Page 18 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 18
Nuns of tho book or Nolan of dooamonli
Volnmo ot tho or papsra. Bumrnary.
Btcorda. Bikaszo.
Letters received by Thomas Aldeworth and Whon tho English Factors first repaired to tho Mogul Cour*
East India Com William Biddulph. ^ their broadcloth found a ready sale and in consequcncol
pany, Volume II, large quantity oidored from England, whioh was moro than
page 06. to East India Company, Surat, could meet requirements. Demand falling to a mere fraction
18th August 1614. of tho estimnto ; Aldoworth ou tho lookout for markets and
ho discovered ono in Persia. Tlioro, ho was told, they might
Page 167 Captain Nioolas Dawton ( bo sure "of the vout of much cloth, in regard their country
). to East Iudia is uiuoh cold and mon, women nod oliildren are clothed
Company, 20th November therewith 6oroe fivo months in tho year.” This information
1614, (Swally Road). obtained from ono Richard Stool, who had come overland in
pursuit of a lun-nway debtor and had been persuaded to await
Page 208 Consultation of oertaiu at Surat tba coming of tho expected fleot. The matter was
merchants (Geuoral Dawton, brought bofovo iho Council of Factors at Surat and it was
Edwards, Aldeworth, Thomas resolved to despatch Steel to Ispahan accompanied by a Factor
Elkington, Edward Dods- called Crouther to procure further information and to solioit
worth, Thomas Mitford) in & far man “for the fair and peaceable entertainment of our
Surat, 28th November 1614. men, ships and goods in all each ports as they shall arrive
at." The two gentlemen were to go to Ajmore and thenoe
Page 236 Thomas Mitford (merohaut), proceed to Ispahan with tho necessaiy funds for their
to Sir Thomas Smith, expense ; they were furnished with letters of recommenda
Governor, and the Committees tion to Sir Robort Shorley, who had rcoontly returned to
of the East India Company, Persia by way of 6india (Lahari Bandar) aud Ajmere fiom
26th December 1614. a loving mission to tho various Euiopesc Courts (1608-13)
as the Shab's representative ; after fulfilling their mission
Page 239 John Croutber to Governor Bteel to go to Englaud with their repoit to the Company and
and Committees of the East Crouther to return to India with a duplicate thereof. Jasques
India Company (Amadavar), a convenient psit “ a little within entrance of the Gulf of
26th December 1614. Persia at a headland ... and not bo much in danger of the
Poitugueseas Barreen". King of Persia likely to fall out
Page 247 Thomas Aldeworth to East with tho PoitugueBO and favourably disposed towards
India Company (Amadavar), England; Sherley ill-treated by Portuguese at Sindia, is
27th December 1614. received at the M'-gul Court very honourably, and told
Kerridge that if the English did not come to Persia, he
Page 260 Edward Dodswoitb to East would bring the Dutch.
India Company (Amadavar),
30th December 1614.
Page 209 Captain Nicholas Dawton to Captain Dawton refers to his former meeting Sir Robert
Sir Bobert Sherley (no date). 8herley and appeals to their friendship, recommends Steel to
his consideration and entreats him “to move the King, and
know His Majesty’s pleasure, whether ho will grant aud
give his firm and ohop for the subjeota of the King of
England to have froe intercourse aud poaoeallo commerce
throughout all his dominions, which if His Highness will
grant, then it may please him that Jasques may be prepared
by hiB directions for the courteous entertainment ox the
English, whon it shall please God to send any of our ships
thither, as also for their quick transportation from thence
to the Courts and other places as occasiou shall import."
Page 146 Note on ports of Persia, taken (1) “ Jasques"—Not fortified and " is only a fisher town,"
from Sir Robert Sherley. and 3 leagues off is the seat of the Viceroy of the
provinoo (Ormuz province).
(2) “ Damonc " (Bandar Abbas P )—best and strongest
among Persian King's dominious; lies 3 leagues
off aud opposite Ormuz.
(3) "Satan" (Bostanah P)—36 miles within 9rmnz with
a good road and a small island uear it proteotmg
from winds.
(4) " Bareyne "—Island on Arabian Coast, taken from
the Portuguese by Persians, who keep a garrison
(6) "Bashirs" (Rosbire)—80 leagues from Ormuz, well
fortified with five fathoms of water on one side, 7
on the other; 100 frigates and galleys kept here
to ent ofl all passengers that offer to go from
Ormuz to Bassora ; hath a navigable river for ooat»
of burden to go to Sharaee in eight days.
N.B.-(a) All ports of Persia are free
or customs, but only toll on beasts of burden
leaving tho country.
(0) Ormuz pave the King tribute of 24,000 careni as for
water and provisions.