Page 232 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 232
Principal Exports from Bushirc during the years 1907-08, 190S-09 nod 19.09-10 classified
according to Custom-house Tariff.
Value. Weight.
1907-08. 1903-09. 1909-10. 1907-08. I 1903-99. 1909-10.
£ £ £ 1 Tons. Tone. Ton
Il-vsoa and foals . 2,332 1,117 2,1 S9 No. 233 No. 118 No. 251
WLat 4,133 860 1 791 31
Psios . . 2,3 IS 1,896 1,995 425 291 2S3
Almonds atl pistachios 29,613 19,078 44,<>50 629 410 627
Rai-iun . 2,603 1.707 2,057 190 185 123
R*:«Scwnter . 4,001 3,766 G.S04 303 2r9 342
A.«4afcetida 3,239 3,995 g.ou 45 40 C3
Other drags 6,095 3.720 6,174 741 326 392
Sp:;es 1,815 2,232 1,178 105 107 72
Cam, Tra^mnUi . 76,577 67,861 65.S92 737 C21 6S9
Oarr, Insoluble . 5,115 8,861 11.581 450 715 920
Cotton, raw 7,936 4,123 8.S5S 231 133 291
Wool, raw a id waste 3,732 10,875 5.993 113 3s2 JAi
Carets, cotton •19 l
woollen 36.777 39.070 63,913 102 1.9 203
Or;u:a 2SS,103 106,014 117,320 1 213 175 86
Skins, raw . 9.712 12.079 2«r,449 216 S31 431
TV: a< co, r.r- .nnufaotarci 24,691 13.326 11,715 1,239 C52 517
V-.'it able jibstnnc*3 ifj 713 7i6 33 Ok 60
S;«:e 31.W2 31,509 4,118