Page 39 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 39
Summary. xxiii
Nituro of docutnouU Summary. RlKiSKfl.
■kbSM®’’ of paper*.
factory receives largo stock. The Portuguese expelled from
Bruoo’s Annals, From tbo 8urat Proddonoy, to War between Mogul and tbo King of Poreiu ends. The Dutch
Volume I, page* tho Court, 24th Ootober and Maskat by tho Arabs and could not resist the .Dutch in
468-461 21st February 1060—61. Persian Golf. Thus Dutch prepoudoranco increases.
From Agont and Counoil, Gombroon customs very deficient.
Gombroon, to tho Court, 21st
Fobruary 1050—61.
Agent and Counoil, Surat, to Tho Dutoh preponderant increases. They send a fleet, 11 ships,
Psge 401
tho Court, 8th April and 30th to Gombroon. The English trado on the decline both from
Ootobor 1061 anu 10th Janu scarcity ol monoy and imports; a proportion ot goods sent to
ary 1061—62. Ispahan by 2 caravans and the Court’s orders exeouted of
estimating nil the quick and dead stock by appraisomont and
carrying tho amount to the credit of the united stook. Gom
broon customs share 760 tomans. Tlie agency recommend
the oxamplo of the Dutch should be followed by sending a
strong fleet.
Page 473 . Surat Preiidency, to tho Court, War between England and Holland an<f Europe.
26th November 1063 and
18th January 1063—54. Before the intellogouco of this reached the Gulf, tho Dutch
with their fieot of 16 sail and goods worth 40,760 tomans,
Agents and Counoils st (apbabau purohase a large proportion of Persian produce, bat tncy are
and Gombroon to the Conn, refused their demand for the same ptivileges us the English
4th April. 0th Mac, 18th at Gombroon. The English domnnd that tho Datoh should
August and 30th September be mado the moiety of the Gombroon customs due to tho
1053. Company, though thoy wero exempted from that dae to the
After the intelligence of the war reached. Great apprehensions
entertained that tho Dutoh would oapturo the English vessels.
The Dutch propose to the Portuguese to corabiuo therefore
to 6weep away tho English from the gulf, bat the latter
refuse to comply ; Gombroon customs moioty=8QU tomans.
The Company’s goods in Persia valued at £40,000.
Page 462 . Agent and Factors at Gom A Dutch fleet captures the Company’s ships Roebuck and
broon to the Court, 4th April Launeret off Jask, and soon aftorwards the Blessing, and
and 16th May 1653. drove the Supply on shore, where she was totally lost. Fears
entertained that these defeats would dam ago British prestige
Agents and Factors At Ispahan, in Persia. Soon, however, nowsoomes of the English viotory
to the Court, 8th August over the Dutoh off Portland and raises the f hopes of the
1663. Footers. Orders sent to tho agont at Basrah to bring away
‘ goods from the factory, as a Dutch attack was appre
hended. Presents made to the Gombroon Shah-bu-nder to pay
the moiety of customs ; 720 tomaos recovered. No articles
for prosents to the King. Proposal, to purchase silk ready
cash and abandon tho costly practice of making contracts with
the King.
Page 493 . Agent at Gombroon to the Tho intelligence of the conclusion of peace between Holland
Court, 9th April 1664. and England not having yet reached the Gulf and with the
Dutch fleot shutting up the navigation of the Gulf and the
Agent at Ispahan, to tbs Court, convulsions in the country, trade in the Gulf et a stand still,
8th September 1654. so that the Agents were almost driven to the necessity of
sending the silks purchased by way of Aleppo.
Secretariat or 8urat Charles Nil ward and Antho. Death of Mr. Weals, the Company's chief in Persia, without
Inward Book No. Daniell (Chief and Council making a will. Iuventory of bis estate made.
llA of 1066- at Gombroon), to tho Chief
1701. and Council at Surat,
(6hirat), 7th November 1656.
Do. Charles Milward and Antho. Death of Thomas Revnardroo, a Factor at Bundar Abbas
Daniell, to the Chief and without making a will. Journey of the Factors from Ispahaii
Council at Surat, (Gombroon) to Gombroon. r
29th November 1656.
Do. Augustion Swallow, to the Detail, connected Reynerdson’s death end funeral, and the
Chief in Council at Surat,
(Gombroon) 29th November mSciug the frTnve ntor7° Passion of his good, and
Brace's Annals, Surat Presidency to the Court,
Volume I, page 28th January 1666—57,
in the Indies had been given by Cromwell, that »>,«
East India Company had been dissolved London
a.* mlhlntrtki.^.Th.p.rA ?
with th. Com,£r.nd me0t
privileges n«d lapsed. grants oi