Page 230 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 230


                    Comparative Statement ot Imports, Bushire, nil countries, during the years rooy-oS to
                                                                Increase in Decrease in
                                                    Value.        1909-10 1VOO-IO   A j proximate percent*^
                                                                 ccio’wvtd co'jiwvil
                                                                   with   with
                                                                 190S-09.  190S-C9.
                                           1907*03.  1903*09.  1909-10.         1503-09.  1909-10.
                                             £       £      £      £       £
                    India .                 355,1 GO   291.930   3GJ.902  67,972    37     51
                    Cnitod Kingdom          672.113  377 769   203.708   171,0*51   48     £3
                    Trance                   31.010  61.473   75.S77  24. WM         6     11
                    Orman J •                19,735  24.9S3   31,133  C.130          3      4
                    TurVey                   32.870  21.215   11.113      10,102     3     2
                    Au‘t ru-Ilnngarf          3,793  6,058   0,917   859
                    I'nitcd Slates                   3.785   4,759   974
                    China                     1,630  1,^93   4,611  3,713
                    llu'.'ia                 12,304  2,062  3.751  1,0-9
                    Kuwait .                  1.7C0   233   3.671  3,312
                    Belgium •.                4.503   279   3.297  3,018
                    Tohrain „                 3.310  1.903  2.G88    7S5
                    Zanzibar •                 738    97 S  1,191    213             3      4
                    Oman .   •                 329   1,161   851            r-X)
                    l'uteh Inlies             6,>74  2,170   413           2,0-7
                    S-rjt r. r’.vni .                        225     225
                    X\a>lmt                   2,915  1,677    26           1T51  :
                    Egypt                       11            13     13
                    Other countries            55      2      12     10 ?      j
                                   Total . • 1,052,013  793,165  717,091  111,767 ;  1SS.141  100 *  ICO
                                                                  Ikvnw-e . £76,374
                    Comparative Statement of Exports, Busliire, all countries, during the years 1907-08 to
                                                                 Increase in Decrease in
                                                    Value.        lP0J-:0   19O0-1O  Appro rima.:e parcelnap?.
                                                                 compared ccxjarvd
                            Country.                               with ; with
                                                                ! I0CSu9.   3 90S-.*.
                                           1907-OS.  190S-09.  1909-10.         1SO3-09. j 1*09-10.
                                                                        '             '
                                              £      £       £ i    £      £
                    faited Kingdom          245.794   143.55S  127.064    16.434    33     32
                    India .                  S 1.007   94.851  98,3*0   3539 j      22     25
                    China                    47,191   107.714  69,266     3>.*78    25     17
                    Tarter .                 61,823   40.496  36.619       3577      9      9
                    Oe.-maur                  1.724   7,007  14,413   7,406
                    Bahrain                   '9.429   5,757  14-179                   )    7
                    Egypt                     7.933   13,214  12,5'*4       710             3
                                             14,43 *   1,154  8,585                         3
                    rnited States            16.473  3.863   7.»>5                          3
                    Trance                           1,999   5,738                     1
                    AIx*Vs*                            612   2,024                  11
                    Belgium                          10,029  1,329         fvvO
                    Aden                               664   1,095   431        I
                    Bisjia                    16X)            515    545               >*   3
                    Kuwait                    2,7-92  1,094   639           555        i
                    Oman                       634    145     307    162        I      I
                    Other ee an tries         4,853    409    410     1        J       J
                                    Total 497.990   432,596  400,892  S7A10  CS514  109    100
                                                                  Decrease . £31,7*9*
   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235