Page 271 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 271
Pac*. Paok-
JjjlroJ action— Introduction ion Id.
Geographic*] ..... 1 Transport . . 3
Historical........................................ 1 Economic development ’9
Inhabitant*..................................... Local disabilities 9
Revenue of the Province of tie Gulf Port* 2
Customs revenue fresa imports .and export* 2 IlirOF.TS. 10
Caravan routes nn.l insecurity in 1910-1011 2 Colton good*
Illegal exaction* on caravan*. . I Loaf sugar 12
Crystal fng&r
Volume of trade..................................... 1 Tea . 12
Exchange ..... 5 B<xt . 12
Credit system ..... 5
Weather: Rainfall .... 5 EXTOCTi
Public health...................................... G Wheat .... 12
Labour ...... 6 Barley .... 14
Customs administration ... G Opium .... 14
Shipping ...... 7 Gum, insoluble and tragacaolh 14
Lighterage... . . 7 Almond* .... IS