Page 49 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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Summary.                               xxxiii

        Jfrmt of thtbook or   Nataro of dooamOJto                              BmaiKi.
         Volamo of tbo    or psporo.                   Summary.
                                       Tho Agont submits a potition to thd Ettaraon Dowlat
      Bruc-’s Annals,                  praying for paymout of tbo arroars of customs, exemption
        Volumo III, pago
        314— contJ.                    from certain dues, permission to oxport siquins and silver
                                       and an order to tho Shah-bandar at Gombroon, prohibiting
                                       him from molesting tho English. Tho Duton try thojr
                                       utmost with bribes to officers to get tho King visit their
                                       factory, but fail on 2nd September 1099 ; the Euglish Agent
                                       is presented by the Shah with a Kholat (vest of honor), a rich
                                       sword and a horso. Tho 8hah-bandar of Gombroon paid
                                       1.000 to mans of arrears of customs and promised to pay
                                       2.000 tomans moro of tho arrears on the onauing March.
                   Tho Court, to tlo Agent and   On account of the favour grantod by tho Shah, the Com­
      Page 359
                    Councils in Porsin, 3rd and   pany send him presents (optionl glasses, sword blades, etc.).
                    4th May, aud 21st August   Though satisfied with privileges obtained tho Court regretted
                    1700.              thai no potition had beon presented for the right of exporting
                                        raw silk. Mr. Oliver (appointed Agent) and, Mr. Bruce, his
                                       second, ordered to present a petition for this privilege
                                        which had become all tho moro important from the prohibi­
                                        tion of import of Indian wrought goods and tho necessity
                                       of having a large supply of raw buIc to accommodate the
                                        manufacturers in England.
      Burnt   Faotory  J. Burniston, eto„ Deputy
       Outward Letter   Governor and Council at
       Books, No.   3  Bombay to the Agent and
       (1077-1700), page  Council at Gombroon, 28th
       95.          November 1700.
      Ibid, page 100  J. Burniston, etc., Deputy
                    Governor and Council at
                    Bombay to the Agent and
                    Council at Gombroon, 5th
                    December 1700.
      Bruce's Annals,   Agent and Council at Gombroon  Rogom obtained from tho King for payment of arrears of
       Volume III, page   aud Ispahan, to the Court,   Gombroon Customs (982 tomans), which was obtained on
       381.         29th October, 19th November,   payment of 60 tomans to the Shah-bandar. Agent Owen
                    14th February and 24th   goos to Ispahan to settle a olaim about rank between Agont
                    March 1700-01.     Bruce and the Armenians and brokers. Agent Owen sug­
                                       gests that if force be used on tho Gulf, the island of Barrem
                                       should bo oooupied, a station which would not only afEord
                                       a proportion of Persian produoo, but enable the Company
                                       to overawe tbo trade. Tho Persian trade was on the whole
                                       good; appearance of a Ship tho (Montague) belonging to
                                       the English Company (to be distinguished from the
                                        London Company, tho old East India Company). When
                                       its Captain was informed that an Act of Parliament had
                                       been passod for continuing the London East India Company
                                       ho behaved correctly And mado purchases with mercantile
                                       propriety (conduot rare in the English Company's officers).  i
      Page 429     The Court to the Agont and   At the commencement of the season, when tho prospeota of
                    Counoil in Persia, 26th April   tho Union between tho two Companies wore uncertain,
                    and 8th May 1701, aud 22nd   tho Court allowed discretionary powers to their agents in
                    May 1702.           Persia in regard to tho English Company's ships, should
                                       they interfere in tho Persian trado, but the London Com­
                                        pany's agents wore to ox plain to the Persian Government
                                        that the London Company would continue to enjoy exolu-
                                        6ivoly tho rights on which the English Company were not
                                        to participate. After however tho plan of Union was
                                        adopted, the London Company’s Agents were instructed to
                                        observe the most friendly intercourse with the English
                                        Company’s Agsnts on tho completion of the Uniou. The
                                        Court of Directors of the London Company informed the
                                        Agents aud Counoils - in Persia, as well as their General,
                                        Pro,idont (Sir John Gayer, Mr. Colt) and Counoil at Bombay,
                                        that they were to hold their appointments and allowances
                                        till noxt year's investments, after whioh the utmost exortion
                                       would be used to contiuuo them.
      Page 621     Letters of Sir Nicholas White,   Sir Nicholas White (Chief of tho English Company at Surat)
                    to the Court of Directors of   sent ogeuts to Basrah and recoived information that trade
                    tho English Company, 1702.  was practicable ai that port on the Company's agreeing to
                                       pay customs at tho rato of 8 per ceut. ad valorem.
      Page 536   •  Tho Court of Commlttcos of   Sir John Gayer (appointed Governor 'of Bombay) instructed
                    the London Company, to Sir   to sond a confidential agont to Persia to investigate into tho
                    John Gayer and Counoil at   disputes that had subsisted botweou the Compauy's a^euts
                    Surat, 4th and 10th Juno   and faotors in Persia, and also to wind up tho separate
                    1703 and 18th January   accounts of tho London Company and report.   L
                    1703 (—04).
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