Page 228 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 228
©urn consumption and to proviso seed for tlic next Almonds.—The almond export vrna tho h:pb^st
sowing, only some 50 per cent, of the harvest known for three years, probably «>n account of short
remained over for salo. One natnrnl result of tho prodnc*ion in Scutbcrn Knrope and America, whick
success of crops was that cadi bccamo extremely created a gooJ demand
scarco in tho town, all available money bavin?
gone out in'o the country to purchase wheat and Tons.
exchange rapidly fell from 56 to 52 Krana to tho £ 1907-03 C2i
■tcrling. 198-00 •110
Opium.—Tho crop was again good, tho further 1000-10 027
decrease of S9 tons being as abive atated, due to
tho fact that sbipmenta were effected from the port Tbcro was an increase in.export to tho United
of Mohnnunc-ah. .CS7.C87 worth being exported Ningdom of 171 tons. The yield both at Ispahan
tbcnco as n_*ain$t £18,357 in 1903 09. Since tin d Shiraz was exceptionally g*.od : owing, however,
bowevrr, the Buehiro road has been more reliable, to tho high prices required by the growers and to
and, on tbo other band, robberios bavo broken out the dearness of ranlc-transport, heavy losses were
on the Ah wax road, eo that this diversion need not made by most shippers.
necessarily be looked npon ns permanent. Prices ruled at Ispahan for tho 1909 crop &«
Shiraz prices roso from 4,000 to 5.200 Krnns follows r—
(£72 15*. to C92 17*. actual exchange) pjr chest
of 1G0 cakes weighing 232 lbi. and Krana 1G5 (£2-18- At the opening of the season (Juno-Septcmher)
11) per man of 7J lbs. Ispahan price touched 6,700 Krnns IS to 19 (6s. S'/, to 7*.) per Shah man of
Krana with price iu China at 1,700 dollars, Not 36 lb«.: at its close Kran-i 21 to 24 (7*. 9J. to 8*.
long ago the prico reached 10,000 Krana and 2,0'JO 10 </.).
dollars : tbo avenge price is 4,500 Kraus. Shiraz prices were fairly steady at 13-14 Krans
China acain received considerably more of the (4s. 10/. to 5s. 3//.) r^r 7J lbs. and in Bashirs
export than tho United Kingdom, the figures | 5{'se»f krans ^ (?*- 1W-;o 0J.) per 7} 11 s.
being:— j was thr rate. Nothing i.? yet known definitely as to
I the extent ot the 1910 render. London rates were
! 95s., 92r. 6</., and 90s. per cwt.
United Kingdom. j Gum, Insoluble.—Owing to favourable prices and
Tons. T«»n». u brisk demand in London as well as in Boralay,
3906-07 93 33 the export of gum rose Btill further this year :—
1907-03 45 147
1907-03 450
190S-O9 93 G6 1903-09 745
1SC9-10 929
1909-10 53 30
Moderate profits were made locally on shipments
_ . . ,, . . _ , . in the early pa*t of the season (July 1909). Prices
Ibis might seem strange at fin* in consideration • w r3*cd high- The cheaper sorts from Kazemn
otthe fact that provision has boon ma le for the . and di~rict iwVTX)yed from 31 Kraus (11s. 6</.) to
gradual annual redactioni of the amount of opium 4Q Ki a=8 (Us.lCJ.) per 124 lbs. m sympathy with
imported into China, with a view ultimately u) its E bVa pricc9 a 12s. QJ. and 16*., and have con-
complete prohibition bat the Persian » a bora tinned stwngly on the rise since March 1910.
speculator and some fancy prices have recently been . . ... , , ...
realized, precisely for the reason that opium is The Shiraz gam is awhiter and cleaner variety
becoming scarcer in China and consumers desperate, and can be utilized m divers manufactures ot
One case came under notice in which a consignment starched material*. It is some 3 Kraus (1*.
of spoilt opium, for which in 1904 50 dollars per dearer than the other, and London prices have
chest wore offered in Hongkong, eventually realized ranged from 17*. to 21*. ox. __
900 dollar-*. The London market rose steadily in Gum, Tragacanlh.-~TbiB export ha* declined
sympathy with the Chinese, and in proportion also slightly »
with the Turkish stuff starting in March 1909 at Toot.
13*. 9f. to 14r. prices fell to 12*. In Lfay and Jnne 1906-07 873
the market was, as usnil, dull in anticipation of a .19* '7-08 737
gcol Tarkish crop and low prices, but soon improved 621
until in September sales on a forward ba-is were 1903-09
effected at 15*. : p ices fell for a time, then steadily 19CG-10 589
taking the upward course reached their highest
point at 16*. 9i. The year closed with the market The gum comes down from the Ispahan and Sbira*
in a highly unsettled and speculative condition. districts to Basliiro for export.