Page 48 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 48
zxzii SUMMARY.
NiMtIUi book or I cJ uo:ura»nU
▼oIiim of U)« SomiMij.
Bnork or
the children ahould be delivered to the English Ambassador ;
Brace's annals. that the English should pay tho samo duties of import and
Volume Iir, page ' export, that they paid at Alloppo and Constantinople, and,
%4A-eontd. only suoh " Roddnrago " a« had boon usual; and should thoy
]o60 goods, and affirm such loss before the Consul, thon tho
Governors and " Boddars ” should bo compelled to find such
goods, or to pay for them; that should any disputo arise
among merchants, under tho value of twenty tomans it should
be decided by the Cazi, and, if above thnt sum, by tho
Ambassador, according to the Persian law, in both coses ; and
if the English oould uot sell thoir goods nt tho prico they
asked, they might dispose of them whoro thoy pleavo.
The Rogoins, or particular privileges, granted to tho Company,
inoluded the ninoteen, formorly conferred by tho suocossivo
sovereigns of Persia, with two additional ones. By tho
former grants, the Company bad a right to possess a nouso
■t Ispahan; to recover goods taken from thorn on tho
road; to bo exempted from “ Hoddarsgo" in the Persian
dominions; to recoivo civil usage; to export twelve horses
annually ; to export two thousand mounds of goods, free of
duty ; to convey their goods in safety to thoir house in
Ispshan ; to havo a right of bringing water to their house;
to have guards to their Caphilos, or caravans ; to make,
drink, and oxport wine; to employ assistants in making
wine; to levy what Caramania wool they might have
oooasionfor; to have the power of judging of tho offenoee
of their own people; to sell to the Governor of
Gombroon for ready money, he being prohibited from
employing any force in compelling such sales; to take
possession of their own house at Shiraz, which the Governor
Lad dispossessed them of < not to be compelled to give presents
to the Khans, or Governors; to do protected against
hindranco in bringing goods on shore, at Gombroon ; and
no custom, in future, to be paid on " 1ling " and eu^ar.
The additional Bottoms now granted by Sultan Husaoin, were,
first, that the English should, in future, be exempted from
payment of the duties of " Sudeak ” and " Havoy, " through
out the Persian dominions ; and, secondly, that tho arrears
of the customs, due to the English, should bo iu.mediatly
adjusted, and paid by tho Governor of Gombruom.
Page 246 . Agent* and Councils at Ispahan Order of the King to tho Kban of Carmania to permit the
and Gombroom, to the Court, Company's purchases of wool to be mado to the full extent.
11th, 15th and 23rd July, 3rd No rogoms could, however, be obtained for exporting silk by
December 1697, 20th Febru way of Gombroon, as this request was opposed by Armenians,
ary 1697-98. whose trade by way of Aleppo with the Turkey Company
would thereby suffer. The Charles the Second arrives at
Gombroon with large quantities of cloth, which were
sold to shopkeepers at 18 months’ credit, notwithstanding
Armenian opposition. Proposed re-tmploymont of " JDaud ‘
the Company's former broker. Tho Charles Second is offered
to convey the Persian Ambassador to India, the English being
anxious to have the credit of thin service rather than the
Dutch. Mr. Barnwell appointed chief agent in Persia.
Pnge 277 . Agents and Councils at Gom The privileges of trade obtained by tbo English obstructod by
broon and Itjaban, to the Court, the Dutch. ~Order obtained from the King for payment of
20th, 2)st and 28th December arrears of customs, and also the year's customs up to March
169S, 13th and 16th January, 1698-99. Portion of the arrears paid by fine silk, and
6th and 7th March 1698-99. application made for the remainder. The Dutch oppose the
payment by silk, as the whole of the silk to be exported by
sea had been assigned to them. The Armenians again break
contract by refusing to give security for tbo payment of
Page 314 . Agents and Councils of Ispahan, Unfavourable state of English trado at the close of the
to the Court and from Ispa last and beginning of the present season. Tho Dutch
han, to Gombroon, 30tb elaim exemption of the silk, wbiob by contraot was to be
Batch, 6th and 29th July. exported by them, from the payment of customs and that
16th, 19th and 27th August payment of any part of the cnsloms was a violation of ibe
and 9th September 1699. contract with the Dutch. Refund of oxcess thus paid to
the English claimed by tbo Shah-bandar. Tho Dutch claim
the exclusive privilege of exporting silk from Gombroon
under a recent grant. The Shah pays on 28rd July 1699 a
visit to the English factory at Ispahan, where he is received
with due pomp (£1,200 having been spent) and is well pleased.