Page 222 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 222


                tho event of finding no good market for nil of tho   seldom ocenrH moreover that *11 member* of ,y
                goods there, can forward tbo remainder to Ispahan   conrt bane their icasoning on ilic tame Bet of f-gure **
                or Yczd for disposal.                 each side produces its own statement ani arR_%:
                  As regards goxls brought down from Ispahan to   from that independently. Frequently, inst, ,v,l Jj**
                tho seaboard for expoit, loss of traffic rid Sh raz   prm tieal matter* of-fa:t dixcuB*ion on debit j
                has again boon tho gain of tho Lynch (Ahwax)   c-vdit. profit and loss, errors of account and fo forth
                road.                                 the c««\vrt literally degenerates into a cor.test Qf
                                                      physical cndnrnnc*. Sooner or later tho foreiKll
                  This has especially been the case with Kuch 6tnplo   plaiutifTs mnxt weary of tbo moltiplicat'ou
                articles ns opium and tobacco, both of which aro   interminable sitting**, and l>c glad to compromise
                extensively grown in the district around Ispahan.   their claim for half iho amonnt; or the president
                According to figures furnished by the department,   of this informal court will be transfened to a distant
                Customs receipts for exports from the port of   arena taking the archives with him: in tl c mean*
                Bnshiro have declined daring the past year to tho   tirao tbs assessors will have been changed and
                extent of $84,035 Krans, when ns tie duties on   Jarndyce v. Jarndyce continues its c  nrse
                Arahistan’s exjorts havo risen correspondingly   beginning all over ng.dn. Judge and jury may
                549, 772 Kraus.                       decide that £50 bo paid on account of a<ortain
                  In the summer of 1999, when the old Imperial   ciaim, but if at the next sitting the debtor objects
                road rid Kazernn was temporarily abandoned in   that he did not approve of the decision, the effect of
                favour of tbo mo c southerly one through Firuz.-vbad,   He sentence is voided or its execution indefinitely
                it was calculated that illegal exactions on various   postponed. If after years of litigation judgment is
                pretexts between Bushire and Kaztrun alone, a   given iu favour of h foreigner, the a>scsso>s of the
                distance of some 100 miles, had riscu during the   losing side need only differ no to tho exa-. t wording
                past two ycats from 3’7 to 15 Kran6 (d#.) per male.  of the sentence, or some reverend gentleman who
                  At tho mommt when the mails and caravans   has attended the last few sittings protect again*t
                bcuran to tako the newly invented route by Jirreh,   payment of the accumulated interest on the groar.d
                improper charges for road-tolls, fodder, etc, had   that usury is fo:bidden by the Reran; and ihe
                risen to some 25 Krans (mary 10 sbill ngs) per   defendant considers himself absolved from payment
                mule for the whole journey to Shiraz. In the month   of tbe order.
                of January 19lO the past wax three times robbed,   Volume'•/ Trade.—The total vaHe of impr-ri*
                all letters of any valae being retained and iho   into Hnshire is thix year 35.^54,559 Krats
                romniuder with a few excej torn up and tlirowo   (€7 17,001) as against 39,673,250 Kraus (.€793,105)
                away.  For the brief ivravindvr of the vear c m-  for the preceding year, and of exports 29.0i4.liG0
                parative security prevailed, though mails were often   KranR (£*400,892) as against 2i.029.SC0 Kraus
                delayed.                              (€432,590). In other worn*, ihcre has b^en a total
                  Outstanding commercial claim*.—When trade is   decrease in trade of £108,07$. This makes a drop
                brought to a standstill or temporarily removed to a   of £432,050, or nearly 28 per cent, on 1907-190$,
                distant sphere it would be some c nsol .tion if iJie   which was a normally healthy trade year. The
                breathing-space could be utilized for wipirg out old   iraiu reasons for this slump have already beea
                bad debts and recovering comp«-» cation for losses by   enumerated above : another great cause is the failure
                robbery. It is disappointing therefore to find that   of crops last summer which left no money for
                ont of various claims presented since the commence­  luxuries and little f« r trade of any kind.
                ment of 1903 to the Government of Fars or the   Exports to tho United Kingdom lo't xerj little
                Central Imperial Government, and amounting in the   during the past year, but imports fell from 48 to
                aggregate to some £542 sterling, one only has   2$ per cent, of the total from all s- urccs. India’*
                actaally been paid and this again not by tbe authori­  trade increased 14 per cent, for imports and 3 per
                ties but by the chief of tbe tribe committing the   cent. f<»r exports.
                crime: and even fo the claim wax apparently ouly   The fallowing table will show that this year’s
                settled as a personal favour to the Consular Officer   irnpoit figures are lower than any daring the past
                who preferied it. As regards commercial claims of   ten years, nnd that exports have only been excelled
                Briti-h firms represintcd in Busliire ou Persian   in paucity on two previous occasions, 1902 and
                bankrupts or defaulter.*, tbe amount* still unsatisfied   1903
                total some £ 19,250 and fresh instances are constantly   Imports.  Exporta.
                being recorded of friendly business relations hitherto   £        £
                existing between the two classes of fiims being   1899  916,528  529AW
                abruptly broken off after lasting without a bretik   1900  1,323,103  710,333
                for as long a period as sevt-n years, simply b.*cause   1901  1,631,478  673,649
                these relaiions had Ve* n on a credit bads whi«-h   1902  1,179,9.‘6  36«.«66
                roust inevitably break down when the above eausen   1904  889,825  454,931
                made it impossible for the Persian meichant to meet   1905  761,932  469.990
                his running obligations- The local court fir the   1906- 07  863,642  61*8,421
                hearing of commercial claims is still a business of   1907- 08   1,052,013  497.990
                making bricks without straw, there being uo   l*08-« 9   793,465  432, >16
                common law on which both parties may rely. It  1909-10  717,091  400,693
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