) seaside. Jusk too remote for trade from Shiiaz
and Ispahan. Hopes entertained of securing a inoie conve
nient harbour.