Page 17 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                              PERSIA AND THE PERSIAN GULF.

        NOTE.—Communications and consultations printed in the Selections are indicated with Roman numerals.
       Hunt of lb* book or   Nature of document*                              BllUBU.
        Volamo of the    or fapera.                   Summer;.

                                          THE FIRST PERIOD, 1600-1613.
     Calendar of Stato   Coramandmont of Shah of  Oponing bis country and dominions to all Christain pcoplo to
       papers  (East   Abbaa, King of Persia, 1509   repair and traffic without disturbance or molestation, all
       Indies)  161:1—   (P) procured probably by Sir   merchandise being admittod froo of " inquisition.” Providing
       1616, sootion 261.  Anthony Shorley.  also that if a Christiau merchant dio, no part of his goods will
                                       bo taken and th© Governor shall bo answerable for thorn “ to
                                       tbo next Christian merchants of his nation, and thoeo having
                                       power of tho Slmli's dues and customs shall recoivo nothing
                                       nor dnro speak for any roooipt from any Christian merchant.”
     Calendar of State   Robert Shorley to hi* brother  Complaints of tho Shah’s cruelty towards the Armenian
      paper.  (East   Sir Anthony Siivrloy, 22nd   Christ i .na and of tho sourvy treatment towards himself. His
      Iudies),  1618-   May IG05.      life in danger. Great preparations for war against tho Turks.
       1616, seotion 811.
     Bhirley • Brothers,
      paga 66.

     Calendar of Stato   King of Porsia to tho King of  Deputes Robert Sborloy as his onroy—proposes that con­
      papers (East   England.          fidential minister* may pass between the two kingdoms for
      indies), 1613-                   confirming and establishing friendship, eto. Tho Shah is
       1616, section 891.              ready with a powerful army to wipe ofT tho Turkish Empire
                                       and Lopes to bring tho confines of tbo Porsian and Christian
     Shirley Brothers,                 kingdoms together.
      page 60.
     Calendar of 8tate   Thomas Bays to Salisbury, 10th  Arrives at Babylon In August 1809. Dofeat of the Turks by
      napers (East   Juno 1609 (Ispahan).  the Persians. King of Persia had taken Barbeio from the
      Indies),  1613 —                 Portugals six years previously. He invested Ormuz *'the
      1616, section 416.               koy to tho East Indies.” The Portugals buy peace by promis­
                                       ing 600 tomans yearly to Persia. Efforts of Sir Anthony
     The Sh e r1e y                    Shorley to divert the course of silk trade from tho Aleppo
      Brothers, page 69.               route to Ormuz. Two Carmelite friars sent to Persia by tne
                                       Popo to convort tbo Armenians to Catholicism.
     The Calendar of  Cottingham to Salisbury, 6tb  Failure of Robort Sherley’s Mission at Madrid. He proposes
      Btate   papers  January 1611 (Madrid).  to prooeed to England. The effect of his propositions would
      (East   Indies),                 be to open two of the best ports in tho world to the English
      1613—1616, sec­                  East India traders.
      tion 603.
     Bhorloy Brothers,
      page 74.

     Calendar of State  Earl of Northampton* to Robert 8horley leaves England for Persia, without having
      CSS).  1618-  Rochester, September 1612. effected anything. His dutiful demeanour to the King ana
                                       his noble oarriago make great impression.
      1616, section 619.
     8eotion 744 .  Robert Sherley to the East  Urges the Company to settle a faotory at “ Guadea " (Gwadur P),
                   India Company, 28th Septem­  whioh although not in Persia, is under a tributary.
                   ber 1613 (Guadea).
     Letters received by  Thomas Aldoworth to the East  Aldeworth bad made diligent enquiry concerning the state of
      the East India   India Company (Amadvar),   Persia and after oonferenoo wiih many that came from thence,
      Company. Volume   9th Novemoor 1613.  ho found thero was a seaport town called Bareyn (Bahrein) ’
      I, 1602-1618,                   whereunto a ship of 2 or 3 hundred tons might oomo, and he
      page 802.                       understood that country speut muoh cloth, for the Venetians
                                      brought it overland and so carried with them all aorta of
                                      Persian silks, which trado was, os it were, offered to the Eng­
                                      lish and surely Aldeworth thought they would be able in short
                                      time to vent muoh doth m Surat.
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