Page 40 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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xxiv                         SUMMARY.

                               Viw •! lk« M ex   h'ltsri of docamiete   Sammiry.
                                               •t |*p*n.
                                                          SEVENTH PERIOD, 1867—1081—PERIOD
                                                           DEPRESSION IN TH ADK-RELIN QUISIT.
                                                           MENT OF PERSIAN TRADE.        H
                              Knee's Annals,   Gombroon Agenoy to the   King of Persia invades Mogul territory,   Tho rumours of
                               Volume I, p>g*   Court, 12th December 1667.  the Company's dissolution induces tbo  Books of Pasha to
                               636.                       seize tbo English Faotory ; Trade iu the Gnlf at a stand.®
                              Tags 649   .  Sorat Presidency, to the  In tliis stato of things the Surat Prceidency propose to
                                          Court, 24th April end 30 Sep­  obtain poeeeeeion of Haekat; as this would giro tho English
                                          tember 1660 and 13th Janu­  command of tho Gulf and provide a vaniaeo place to overawe
                                          ary 1669—60.    Gombroon; negotiations commenced with tbo Governor of
                                                          Msskat. It was proposed to place a garrison thcro of at least
                                                          100 soldiers. But the negotiation did not result successfully
                              Burst Psctory In­
                               ward Better Book  Hr. Bell to the Chief and  State of the accounts at Goombroon.
                               No. 1 A (1666-   Council at Surat, 77th Hay
                               1901). page 49.  1657.
                                                         Trade at Basrah. Certain demands from tho Bashaw of Baa-
                                         Hr. Bell to the Chief and
                               Ibid—page 61 .             rab. Dlsputo regarding tho Companys* house.
                                          Council at Surat, 16th Octo­
                                         ber 1657 (Gombroon).
                              Sorat Psctory  Commission and inetructione  To convey George Cranmar and. Robert Ssinthal to Gombroon.
                               Diary No. 1, page  of the P.retident and Council
                               19.       of India, Pereia, etc., to
                                         Captain Thcmae Crout her,
                                         Commander of the frigate
                                         America, 13th April 1661.
                                         Conmisston and inetructione  The Sorat frigate to sail to Basrah with cloth, pepper, xy^is
                               Ibid—peg* 20 .
                                         given by Preeident and   liguum. Advice as to conducting enles at Busrah, etc.
                                         Council of India, Pereia,
                                         etc., to Hr. George Cranmer
                                         and Hr. Robert Sainthill in
                                         their voyage to Butrah and
                                         return to Swally Ruade—
                                         (Svally marine), 13th April
                             8urat Factory Diary   Conevltation in Surat, 25th  Requirements of tbs shipping in the Persian Gulf.
                               No. 1, page 47.   October 1661.
                               Forrest's Selec­
                               tions, Home series,
                              Volume I, page 97.  XIV.
                             Ssrat Factory Disry  Proctedingi of the Chief and  Death of Mr. Foster and return of Agent Bnokeridge. Appoint­
                               No. 1, page 62.  Council at Surat, 21et Janu­  ment of Richard Craddock, Agent in Pereia, George Cranmer,
                                         ary 1681 (—62).  hia second, and William Bolt as another assistant.
                             8srat Factory Diary  Commission and inetructione  Instructions as to how the Agent should prooeed. He is to
                              No. 1 pags 76.   to Bichard Craddock   proceed to Gombroon in the Hopeioell, make himself
                              FomstfS Selec­  (Surat), 3rd Hank 1661   acquainted with the Company's affairs there, inform the
                              tions, Home   (-62).        Shah-bander his arrival, so that he might be reoeived with due
                              Series, Yolumt 1,           respect; insist on payment of the moiety of the onetoms at
                              page 199.                   least 1,000 tomans. Death baa bean so familiar among tbs
                                                          Company's servants at Gombroon on account of the heat and
                                                          unhealthiness of the place, that the Agent might absent
                                                          himself either at Shiraa or Ispahan daring Summer.
                             Surat Factory Diary   Commieeion and inetructione  Instruction* as to sale of goods at Baarsh and Gombroon.
                              No. 1, page 79.  given by Preeident and
                                         Council  of India, Pereia,
                                         etc* to  Richard Buldwll
                                         and Hr. Ralph Lanbton
                                         (Sieally Sola), 18th March
                                         1661 (-69).
                             Bruce's Annals,  From tho Court to Agsnt and  Interruption in Persian trade on aooount of war in Europe
                              Voluffi# II, page  Factory st Gombroon, 8th   and political embarrassments in Persia on restoration of
                              327.       May, 7th July aod7tb April   pesce. The Court forwarded a letter from the King to the
                                         1674.           8bah sod ordered translation of collection of phirmmndo mads
                                                         by the Agent, and attempt being made for a new phirmaua
                                                         from Sbab ; 1,000 tomans reoeived os moiety of Gomb  roon
                                                         customs muoh below the expected amount Carmexua wool to
                                                         bo more atriotly inspected before being despatched.
                                         Uol“ I“U* *»P“11* U.            .hortlj .(t.r«r4. (1667)  to oze
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