Page 52 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 52


                     Kimi ef th# b-*eV or   Non# of Joeoment#     Summary.               BiKiaki.
                       Velamtof Iko    or tap#'#.
                    Public Department   Letter from the Agent, etc., at   Tho French ship ot Gombroon received invitation from
                                                    Thomas Caun for tho Fronoh to ro-Bottlo at Gombroon.
                     Diary No. 9 of   Gombroon, dsted let Dcoem*  Prossuro brought tobonr upon tho Agency to furnish shipping
                     1736.1730, page  ber 1736.     against tho Turks aud restrictions placed on tho Company’s
                     277.                           trade. As there is a prospect of conclusion of placo between
                                                    Porsia aud Turkoy, there is likelihood tho Company's affairs
                                                    will improvo, nolikelihood of having to recall Mr. Fronoh
                                                    from Basrah or sending ships thoro against tho Turks.
                                                    Thomas Caun's intrigues to establish himself os Kiug, in
                                                    which case tho Company's prospocts gloomy.
                                                     ELEVENTH PERIOD, 1737-1747. NADIR
                                                              SHAH’S REIGN.
                     Do. page 197.   •  Lettter from Agent and   Visit of Mr. Fronch (Resident nt Basrah) to Bagdad to
                                 Connoll, •Gombroon, dated   obtain rodrosB of griovnnoea against Mussalim of Basrah.
                                 20th March 1736.  Thomas Caun occopta crown undor title of Shah Nadir,
                                                   renews East Indian Company’s privileges, hut oxpects tho
                                                   Company to famish ships for his fleet, which it is determined
                                                   to increase. Mirza Togghy Khan's son and brother invited
                                                   themselvos to the Agency garden at Asseen and had to bo
                                                   entertained at great expenso and sent away with largo
                                                   presents. Merchants having been soveroly treatod by Gov­
                                                   ernment had loft the town, but wore prevailed npon to return.
                     Do. page 629  Agent and Council, to the  State of the trade in Carmania and Nadar Shah favourable to
                                 Fombay Government, dated   the English. He expects them however to assist against
                                 7th December 1736.  Maskat. Present of a ship to him.

                   Public Department   Letter from Agent and  Mr. Fronch recouped his oharges for doctor and for paying
                     Ditry No. 10 of   Couneil, Gombroon, dated 8tb  the Bashaw for reducing customs. Great dearth of silver
                     1730-87, page 43.  February 1730-1737.  money in Karmania and difficulty of making sales.
                                                   Reported establishment of a Russian factory at Astrakan
                                                   ana import of woollen goods from there. Shah Nadir
                                                   assures the English of bis protection and his gratifleation
                                                   at getting a ship from them, but expected them to assist his
                                                   fleet against tho Mnscatovrs.
                     Do. page 121.   .  Letter from Agent and  A Fronoh ship arrived from Bengal, and two Dutch ships
                                 Counoil, Gombroon, dated   from Batavia. The Persian fleet under Lstifa Khan with
                                 20th April 1730.  6,000 men and ],600 horses sailed on 1st April for Corju-
                                                   khoon lying about halfway between Maskat and Gombroon.
                                                   Tho allrged objeot of the expedition was to a*oIst Imam of
                                                   Maskat against bis rebellious subjects, though, if it bo found
                                                    racticable, the Persians would not bositate to 6oizo tho
                                                   i maum and subject Maskat to PcraiA. The English were
                                                   not pressed for assistance, but tho Dutch were so pressed
                                                   that they sent one ship. Boglerbogy arrived at Gombroon
                                                   on 13th February, having given many fair promisos that
                                                   nobody should be molested, which ho broke Boon, though
                                                   propitiated with rich presents. He renowod the Uogurns to
                                                   the English, except as to 1,000 towards out of the customs.
                                                   He. agreed, however, to give one-third of tho ouatoms on the
                                                   freight brought by our own ships. This privilego cost the
                                                   Agency tho »um of 160 tomans io tho shape of a present
                                                   and other oxpenses to entertain him. He extorted rnonoy
                                                   from tho Agency for preventing him to stop the East Indian
                                                   Company carrying copper and black money and other things
                                                   besides wool from Carmania.
                    Public Department  Letter from Agont on Council  The Arabs in the Persian Marine Servico had revolted and
                     Diary No. 4 of   Gombroon, dated 10th Doc-   carried some of tho ships, at which tho Dutch wore prevailed
                     1740-1741, page  ember 1841.  upon to attack tho rebels with two of their ships, but thoy
                     01.                           effected little. Tho English wtre then Hppealed to, as being
                                                   bound by agreement to assist tho Persians io the Gulf.
                                                   The Persians were greatly ogitatod at ono of English ships
                                                   having taken pass from Imaum of Maskut, and at tho
                                                   Commander of a British vossol having sold it to tho
                                                   Imaum. Tbero was a great demaud for English woollens
                                                   notwithstanding tho contusion in Porsin.
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