Page 20 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 20
Nam* of tb* book or Nttnre of docamcod
Voloo* of tb* or paper*. Summary.
B*oord*. Rikiik*.
The Embassy of Sir Sir Thomas Roo to Factors «t It would bo uselcoi to send a mission to Persia until tho Issue
Thomas fioo, page ; Surat, 1616. of Sherloy's mission to Spain woro known; tho Jarman
8S0. ! (Brought by Mr. Topwell to obtained l>y htoel and Croutbor was of littlo valno, as it con
8urat.) tained no undertaking on tho part of the Shah to aond down
silk to Jnsk, and no morohandixo was obtainable at that port
in tho ordinary way. 1
Fint Litter Book Riohard Steel to tho Company Opening oftrado with Persia by Ja«k.—Its advantages, as com
of the East India (undated, writtou probably pared with tho Portuguoso monopoly c.f 8oa trade and tho
Company, 1600- about end of 1616) routo by Lahari Bandar aud Sind to Porsia.
1619, page 457.
Letters received by Consultations of Surat The Surat Factors determine to open a factory or factories
East India Com Factors— in Persia in spite of Sir Thomas Roe's opinion to the con
pany, Volume IV, (1) In 3 « ally Road on board trary as oxprosiod in hie lottor brought by Pep well. Ronsons i
pages 169-195. Charles, 2nd October (a) Present opportunity a good one, seeing that Sherloy wa*
1616. away, who would cither bo a troubleaomo enomy or an
(2) In Surat, 6th Ootobor expensive frioud ; (5) tho war botwoon Turkey and Persia
1616. having blookod commercial intorconrso with Europe by
Turkey, there must bo plethora of silk, and dearth of doth
In Porsia; (c) it was nccos3nrv to find vont for the largo
sfook of goods at Surat; (d) tho port of Jask conveniently
situated and one ship would suffico for dofonco against a
Portuguoso attaok ; (e) tho ship that comes from Euro
might go from Surat to Persia and return in a fow Z
without extra c ost to the Company ; ( f) the ship that oomes
from Bu.tam with spices might after landiug spices required
at Surat, discharge the remainder at Jask, whoro spices were
supposed to be in demand. Roe’s opinion sot aside with the
remark that' In regard His Lordship in other particu’ars of
his said lottor is far tiansported in error of opinion con*
corning merchandising and merchants' affairs in these ports
makes us assured that bo is no less transported from and
concerning his Persian employment Edward Connoclc,
capo merchant of Popwcll’s floot was chosen " chiqfovcr all
Factors and factories that shall be in the said Persian
I employment until tho Company's pleasure be further known
therein," Thomas Barker his principal assistant, and George
Ploy, Edward Petter*, William Traoyo, as other assistant*, aud
Robeit Gipps as linguist. Tho James, under command of
Alexander Child, was told to convoy tho party to Jask
with tho goods ordered.
Page 220 . Commission and instructions to The expedition in the James to go to Jask, and uuder the
Edward Connock and others authority of the Shah's farman land tho goods there, after
for tho voyage to Persia, consulting the local Governor. Thence remove the goods to
Surat, November 1616. a town of greater safety ogainst tho Portuguoso and robbers ;
then Connook to proceed to Ispahan with all speed and after
presenting the Shah with His Majesty King Jarte*' letter
(blank letter filled in), and offering him suitable presents
try and obtain grants of privileges. If two factories are to
be established, the Chief to be under Connook with Pley as
seooud, the other to bo under Barker with Potters as seoond.
N.B,—The Surat Factor* oall Jask a small maritime village
and are awaro of its disadvantages.
Pag* 225 . Commission to Alexander Child, The above mentioned party with oargo to be oonveyed to
Commander of the James by Jask, or next most convenient port, adjoining thereunto,
Henry Pep well, Chief Com and on arrival at that place, Child should not keep the
mander of the fleet, 6th James there more than 26 days, and return to Swally Road.
November 1616.
Page 245 Sir Thomas Roe to Sir Thomas Answer of William Robbins from Ispahan, who informs that
Smythe, 27th November “Sir Robert 8horley hath confirmed a peace with Viceroy
1616. at Goa," that "except Shah Abbas he assured that wo will
fetoh all his commodity by sea, he will not lose his other
ways," and that there was no use rending him such goods as
he disliked, and prejudicing him against us, and driving to
the Spaniard or Turk. Had Sir Thomas Roe boeu made privy
of the projected expedition to Jask, ho would have prevented
the bazzard they ran." He .would now inform the Shah
through his Ambassador at tho Mogul Court that the
English ship went to Jask only to " see the port and show
our forwardness;'* Sir Thomas's grounds for objeoting
to the project: (1) groat expense of carrying silk from North-
Western Persia (Georgia and Gilsn); (2) the dangers to whion
tho caravan would bo exposed through Lars and Baluoliistan ;
(8) charge* and troubles at Jask somo as nt Surat; (4) on
the close of tho Porso-Turkish war, tho silk trado would pro
bably take the shortest and easiest oourso to Europe through
Turkey by way of Aleppo. It is of Importanco th»t Bherley »
mission to Spain should be brought to nought; Spam shoul
be warned that exolusion of other nations from tho rersia
Gulf in its trade would be a casus belli.