Page 269 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 269
No. 2018, dated Bush ire, the 8th (received lGth) October 1911.
From—Lieutenant-Colonel P. Z. Cox, C.S.I., C.I.E., Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf,
To—The Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign Department.
I have the honour to submit a copy of the Bushirc Trade Report for the year
ending March 1911 together with a copy of my coveriug letter to His Majesty's
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
A copy has been forwarded to Ilis Majesty’s Minister at Tehran.
No. 13-Commercial, dated Bushire, the 8th October 1911.
From—Lieutenant-Colonel P. Z. Cox, C.S.I., C.I.E., Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf, and Ilis Majesty’s Consul-General for Fars, etc.,
To—The Right Hon’ble Sir. Edward Grey, Bart. M.P., Ills Majesty’s Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Office, London.
I have the honour to submit to you the Trade Report for the port of Bushire
for the year March 1910 to March 1911, drawn up by my Commercial Adviser
Mr. H. G. Chick.
The Report is a most interesting one and I avail myself of the opportunity to
renew the appreciation which I have before expressed, of the zeal and industry
which Mr. Chick continues to bring to bear on his work.
The value of trade and figures of revenue are gradually sinking under the
pressure and influence of anarchy. Apart from that affliction and its diverse
consequences, there is no fresh development in the annals of Busliire commerce call
ing for special comment.
I am sending a copy to Ilis Majesty’s Minister simultaneously.
1210 V. D.