Page 36 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 36

2Z                               SUMMARY.

                 K»me  of tk* book VC  Niton of do*omiot»     Summary.
                   oloir* cl tho   or P*P«».                                         Bimw.
                Calendar of 8tat«   William Burt, Robert Wader   Death of Sir Dadmure Cotton on 28rd (P) in tho city of
                 papers, 1626—29   and Robert Loftus to the   Kaghin after only presenting King Jamo'a lotter to tho Shah.
                 (East   India),  Ea»t India Company, 22nd   His extreme want in thing* befitting his dignity. Death of
                 S 782       October 1628.      Sir Robert Shirloy also in extreme want.
                Bruce’s   Annals,  Agent and Couneil at Ispahan   Shah Saji renews the Company's• privileges, but vnluablo  • Far man
                 Volnma I, page   and at Gombroon, to thn   present* (worth about £1,600; had to bo given him annually.  printed on
                 810.       . Court, 26th September and   Shah's reply to King Charles’* lottor ; 20,000 tomans worth  page 393 of
                             10th October 1631.  of silk* had to bo bought by tho Company from tho Shah.  l e 11 e r s
                                                Rebellion in Persia and plunder by a Georgian Princo affcotod  received by
                                                silk trade, no stock of silk kept by Shah ns by Shah Abbas.  the E. I.
                                                Largo diffusion of silk over Turkey and Russia. Gombroon  Co., Vol.
                                                becomes a largo dep6t lor silk. Moiety of Gombroon customs  VI  and
                                                560 tom bub. Dutoh incur displeaauro of Shah.  repri n t e d
                                                                                    as Appen­
                Page 314    Agent and Council at Gom­  The project of inducing merchants to bring silk to Gombroon  dix C.
                             broon, to tbo Court, 21st   fail*, as the goods purloined are on transit. Want of funds and
                             October 1632, and 23rd M*rch   cloth to meet liabilities on purchuses, especially Maalipatam
                             1632-1633.         cloth for which muoh demand. Tho English against their
                                                wish obliged to co-oporato with the Khan oft Shiraz against
                                                the Portuguese at Maakat, or othorwiso tho Dutch would.
                                                Agents to avoid similar embarrassment ask for powers to
                                                occupy a place, where they could retreat in an emorgeucy.
                Pago 321    Agent and Council at Ispahan,   Trade in Persia practicable only by contracts with the
                             to tbo Court, Juno and   King ; privato individuals laving noithor credit nor boiug
                             26th September 1638.  trust woithy. Largo quantities of silk carried into Turkey,
                                                notwithstanding pbirmaunds, moiety of Gombroon customs
                                                242 tomans.
                Pago 325   .  Agent and Council at Ispahan,   Shah given up to dissipation and little prospeot of his protec­
                             to the Court, 23rd May and   tion. The Dutch offer high prices ana profuse bribes. Tho
                             13tb October, and 24th Nov­  Persians, it is feared, would insist on cash payments, as
                             ember 1634.        Indian cloths not much in favour. Moioty of Gombr oon
                                                customs 342 tomsns. Proposal to give up tho claim and
                                                accept an specified allowance.
                Pago 330    Tho Court, to Agont* and Council   No encouragement to bo given to interlopers from England.
                             in Peraia, 26th May 1636.
                Page 334   •  President and Counoil to the  Truce between the Portuguese and the English concluded at
                             Court, 29th January 1636—   Goa. Convention between English President of Surat and
                             1636.              Portuguese Viceroy on 20ih January 1635-36 on basis of
                            Copy of Convention between the  treaty between England and Spaitfof Septomber 1630. New
                             English and ' Portuguese at   experiment of sending a pinnace, with a small investcmenl
                             Goa, 20th January 1635—   to florr«^(under Turkey). On account of uncertainty of the
                             1636.              Persian King's phirmaunds, proposal to try and securo
                                                Persian silk in Persian ports by sale of Indian and English
               Page 342     Agent and Council at Ispahan,  Mr • Gibson, Agent at Ispahan, however succeeded in renewing
                             to the Court, 22nd January   contract with the Shah for 3 years and for Qhilan silks.
               Page 351-352  Agent and Council, Gombroon,  Mr. Gibson died, and It was found from bis books that he had
                             18th July, 5th Ootober and   applied Company’s money to his own profit and lent £12,000
                             13th January 1637-38.  to Dutch, enabling them to bear down English trade; neces­
                                                sity of a reliable Agent felt. The Dutch, however, indebted
                                                to Armenian merchants to tho amount of £100,000 and
                                                export of silk by them stopped until debt discharged.
                                                President Mothwald returns to Europe, nnd the new Presi­
                                                dent Mr. Fremlin stops at Gombroon on bis way, roports
                                                Persian trade not rightly understood, broad cloth better
                                                sold at Surat than Gombroon, purchase of silks on ready co6t
                                                system more profitable. Proposes new set of regulations.
               Page 358   •  Agent and Council at Ispahan,  Customa at Gombroon incnuaidorablo from the low state of
                             ♦o the Conrt, 21»t and 12th   trade and from collusion between the English Commandors,
                             November 1638.     Factors on share and Persian officers (which Agent suspected)
                                                Ettaroan Dawlat Vizir favourably disponed but Shaw*
                                                bandar inimical to tho English. King Charles' letter and
                                                pictures of English Royal family presented to tho Shah, which
                                                produced good effect nnd secured new contract for silk, and a
                                                phirmauna to recover debts duo under an old contract.
               Page 366     Agent and Council at Ispahan,  Effect of the new Regulations introduced by the new President
                            to the Court, 3rd December   at Surat and his orders to sell offfurniture at Ispahan and
                            1639 and 28th February   concentrate trade at Combroon began to be felt. Persian
                            1639—40.           Government rot likely to enter into a new contract. Customs
                                               at Gombroon had annually decreased from fraudulent dealings
                                               of Sh&w-bander and from misunderstanding betwoon tho
                                               Shah and the Great Mogul, who had prohibited bis subjects
                                               from trading to that port.
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