Page 51 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 51

Summary.                                XXXV

        Jfiia# of lb* book of   Nolnro of documonto     Summary.               Bi
             a oi
          Volume ol tho   or papers.
           Be CO  rd<.
       Publio Department   Basrah  lottor 17th and  The Pasha's demand for a tax from Persian servants in
        Diary Wo. 3 of   18th Novombor 1727.  Enropoan houses refused by tho Agent Mr. French.
        1727-29.                        Friendly attitude of tho Pasha towards tho English.
       Turkith Arabia
       Precis (1616-1846).
        Ibid        Mr. Pronch's letter 2nd   Friendly disposition of tho Pasha. Amount of Consulage
                    March 1728.         collected at Basrah.
        Ibid       Mr. Prenoh’s loiter  Tho customs   question. The Paeha wishes to await orders
                                        from the   Porte under tho capitulations [see Aitchison's
                                        Treaties, Volume IX,  ]•
       Danver’s Report of              William Henry Draper succeeds Wators a« Chief at
        the India Ooffico               Gombaoou in March 1727. Persia overrun by enemies and
        Records relating                trado in 1726—80 at very low ebb. Sheikh Rashid establishes
        to Persia and the               a port at Bassidoi'e in opposition to Gombroon. As this
        Persian   Gulf,                 affected tho customs receipts at Gombroon, tho Agency fitted
        pages 81-S2.                    out an oxpediti n in April 1727 under the command off Draper
                                        consisting of the Brittania frigate, tho Bengal galley aud
                                        two trankejs and recovered from Sheikh Rashad the share
                                        of oustoms duo to tho Fast India Company. Differences
                                        botween tho Dutch and Afghans at Gombroon in 1728.- Ormuz
                                        captured by tho Dutoh but surrendered and amioable
                                        arrangement arrived at through the good offices of the
                                        English Airenoy. Tho Persians attack the Afghans and
                                        defeated them. The Afghans retake tho town and
                                        pluuder the British factory. When tho Persians again
                                        ousted the Afghans, tho Dutch made tho Persians believe
                                        that the British had helped the Afghans, whereupon the
                                        Agency mado to pay 300 tomans as fine and deprived of
                                        houses. The Agency mako an attempt to retire to Ispahun
                                        but proyented by tho Kings’ Minister.
       Publio Department   Mr. Fronch’s letter, 12th  Mr. Frenoh leaves Basrah town and goes aboard the Britannia,
        Diary Wo. 3 of   October 1728.  as his linguist was imprisoned. On due apology being made
        1727-28.                        and the release of tho man, ho returns. The Agent givon
                                        authority to punish bis own servants.
       Public Department  The Bombay Government, to  Phirmaud obtained by hlr. Frenoh from the Pasha of
        Diary Wo. 4 of  the Chief aud factors at   Basrah for payment qf only 5 per cent, customs on all goods
       1731.        Gombroon, 21st Novem­  sold at that port.
                    ber 1731.
      Public Dopavtment   Resident at Basrah, to the  Defeat of Thomas (Tamasp) Caun (thefuture Nadir Shah)
       Diary No. 6 of   Bombay Goveromout, 30th   by the Vizier and the Pasha.
       1733.        August 1733.

      Public Department  Agent and Consul at Gombroon,  Eutry of Thomas Caun into Basrah.
       Diary No. 8 of   to the Bombay Government,
       1734-35.     datod 20th September 1731.
      Danver’s Report on
       the India Offioe                Owing to oppression, etc., it was deoided to withdraw the
       records relating                 Agencies from Ispahan ana Carmania.
       Persia and Persian
      Public Department   Entry dated 6th October 1736
       Diary No. 9 of                  Threatened 2nd Expedition against Basrah. Danger of the
       1735-36.                                                            °f
                                        Mi Its Wit gras
           Do.     Consultation of the Bombay
                    Government, 22ud Octo­
                    ber 1736.
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