Page 56 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                        Verne el th» book or  Nani of docoowts      Summary.
                          VclQMOf lk«    or papers.                                        Bimm.
                       BeeretavUt Inward   Alex. Douglas »nd   John  Poxitioa of the rival partioe in Persia. Dofcat of Nosir Khan
                        Letter Book,   Parsons, Agent and Counoilat  of Lar by AH Khan 8liaheamand, ono of Karim Khan's
                                    Gombroon, to the Presidency,  otfioors. Exactions by tho Utter from Mullah AH Shaw
                        Volume VI, of                and others. Demands from tho English faotory for proBonts
                        1756-60.    11th October 1765.
                                                     to Karim Kban.
                      Gombroon Faotory   Agent and Oonncil at Gombroon,  Settlomont of a faotory at Bandar-Rig, under a rogom
                        Diary 1768-56,   to the Court of Dircotois, 2nd   obtained from Karim Khan. Tho difficulties of drawing
                        page 62.   December 1765.    trade tboroto and tho hostility of tho Arabs.
                      Public Department   Agont And Council At Gombroon,  Troubles in Poreia and tho ecarolty of inland merohaoti.
                        In'sry No. 29 of   to the Presidoooy, 24th Feb­  Mr. Wood had bogunHo settle at Bandar-Rig. Thodotaoh  ment
                       1760, rage 128.  ruary 1766.  for Bandar-Rig. Hie monthly expenses and travelling charges.
                                                     The Dutch re-establish their faotory at Basrah at tho
                                                     reqoost of 8aliman Pasha. Mr. Sbaw’e departure from
                                                     Basrah to Baghdad. Despatch of translation of grants
                                                     and phlrmands to tho Prosidoncy.
                      PubUo Department   The Govornor in Conoeil, to the   Acknowledge receipt of the translation of tho grants and
                       Diary No. 29 of   Agent and Council at Gom­  nhirmands. Express satisfaction at the reform obtained by
                       1760, page 159.  broon, 4th April 1766.  Mr. Wood for opening a faotory at Bandar-Rig. Rocommend
                                                     that ho should regulate his oxpsnses very ocouomically.
                      Gombroon Factory   Francis Wood, to the Agent  Description of the Datoh factory at Karrak and Baron
                       Diary No. of   and Counoil st Gombroon   Kniphausen’s methods of trado. The Dutch aim at concen­
                       1766-67, page 141.  (Banderik), 3rd May 1756.  trating the Gulf trade on the island. Wars in Persia.
                      Gombroon Factory   Franoii Wood, to the Agent  Wood fears his life is threatened and remove from Bandar-
                       Diary No. 1766-   and Connell at Gombroon   Rig. Meer-Mohaoa murders his brother Meor Hoasoin
                       67. page 161.  (Banderik), 29th Jane 1766.  and destroys the East India Company's house.

                      PnbUe Department  Governor in Conoeil, to the  Despatch of an Aeeistant to the Resident at Bandar-Rig.
                       Diary, ho 29 of   Agent and Coonoil at Gom­  Expedition undor Wood ordered against Gongoon, for the
                       1766, page 267.  broon, 17th Julj 1760.  loss iufleoted by its Sheikh on two of the Company's ships.

                      Gombroon Factory   Aler. Dongle* (Agent at Gom­  Conduct of Wood in leaving Bandar-Rig critioised a* pusillani­
                       Di*ry No. 1756-   broon), to Frsnois Wood, 24tb   mous. He is not to leave the place again until orders
                       57, page 168.  July 1760.     ore received from the Presidency.

                      Publio Department   Agent aud Council at Gombroon,  The tronblea in Persia. Wood's observations about tho
                       Diary No. 29 of   to^he Presidency, 6th Angnat  Karrak and the Dutch trade, eto. (referred to above). It
                       1766, page 369.               appears that the Dntoh had been invited to resettle at
                                                     Basrah, but the offer had not been accepted. Observations
                                                     on the oatastrophe at Bandar-Rig.
                      PnVlio Department  Agent and Coonoil at Gombroon,  The Swallow and Drake ordered to Congun to demand satis-
                       Diary No. 29 of               faotioo from Its 8beikh and then to prooeed to Bundor-Big to
                       1760, page 433.  tember 1760. °3’ ***** ^  re-establish faotory there, or obtain satisfaction from Meer-
                                                     Mohans for demolishing the Company’s honee.
                                       LX XXII.
                     Pnblio Department   Governor io Counoil, to the  If Wood oannot eacoeod to establish a factory at Bunder-Rig
                       Diaiy No. 29 of   Agent and Counoil, Bombay,   or elsewhere in the Golf, he should roturn. The proposed
                       1766, page 468.  Wih October 1760.  expedition against Bander-Rig approved.
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