Page 37 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 37
N *m• of the book or Notaro of document*
Volarne of (be or paptra. Summary. ni
Brooo’s Annals, Agent at liombroon to tho Captain Swanly despatched to tho Poraian Gulf with a (loot of
Volume I. Presidency ot Surat, 20th five ships to not against tho Portuguoso and increase trado
Pago 289 . Fobru&ry 1628—29. with Persia. Tho fleot convoyed tho Mogul Ambassador to
Persia. Trado injured by the Ambassador carrying |rds of
goods on tho fleot as presents to Shah, by which payment of
customs ut Gombroon was evaded und Company's moiety
Agonts at Gombroon and fat Tho Portuguese make vigorous attempts to revive their influoncc
Pago 302
Poraian camp boforo Bagh iu Persia and tho Golf. Two phirmaunds obtained by the
dad), to tho Court, 6th Ooto* English to bring silk from Gbilan to Ispahan, but reboilion
bor 1630 and 17th Maroh against tho new King and tho Company's goods plundered.
1630—31. Phirmaunds of Shah Abbas rendered void by his death.
Order from his suocossor for 200 soldiers to defend Gom
broon against the Portuguese, who obtaiu license to trade
to Cong, while tho English got license only to purchase 1,000
hales of silk.
Surat Factory Out Thomas Rastell, to the Company Mr. Thomas Rastell on his way out from England to Surat to
ward Letter Book (the James St. Augustine's assumo the offico of Chief of the Company there, proposes
No. 1 of 1630. Bay, Madagascar), 26th to visit the Persian Gulf and consult the Factors there.
July 1630. Measures for improving tho Company's trado in Persia in
competition with tho Dutch.
Surat Faotory Diary Thomas Rastell and Factors Instead of making Surat the last port of tho fleet's final
No. 1 of 1630. at Surat, to the Factors at “ disport" for England, thoy are determined for this year
Agra—(£uro*), 30th Septem only to alter that course by appointing Persia for their
Forrest’s Selections ber 1630. last port. The first Persiaa voyage.
from State Papers,
Pombay, Home
Series, Volumo 1,
page 1.
Surat Faotory Out Thomas Rastell and Factors Sharp ootion betwoon the English and Portuguese off Swally
ward Letter Book, at Surat to Mr. Burt and Roads. Collection of Gombroon ouetoms. Defeat of the
No. 1 of 1630. Council »’» Persia, 6th Octo Turks by the Persians. Small preparations of the Portuguese
Forrest’s 8eleotions, ber 1630. in matters of trade aud against the Company.
Home 8eries,
Volume I, page 6.
Bruce's Annals, Agont and Council at Ispahan, The Dutch oltain preponderance at the Persian Court by
Volume I, page to the Court, 6th and 10th bribes and large stock. Necessity of maintaining the Agency
374. Jane 1610. at Ispahan, which was continued pending Court’s orders.
Necessity of fixing Residency at Siraz on account of iutoose
heat at Gombroon, where great mortality among the
Company’s servants- Moiety ol customs 600 tomans, which,
if force wore employed, would increase to 6,000 tomans.
Courtou's association greatly detrimental to London East
ludian Company’s Interests.
Page 376 Factors at Basrah, to the Presi To protect trade from the Dutch and Courtens association
dency of Surat. 22nd Juno Messrs. Thurston and Pearce sent to Basrah, under Turkey,
aud 18th August 1640. where the Dutch iufluence would be counteracted. They
arrived at Cong on April 1040 and at Basrah ou 31st May
1640. License obtained from Pasha to land goods. Not
very good prospeots for Europe goods as Portuguese had
landed large quantity. Permanent faotory should be estab
lished to gain Pasha's confideuce.
Pago 383 • Chief and Council at Surat, Civil war in Turkish Arabia renders project of a factory at
to the Court, 27th January Basrah difficult. Customs at Gombroon yielded tlie
1641—1642. Comp my 7l0 tomans, though real moiety ought to be more.
The Dutoh intrigues and rivalry of Courtcn's association,
Lottars from Agent and Council aituatiou uf Gombroon faotory, irregularities there, continued
at Ispahan, to the Court, 8th burden ofmakiog presents to Shah to prooure phirmauud# on
J uqo 164). each distinct subject bad frequently made charges exceed
profits, jot the Agents determined to preserve right to
customs at Gombroon.
Page 393 , Chief and Counoil, Surat, Death of Shah Saphi in May 1641: JTe is succeeded by
17th Jauuary aud 20th March Abbas. Attempts to renew Phirmaunds (according to
1642-43. usaae) on the wholo successful, despito the Dutoh intrigues.
Dekkhan and Coromondal goods more profitably sold than
English Droduce, in the disposal of which East India Company
undersold by Persian merchants who got English goods direct
cid Alleppo.