Page 58 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                     Kim et lh« book or   Kotorr ft deruminti     Summary.               Bmui.
                      Volta* •( lb*    or t>*p*r«.
                   Publio Department,   ConauUation at the Presidency,  Detention of tbo Viper at Gombroon, approved.
                     DaiyNo.SlA.of   29th December 1768.
                    Fnblio Department.   Agent and Counoil at Gombroon,   Mahomet Velly Klmn, a Gonoral of Karim Khan (appointed
                     Diary No. 82,   to tho Prciidenoy, dated 7ih   Sirdar of tbo Hot country) wns approaching Gombroon.
                                                   Mullah All Shaw to transport inhabitants and their
                     page 61.    January 1769.     ofTecte to tbo islands. Nasir Khan put Larin a stato of
                                                   dofouco and sent a forco to oppo.o Velly Khan. Tbo
                                                   opposing parlies and forces.
                    rnblio Department,   Agent and Counoil at Gom*   About movements of Mabomot Velly Khan.
                     Diary No. 81,   broon, to tho Prrsidcuoy,
                     page 183.   dated 6th February 1769.
                    Publto Department,  Agent and Counoil at Gom*   Tho Agency Linguist sent to mcot and pay compliment* to
                     Diary No. 32,   broon, to the Presidency,   Ma;iome‘- Vo'ly Khan, who prepare* to inarch against Lhar
                     page 290.   dated 2nd April 1769.  as well os Gombroon. Attack of Arabs on houses of
                                                    agency soivauts.
                    Pabllo Department,   Agent and Council at, Gom*  About movements of Karim Khan's forces. Largo orders for
                     Diary No. 82,   broon, to tho Preeidenoy,   woollens from Mr. Shaw, Resident, Biwali.
                     page 429.   dated 9ih June 1769.
                    Fnblio Department.   Agent and Council at Gom*  Capture of the Eatt India CompanyV factory at Oombroon
                     Durr No. S3   broon, to the Presidency,   by the French on 12th October 1759. The email British
                     of 1769, page 695.  dated 22nd October 1769.  force capitulates. Terms of the capitulations. The factory
                                                   plundered by the French and afterwards completely
                    Fublio Department,   Agent and Counoil at Gom*  The French learo Gombroon e -tting fire to tho factory. Sack
                     Diary No. 32,   broon, to the Fresidcicy,   of the place by Mulla AH Shaw and his peoplo.
                     page 814.   dated 8th November 1759.
                    Aitcbison'a Treatise,   Fin-man granted by Soliman  Directing that the privileges grautod by tbo capitulations
                     Vol. XI, Turkish   Posba. 1769.  should be allowed aud enforcod, etc.
                     Arabia, No.].
                    Pullio Department,  Letter from Gombroon, dated  Revolt of the inhabitants of Ormuz against Mullah Ali Shaw,
                     Diary No. 34   31st March.    who was seized by them and con lined in tho fort, while
                     o! 1760, page 290.            some other of hi* subjec*s took hold of Gombroon, and
                                                   refuaed to give it up to Nasir Khuu'a brother. Some of
                                                    Mullah Ali 8haw’s people tried to resoue him, but failed
                                                   and proceeded to Kisbni.
                                                   The Beni .Main Arabs plumed for thoir families in Kishm.
                                                   proceeded there with 100 of Nasir Khan's men.
                                                   Nasir Khau seeks English assistance. No ship available.'
                                                   The Dutch factory was in possession of a linguist, who
                                                   having no authority to let or sell it to the English, the agent
                                                   had written to the Chief at Karruk. For tho present the
                                                   English had hired two houses.
                    Public Department,   ConiqlUtion dated 21sl April  Order of Council communicatin'; to Agent and Connoil at
                     Diary N o. 32,   17C0.    *   Gombroon tho intelligence that tho Dutch bad a design of
                     psge 295.                     taking the islaud of Ormuz, and advising Agent and Cnnuoil
                                                   a t Gombroon to concert measures with Nasir Khan to
                                                   forestall tho Dutch.
                    Publie Department   Letter from Gombroon, dated
                     Diary No. 85 of   16th September 1760.  Karim Khan not yot master of Persia. Julfnr Arabs with
                     1760, page 776.               bbfiKh Rasbed and Mullah Ali 81 aw, take Gombroon. Nasir
                                                   Khan's brother Jnffar Khan's oppressions. The Company
                                                   urged by him to convey the Boni Slain Arabs in tin ir ship to
                                                   Gombroon removing to Urmuz and forced to give a loan.
                                                   It was not likely that N sir Khan would consent to tho
                                                   English leaving Gombroon to a place, whoso people award
                                                   him siaut allcgiauco, and it was not possible to take it
                                                   by force. The place was barren and would require enormous
                                                   expenditure to convert it into a factory.
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