Page 275 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
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edectod to suit the pleasure of (he Ilkliani of the r Government stated officially that they were holding
giil.zni tribe, who was being paid several hundred j the Ilkhani of the K&<digni.s responsible for the sc-
p, each month by muleteers and merchants in I curity of the Kazerun route. Xo robberies occurred
jrl r that they might make sure of merchandise : on the Hush ire road after December 5th, when
pjfj.jjg safely through his tribal country. ! extraordinarily severe cold and snow made the road
_ , . , . . impassable for caravans over the passes till the end of
nr year under rejvrt upenj.J «,,h a mountainous Fo{,ruarv ,9„. Mc.m*hilc the new Governor-Gen-
Bo.-ir,..n . Daliki and Jure!, bomg fn lowed cra| cIil;■ , with „in,, Ka„ in ordcr had Hrriv(.d
O'l- ? ‘0 coriphratiom in the pol.t.enl ntiMtioii at car, Jannarv Ilis p„.„re!ls waa marked
?Lirxz, the Knshgai enicJtnin withdrew his guards ‘ with a certain amount of disturbance along the road.
1 -
frea the Jirreh route in May 1910: the post was In March 1911 hostilities in the neighbourhood of
■«« J,ttnrk:<j in r°;1<-'ci"S ,hi lclo,-rni'h road. The provcntcd ear.vans from passing for some
s««* ioa*> U'canu' 'iangerous for caravan traffic simc Tj,c Silira,..Ispa!ian ro;ld r-mained practically
ke. nd Kozcrun and no parrels lor up-country , c]oscd to raravan trJp;c Kp tiU ,he cnd of the Tear.
ac"Ptc-! l>'.,hc r:05': A\»** Beginning of June anJ dc ilc (|ll; arriva, nf ' force „[ Pcr;ian so!dier j
“"‘V™ ™uU? ' " F'ru“!;ad a"d ' 3 or I large caravaas were attached and looted in
the- Persian Government held responsible by the Februa»-v
Government f-'-r its security and compcnsa- j,
tica for goo’s robbed along it. From June to Oct- ; The amount of claims put forward by British com
ob.'.’. the poet which had continued to use the Kaz- mercial houses and traders and entered against the
route, was attacked 8 times between Hush ire and Persian Government for looted goods or denial of
Shiraz. ! justice now total about £4,950 as regards claims
filed at Bushire, and to about £9,000 as regards claims
In July 1910 the expedition of the Governor of
P,i>’_ire aga:::st the chief of Tangistan made the road • filed at Shiraz.
-jisoie for caravans in the immediate proximity of •
Biiliie. ; (2) Insecurity in Fare.
, ty October 1910 »v*nl caravan robberies had Thc statc of the province of Fars prevented anv
{*' -vc‘ °Ji 1’iriiz-: ..*1 rout-. and out of a caravan suppiics of «0o!s wire, h .cached Shiraz from being
mules kavn.2 «... October 2“tn, 200 distributed in thc waving <\Uir ts, and in
and t-.-ir o., , were c.rried oil includi:." a co tiiC bazaars b. :h in Bus! ire and Shiraz re-
*;ii: (juamr.y of Irtish cured goods Meanwhile mainct| in a Conditicn of spasmodic congestion,
road bet vten. .nraz and become even Pedlars, village dossiers and petty merchants cc-ild
- r- dangerous, owing to constant robberies, and not circulate freely. Thc important sub-districts
t.r.vjns teas.:-.! to circ uate except at intervals. Ten of Lar, Fasa, Kuzenin and Bcbbc-Lan were the scenes
r.:Vries of :l;e post were reported between August of considerable fighting and plundering. The Gov
no October, when a postal route to Ispahan rid ernor-General of Far? was twice changed in the period
Ai-;z was opened, and letters between Busliirc and
, . . .
, . .. after failures to deal successfully with the pcli’ical
K’n>1f *unc ^ccn despatched via situation; and increased loss of control and ceutral-
.-lad ar.-i hermanshah. jring power in the province reacted most unfavour-
The tribesmen on their autumn migration down- ■: ably on tTade.
tcr.:.lry were particularly severe on the British Tele- :{ _ . , , , x x , ,
rr.jih Lines, destrovinu and robhins freely. Over a ' °^,er band the route to .lohammerah and
lest section. 75%' of'the insulators were reported ■ r,a ^bwa* to Ispahan lu.s not made good the
ukeii, 20% stalks broken, and W0 stavs cut; tvircs decrease in forwardings «« Bushire, and owing to
strewn on thc croundor carricxl a wav. In the congestion, insufficient supply of transport and the
riunof the Kazerur. the Inspector found PartlJil closure dui mg the severe winter weather a
t- t a single insulator and stalk left, and one-third of f «v7 accumulation of stocks at Ahwaz occurred by
tic wire carried away. March 1911, and goods were ex*pc-nencing excessive
_ .... , , ! delay in reaching destination. Whereas in a parti-
There was no iinmcdiatc improvement after the cu!.irlj bad year like 1509-10, 4.1S7 bales arrived at
w?; °ftbe Note to Persia on October 14th, ; Ispahan over thc Ahwaz road, in 1910-11 ordv 152
D.(l In November there was a movement bv mer- ;l morc ba]e3 rcachc<i Ispahan : in the last 4 months
ttiLts resulting in caravans returning to the Kazerun j| very few indeed.
r^ute, for the Firuzabad route becomes impassable
thez the rains. The first caravan to pass consisting A continuation of unfavourable conditions on the
CS3 mules was robbed, 184 loads and 2G0 mules two main trade routes to Ispahan—which is one of the
burg carried off. Between October and December most important commercial centres of Persia—had
Merchants forwarded only at great risk. In Deccm- a particularly bad effect on business in cotton gooda
W letters were taldng 20 days to and from -Shiraz, from Manchester, and the quantity entering the
i^ead of 6 days. On December 30th the Persian country as compared with previous years.