Page 44 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 44

xxviii                           SUMMARY.

                      N»ir«eMht b»k or   Ntlurr of duamrots       Snrnm»ry.
                        Volvoit ot lilt   orpr*u.
                    Bruce's Aunali,   Letter from the Court, to Sural   The object of the expedition to B.mtaiu having boon answered
                                                    b» peaceful ►ettlemont, th*- Bqnadron intended fur Persian
                      Volume II, r*g«  ’ Presidency. 20tb July 1683.  Gulf, wa* diverted to procoed against intorlopora.
                                 Agent and factors in Peisia,   Conip*nj'* trade at Surat and Rombay having boon unhinged
                    Page 617
                                  30lh Mar. 21 it September   by the remit in Bombay, Persian commerce a dUoonnootod
                                  and 17«b December l6?S and  •ubjrot. As to the now projoot of combining Mocha and
                                  11th Jauuary 1683—1684.  Per.-ian trade, tho agents at Gombroon and Inpuha'i reported
                                                    tlmt basis of this project or salo of English produco at
                                                    Morhi, Hnsrah, etc., bad failed, or was impracticable.
                                                    Further thoy stated that the orders foi Persian goods at
                                                    Inpahan and Gombroon could not bo compliod with, for tho
                                                    exports could not be do.-posrd of to purchaso an investment
                                                   of silks Csrmania wool, etc., but if proper agents with
                                                   suIHeient stock should bo employed at Ispahan, thoao articles
                                                   might be procured, fur tho ships of tho following season
                                                   under the risks of interruption of privileges, and the
                                                   uncertainty of their being renewed.
                                 The Court to the Agent and   Orders of the Court that two of the Council at Gombroon
                    Page 629
                                 Council in Persia, 2nd July   should constantly reside at Ispahan to attend to tho
                                 1*84.             Company’s interests there.
                    Collection of papers   The Court, to the oyent and   The East India Company weje ready to send ships and an
                     received from tbs   Council in Persia sOth Sep•   adequate stock provided Persian goods should bo embarked
                     India 0 ffio t,   temher 16S4.  on English bottoms only and that the customs should be
                     Volume 10, page               regularly paid.
                    Brace’s  Annals,   The Agent and Factors at   Company fits out a large ship, the Charles the Seaond with
                     Volume II. pages   Gombroon, 28th May 1684   60—70 gun*, Commander Sir Tborna* Grantham, with a
                     539 and 643.  and 30th Marrh 1685.  King's Commission, and to have a vote in the Council at
                                Sir Thomas Grantham to tho   Surat while at tbatport ; object to recover Bantam, or if this
                                 Company (Gombroon), 10th   ha found impracticable to procoed to the Persian Gulf and
                                 September 1684.   by the appearanco of forco to endeavour to establish the
                                                   Company'- rights at Gombroon, eto. At this time Bombay
                                                   undergoing convulsions of a revolt, to suppress whioh
                                                   Grantham was called after visiting Gombroon. Hut before
                                                   this visit to Gombroon the Dutoh bad blockaded that port
                                                   in consequence of a dispute with the Ettamau Dawlat
                                                   (Prime .Minister) about their silk contract and stopped the
                                                   Mogul vessels going to port and takon Per-ian goods.
                                                   Owing to this interruption custom* not recovered. On tiir
                                                   Grantham's arrival off Gombroon, tho Dutch fleet had left,
                                                   while presence of Persian troop* prevented him from using
                                                   force, so he set sail to BombHy. A small quantity of
                                                   Carm&uia wool sent to England. Agency at Gombroon of
                                                   opinion that refined sugar from West Iuuies could not
                                                   compete with sugar brought from Bengal and in a refined
                                                   state from Maskat.
                    Page 6SI    Lettrre from tbe Court, to tbe   A considerable force having beeu collected in the  preceding
                                 Snrat Presidency. 28th Octo­  season for the reduction of Bombay, dhcietion  allowed to
                                 ber and 23rd December 1686   the Presidency to utilize it to inforce the Compauy’s rights
                                 and 26th March 1686.  iu tie Gulf [but it was not so employed].
                    Page 666    The Court, to the Surat Presid­  Salt ordered to be sent to Sumatra from Ormuz island in shipe
                                 ency, 17th Jan* and 12th   coming from Persia; Agents in Persia consnred for not
                                 Aueust 1685. The Court, to   informing the Court about the war between the Persians and
                                 the Agent and Factors in   the Dutch and for neglecting to let out the Company's ship
                                 Persia.           on freight during the war which would have yielded consider­
                                                   able profit.
                    Page 570    The Court, to the Agent and   Regular information to be sent to England by way of Aleppo
                                 Council in Persia, 3rd Sep­  every six weeks, as tho Interlopers secured earlier intelligence
                                 tember and 20th December   of events. Application to bo made to King of Persia to
                                 1686.             encourage shipping of Persian trad- on English bottoms, with
                                                   an offer to contract for -wbolo of the silk and Carmani* wool
                                                   purchased formerly by the Dutch. The Persian Agonoy,
                                                   however, to bo guided by tho President or the Central and
                                                   Counoil at Bombay.
                    Page 678   .  Company's Linguist at Ispahan,  Intrigues of tbe Dutch to create a misunderstanding between
                                 to the President at Surat.  the Persian Court and tho English ; but by tho efforts of the
                                                   Company's Armenian linguist at Ispahan, protection to trade
                                                   and confirmation of the privileges at Gombroon, had been
                    Page 601     The General and Council at  Company's affairs in ciitioal state on account of Interlopers,
                                 Bombay, to the Court, 17th   favoured by tho Mogul, and tho intrigue of the Dutoh. Sir
                                 and 18th May 1667.  John Child despatches two of the largest ships to Mocha and
                                                    Basrah to seize all Mogul vessels, undor the command of
                                                   Captain Charles Andrews ; one Interloping and six Mogul
                                                   vessels uuder Dutch colours dotained by Captain Andrew*.
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