Page 23 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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Letters received by Edward Connook and Thomas Report oo the prospoota of trado in the Gulf; Compaoy'aoapi-
the East ludia Barker, to tho East India tal brought to Junk £6,333 15a. lief, of which £560 ready
Company, Volume Company (Jask), 19th Janu money ; list of goods landed from the James. Commodities
V, page 66. ary 1610 (—17). from Surat and Bantam (especially spices of nil kinds chiefly
pepper) will have good sale ; Ormuz (Portuguese) declining
in trado on acoount. of deolino of Portuguese power, on
whioh account piraoies have bocomo common ; advisability
of the fleet boing sont to Jask; no danger from Poituguese
who have got only 12 frigates and ono galley at Ormuz ; only
good English mariners wanted, as their health has suffered
much by '* toddy, arrack and women ’’ at 8urat; plenty of
oheap good provision at Jask, which provides a good road in
tho bay ; Bay of Jask might be easily fortified (Head as how
this oonld bo done, also Captain Fuger's proposal, page 68,
Volume V). Yet a port nearer tho inland mart* of trade more
desirable than Jask, whioh having been lately conquered by
Persians, and tyrannised by them, affords no eule for English
commodities, and is very poor oxcept in camels ; Edward
Patters and William Bell sont onwards with goods by way of
Magustan whore are left George Pley and William Tracye; tho
hearty welcome and friendliness shown by the Sultan and Gov*
ornor of Ormuz, who howover bad no power to make any
treaty with the English ; refers to an old blank letter of His
Majesty the King of England to bo presented to the 8bah.
Page 6» Edward Connook and Thomas An acoount of the Persian Mission op to 19th January 1616
Barker, to Factor u at (—17) (see above p. v.] ; Connook and Barkor urge the Surat
Surat, 19th January 1616 Faotore to oend the whole English fleot when it comes in
(—17) (Jask). October or November, so that they might aoleot and tako
cuob goods ns might bo vendible in Persia. The Portuguese
import into Persia large quantities of Guzorat goods (see list
given), which they ask to be sent also to Jask. Their request
to the Faotore at Bautam (noted below). They propose that
one of the master’s mates or some “ sufficient " man of the
ship James be kept at 8nrat to serve as a guide to the next
fleet in cnee it proceeds to Jask.
Page 66 Edward Connook and Thomas Request tbe Hautam Factors to send ope ship load of spices
Barkor, to William Keeling to Persia. The Portuguese shipping on the decliue and way
and Factoro at Bantam, 19th clear for good Persian trade in apices by the English.
January 1616 (—17).
Page 66 Advice for the Coast of Persia Gives the directions of winds aud currents, and description of
given by Anthony Fugera. Jask and suggests how it could be fortified (read also
page 68, Volume V).
Page 103 Surat Factors, to East India An account of tho state of tho Company’s trade in the East
Company (8urat), 26th Feb Indies, of tho disposal of the goods, and of those sent to
ruary 1616 (—17). Persia. William Bell preferred Persia to Surat. [Note.—
Bell died in Persia in 1621, see description of bis tomb in
Goldsmid’s Telegraph and Travel, page 562.]
Page 124 Consultation of Faotore in Mathew Pepwell, one of Faotore in Persia, having got ill,
Swally Road, 28th February transferred as Faotur on the James. The master of the vessel
1616C—17). taken by tbe James during voyage to Jask, under the
impression that it belonged to the Portuguese, claims
damages ; matter referred to Chief Faotor fur investigation.
T£e Embassy of Sir King James, to Sir Thomas King James praises “the diligence and dexterity whioh
Thomas Boe to Roe, 4th February 1616 you have us.'d in your negotiations,’’ approves “ the entrance
India, page 666. (—17) (received by Roe about of a treaty whioh you nave begun to make with the
October 1617). Sophy of Persia for the opening of his gulf and enlarging
the trade of our subjects into bis dominions, especially for
the traffio and oommerce of ailk," and authorizes Roe “ to
perfeot and conclude or cause to be perfected and oonoluded
a treaty of commerce betwixt the said great Sophy and us,
for the mutual good of the subjects aud dominions of
both, wiihout attending from hence any other directions
than a confirmation of that treaty."
First Letter Book of The Company's instructions for The Amba88Hdor to make oareful enquiries from native mer
the Esst India the negotiations in Persia, chants regarding certain details, and, if the results he satis
Company, page (received by Roe iu the factory, to despatch some fitting person or persons to treat
465. beginning of October 1617). with the King of Persia on our King's behalf for the
establishment of suoh a trade with us a9 will appear and will
Tbe Embassy of answer witb our means aud vents of our commodities."
8ir Thomas Roe, Conditions to be insisted upon:—
to India, ptge (a) a fixed oertain rate for customs aud tolls;
\b) a safo and secure port, and a mart in the interior;
(c) at least half of the price of the silk to be taken in
English goods and the remainder “ in ready money,
spiceB ana other Indian commodities
(d) the prioe of ailk “ laden clear of all oharges aboard our
ships " must not exoeed a real and a half (6s.) the
pound; " at whioh prioes aud good conditions as
aforesaid we shall be able to take from tbe Persian
▼early eight thousand bales of his silk, of 1821b
English oaoh hale or thereabouts.