Page 266 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 266

                Total Trade of Southern Persian Ports (excluding those of Arablstnn) during the years 1907-08,
                                            1908-09 and 1909-10.
                                             ••A*' LM PORTS.

                                                                        Incroano in  Decrease ia
                                                                         1903-10,   1909-10
                            District.          1907-08.  1909-09.  1909-10.
                                                                        compared   compared
                                                                       with 1903-09. with 1903-09.
                                                  £       £        £       £        £
                Buriiire   .                   1,052,013   791.165  717.031        76,374
                R under Abbas                   397,559   326,106  372.700  46.591
                Lineal.   .                     193,6>7  331.313  106,939          27,300
               Kharak                             2.5      637     413              . 124
                Darer                            3^218    4.059   3,403              061
               Cliarbar   .                      6.906   15,157   3,138             7,019
                lien jam                            6
               Jask                              1.824    6,555                     1,707
                Bondar Df!\ra                     964     1,283             01G
       r.ik’                      165    1,256                      133
                Kish in                          12,112  16,031   1V>13             1.019
                MI nab   .                        513     1,772   1,191              031
                DSlw                               40      112      124      12
                Gvuawa                                             363      303
                                      Total    1,652,661  1,298,581  1,231,349  47,985  115,217
                                    Decrease                                  £67,233

                                             «■ B ” EXPORTS.
                                                                        Increase in  Decrease in
                            District.          1907-08.  1903-09.  1S09-10.  compared   compared
                                                                       with 1903-09. with 1908-09.

                                                  £       &        £        £       £
               Bushire   .                      497,990  433,695  400,892
               Baudar Abbas                     131,792  144,077  231,823          31,704
               Lingah   .                        80,708  92,215  118,767  87,746
                Kharak   ,                          3      172
               Dayer                             10,827  10,737
               Chaibar   .                       2*,SU    9.402
               Jask                                439              370
               Bandar Dilam                      3.428             6,818   4,063
               Bandar Big                        2,716              656
               Kish in   4                       1,616
               Mi nab                            26,979           23,717   20,574
               Dilrar                             923                      12,177
               Genawa                                              2,4*55   994
                                                                    617     617
                                      Total     766,266  704,015  817,903  163,703  38,816 j
                                     Increase                                £113,887
   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271