Page 221 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 221
for the Persian Fiscal Year 22nd March 1909 to 21st March
Grr'ral Re narks—At tho closo of the fiscal year proposes to take and whether it Is j-afe to entrust to
l?"S-09 the position of trudo whs (reported as; his care letters ’.nd parcels of a -.y value, the situa
highly nna^und : at the end of tho period umbr rc- tion b. comes almcet cjn'cal Many of these tribes
v ef the situation remains unchanged, every one of men bn-c sunk their all in the p ir h;u-e of n g<%od
t’.e factors hitherto responsible for commercial rifle and have no Mhcr rncara bat highway robbery
d<'fre;sion in Bashire and district being as active of supporting ifvem-elv.-a and their f .milieu. In
as«-Tvr: alts ough an abnndant rainfall has led to « ons«*qa« nee, for fo re months, »*., nntil tho enl of
buc.per harvests this summer which should react li‘0n, trtfllc wa« almost entirely susp-ndod, nn I for
healthily in various vraj3 ou mercantile conditions the reminder <*f the period ruvehantd and muleteers
derrg 1910-11. relied on the -.rua-anlec of a jow-rful Ka-hgai chief-
C.-oh-Tbc r-.vl question hi. again beca vo,y wbo did .-r . ..f. n*. I (« ntte
*•«.. A'ced fvatnre has been that enurs. I tbrco «.fe ,on<l, N..? i-a. a,| j.rreh) 12 mo tin no cwcrt-.n five iirM «,-,(« «hf>8'.» P •« ”>»■* coal • «» coMow te long
fo meivhac-Hzvgoing np from Bub* ire to Shiraz have i »;'V'®“,P-"1>*'7 > »<1«- By t. e summ :.-oU913 .1,.
toon in use, namely, If) vU Kaz-rnn. (if) rid Kirn- ! ? "cf "I™™ ba'! moved t . Ira an,oner qaaror^
utal, («.V> rid Jirreh .Halt Mulla-Mvan -Uvnzil- Jc Pf ,r -'noa to 'U o:,ga rni rout. *-’. ng
Jim-h), (,r) rid Jirteh (Bor zjnn Yang-f-Ram. * >fl<S»ph bra- (st,!l K-fesr 3,0 a.jerpt pure., of
Jirrrh). (r) vid Jirrvh (IJnrazjuD-Daliki-Sar-Mashad- I ™luc), an I m-rcr.:.n.l,ze wa-c mag <! <*» by rant.
Ji.T,b). It being a well tro-rn foot that a roa I ! -N°* ?* Tfhp“ • <1'0 gro^ng
c ,.s,i,o,cs a *ure soan-c cf revrnae to the chieftain,, s™c,t^ of, t-aa-po.t co-cfcabl, enbanred the
ta-r and ,-anall, Ibn.nnh nhoso territory it pasaa, c“rron‘ 2*° ”'cl1' “ ,hc fo' tabla -wdl
fperalaiioQ in ,oads became at one time a Arioua !h°w* Tbo E£jre* P,Tr" . n'Pref nt Kl».ns,P"
h pn-.znit for this gentry, every Khan beta ten <38 lbs- /'«“ Bnsbm, to Sh.,a. and a.e equivalent
ter? and bl.iraz within a radions of 70 miles dream- 10 a r,“ from £l a ,on 10 Io 2“':irt16
ingof the happy day ^hen by a regularly paid Kran*.
dou'cor or the c-xpenditare ofonelumpsnmjndi- 190V-5 avenge 80-M
tiocily f laced he might e-isarc a steady stream* of
na’eiters sttting throagh his country and peipo- 1906-07 „ 150-220-210-150
tccAly replenishing h e empty coffeis. Iutrigncs 1V07-O8 „ 1*;0-120-11’-90-HO
ibnnmcrAble took place f«>r the a*tainment of this ID'S-09 „ J 10-100-170-220
object »nd competition ran so high that if caravans 1909-10 „ 200-S50-300-310-210-2- O
■wen: induced for a time to follow a new line of
nrvrvh, the roa- gourdc of the disappointed chieftain, Matter were made still worse by a corresponding
*b»e livelihood was affected by the change, not want of security oa the . hiraz-I.-pahan s ctiou or tfier
i:Jrvqucntly crossed over to the rival track with the road. Ptcce-goocs and other raer handize for the
fielib-rt.te intention of rendering it so thoroughly named town had s -mftimes been compelled to
unsafe for all and sundry that traffic would speedily take to the Aloiammerah-Ahwaz route and, when
he diverted again to its former channel, Thi6 is in the winter the latter tecame blocked, the advis
in»en?-ting enough as a study of the manners and ability of forwarding by the ci culfous route of
customs cf the inhabitants of a lawless hill-country, B israh, Baghdad aud Kerrum-hah was even
but app.lline from the point of view of the merchant Fcriously considered and actually resorted to in a
at tome patiently striving to maintain important slight measnre. Mr«t merchants in Uie town prefer
commercial relations with this oonutry. And when the Bashire-Shiraz-l8p)ahan route if only for t»iO'
it U found necessary before using the post to enquire obvions rc-ai-on that they are able to serve mow than”4
of the official iu charge which route the courier one town at a time, ta( their Agents in Shiraz, in
nos r. a