Page 217 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 217
No. 2550, dated BeFhirc, the 21th September (received 3rd Oitobcr) 1910.
.From—Lir.i TENANT-Coixjxr.L P, Z. Cox, C.S.I., C.LE., Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf,
To—The IIo.n'dle Mr. S. II. Buti.i.r, C.S.I., C.I.E., Secretary to the Government
of India in the Foreign Department.
I have the honour to submit, for the information of the Government of
India, a copy of the Bushirc Trade Report for 1909-1010, forwarded to IIis
Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs with my covering letter
No. 7-Oomincrcial of to-day’s dale, of which I attach a copy.
No., dated Budiirc, the 21th September 1910.
From—Likcten'axt-Cot.onf.t. P. Z. Cox, C.S.I., C.I.E., British Resident in the
Persian Gulf and IIis Britannic Majesty’s Consul-General for Pars, etc.,
To—The Ricni IIon’iile Sir Edward Guky, Baronet, M.P., IIis Maj.-sly’*
Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Office, London.
I have the honour to submit the Trade Report and Statistics for the
Persian fiscal year, March *22nd 1909 to March 21st 1910, which have boon
compiled by Mr. Newton "Won-all, Consular Assistant, acting for ilis Majesty’s
Vice-Consul at present on leave.
For the same reason as existed last year, I venture to mail the Report
direct to you, but am forwarding a duplicate simultaneously to llis Majesty’s
Minister, Tekram