Page 221 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 221


                                           ON THK
                 for the Persian Fiscal Year 22nd March 1909 to 21st March

           Grr'ral Re narks—At tho closo of the fiscal year  proposes to take and whether it Is j-afe to entrust to
          l?"S-09 the position of trudo whs (reported as;   his care letters ’.nd parcels of a -.y value, the situa­
          highly nna^und : at the end of tho period umbr rc-   tion b. comes almcet cjn'cal Many of these tribes­
          v ef the situation remains unchanged, every one of   men bn-c sunk their all in the p ir h;u-e of n g<%od
          t’.e factors hitherto responsible for commercial   rifle and have no Mhcr rncara bat highway robbery
          d<'fre;sion in Bashire and district being as active  of supporting ifvem-elv.-a and their f .milieu. In
          as«-Tvr: alts ough an abnndant rainfall has led to  « ons«*qa« nee, for fo re months, »*., nntil tho enl of
          buc.per harvests this summer which should react  li‘0n, trtfllc wa« almost entirely susp-ndod, nn I for
          healthily in various vraj3 ou mercantile conditions  the reminder <*f the period ruvehantd and muleteers
          derrg 1910-11.                      relied on the -.rua-anlec of a jow-rful Ka-hgai chief-
           C.-oh-Tbc r-.vl question hi. again beca vo,y   wbo   did .-r   . ..f. n*. I (« ntte
          *•«..  A'ced fvatnre has been that enurs. I tbrco   «.fe ,on<l, N..? i-a. a,| j.rreh)
 12 mo tin no cwcrt-.n five iirM  «,-,(«  «hf>8'.» P •« ”>»■* coal • «» coMow te long
          fo meivhac-Hzvgoing np from Bub* ire to Shiraz have i »;'V'®“,P-"1>*'7 > »<1«- By t. e summ :.-oU913 .1,.
          toon in  use, namely, If) vU Kaz-rnn. (if) rid  Kirn- ! ? "cf "I™™  ba'! moved t . Ira an,oner qaaror^
          utal,  («.V> rid Jirreh .Halt Mulla-Mvan -Uvnzil-  Jc Pf   ,r -'noa to 'U o:,ga rni rout. *-’. ng
          Jim-h), (,r) rid Jirteh (Bor zjnn Yang-f-Ram. * >fl<S»ph bra- (st,!l K-fesr 3,0 a.jerpt pure., of
          Jirrrh). (r) vid Jirrvh (IJnrazjuD-Daliki-Sar-Mashad- I ™luc), an I m-rcr.:.n.l,ze wa-c mag <! <*» by rant.
          Ji.T,b). It being a well tro-rn foot that a roa I ! -N°* ?* Tfhp“   •   <1'0 gro^ng
          c ,.s,i,o,cs a *ure soan-c cf revrnae to the chieftain,, s™c,t^ of, t-aa-po.t co-cfcabl, enbanred the
          ta-r and ,-anall, Ibn.nnh nhoso territory it pasaa, c“rron‘ 2*° ”'cl1'   “ ,hc fo' tabla -wdl
          fperalaiioQ in ,oads became at one time a Arioua !h°w* Tbo E£jre* P,Tr" . n'Pref nt Kl».ns,P"
          h pn-.znit for this gentry, every Khan beta ten <38 lbs- /'«“ Bnsbm, to Sh.,a. and a.e equivalent
          ter? and bl.iraz within a radions of 70 miles dream- 10 a r,“ from £l a ,on 10 Io 2“':irt16
          ingof the happy day ^hen by a regularly paid                 Kran*.
          dou'cor or the c-xpenditare ofonelumpsnmjndi-   190V-5 avenge     80-M
          tiocily f laced he might e-isarc a steady stream* of
          na’eiters sttting throagh his country and peipo-   1906-07   „  150-220-210-150
          tccAly replenishing h e empty coffeis. Iutrigncs   1V07-O8   „  1*;0-120-11’-90-HO
          ibnnmcrAble took place f«>r the a*tainment of this   ID'S-09  „  J 10-100-170-220
          object »nd competition ran so high that if caravans   1909-10   „  200-S50-300-310-210-2- O
          ■wen: induced for a time to follow a new line of
          nrvrvh, the roa- gourdc of the disappointed chieftain,  Matter were made still worse by a corresponding
          *b»e livelihood was affected by the change, not   want of security oa the . hiraz-I.-pahan s ctiou or tfier
          i:Jrvqucntly crossed over to the rival track with the  road. Ptcce-goocs and other raer handize for the
          fielib-rt.te intention of rendering it so thoroughly named town had s -mftimes been compelled to
          unsafe for all and sundry that traffic would speedily   take to the Aloiammerah-Ahwaz route and, when
          he diverted again to its former channel, Thi6 is   in the winter the latter tecame blocked, the advis­
         in»en?-ting enough as a study of the manners and   ability of forwarding by the ci culfous route of
         customs cf the inhabitants of a lawless hill-country,  B israh, Baghdad aud Kerrum-hah   was even
         but app.lline from the point of view of the merchant  Fcriously considered and actually resorted to in a
         at tome patiently striving to maintain important   slight measnre. Mr«t merchants in Uie town prefer
         commercial relations with this oonutry. And when   the Bashire-Shiraz-l8p)ahan route if only for t»iO'
         it U found necessary before using the post to enquire   obvions rc-ai-on that they are able to serve mow than”4
         of the official iu charge which route the courier  one town at a time, ta( their Agents in Shiraz, in
            nos r. a
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